The Witcher 2 - Thread

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Just finished my 2nd playthrough, this time taking Roche's Path, and was wondering about something. At the end of Ch.2 you have the option of helping Iorveth & Co, after which he basically says Saskia is dead and hope is lost... Yet the Dragon (Saskia, right?) still appears at the end of Ch.3. What's up with that?

Might've missed out on the info somehow, but otherwise perhaps we're to assume Philippa made everyone think their Queen-to-be was dead, so the Dragon would be at the Lodge's command free and clear of any relatively petty responsibility to Vergen, tho that spell would have to be damn-effective to make Saskia betray them.. However, she said the mages wanted Upper Aedirn to be free of Henselt, and taking Saskia away obviously allowed the opposite...but, again, after the King slayings and all (they only wanted Demavend dead, not the others) maybe it was then decided that having such a powerful beast, partly for bargaining/protection at Loc Muinne of course, was far more important.

Anyway, really great game overall, think I might have another go already :)

The third game will be an instant buy, barring coma/death/severe consolitis :p


My understanding of that particular part was by saving Triss it would appear Phillipa actually had control of the Dragon, well that was indeed what I seemed to pick up from that part of the game, may have gotten it wrong. Hence the decision when defeating it at top the tower to either Slay(release it from Philipa's control) or to show mercy...

Just finished my FIRST playthrough and it all ended oh too suddenly for me, the third game I hope will take into consideration save games from the Witcher 2 because I totally deliberated some decisions all the way through.

I think I'll enjoy my Second play through more, will take the Ilorveth path this time, and now knowing the general combat mechanics a lot better I will not find the game as much of a grind as previous. Only picked up a Silver Sword in Act 2 so you'll probably know my pain from the Forest in Act 1 :eek:

Thoroughly enjoyed this though, certainly my Game of the Year so far :)
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Do you need to have played the first one to get the second?

Not at all mate, I started the First game and didn't really enjoy the controls, 2nd game however is a completely different kettle of fish :)

I would certainly pick it up, there is a prologue at the beginning which sets the scene perfectly for the start of the 2nd game and a bit of backstory throughout.
If you've got the latest model R3 probably yes, R2 maybe on med/low spec, my R1 definitely wouldnt handle it.

I bought it, and it works really well on my R1, even with some settings set on medium, AA on, shadows, ETC. chugs a little in the large battles, but im very surprised, great little machine the M11X:)
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I loaded the game on my new hard drive with win764 & spanky new monitor it ran like a dog altho the game selected high settings. I messed around & tried low settings & it still ran like a dog. Admittedly my system is somewhat outdated but it runs Metro 2033 & other new games pretty well on high settings .
After giving up I loaded it on my other drive with XP32 & it also selected high but it runs smooth as anything even tho it's only recognises half of my 6gig of ram. Same Nvidia's latest driver as well.
Something weird here & need to investigate win7 install I think :confused: as it won't work in 3D on XP as there is no driver support
I loaded the game on my new hard drive with win764 & spanky new monitor it ran like a dog altho the game selected high settings. I messed around & tried low settings & it still ran like a dog. Admittedly my system is somewhat outdated but it runs Metro 2033 & other new games pretty well on high settings .
After giving up I loaded it on my other drive with XP32 & it also selected high but it runs smooth as anything even tho it's only recognises half of my 6gig of ram. Same Nvidia's latest driver as well.
Something weird here & need to investigate win7 install I think :confused: as it won't work in 3D on XP as there is no driver support

Turn off ubersampling. Try toggling SSAO and depth of field too.
Turn off ubersampling. Try toggling SSAO and depth of field too.

I have tried it on all low settings to no avail, other games installed on the new drive inc Metro2033 & Crysis2 & Just cause2 all run fine with high settings+ so I can't fathom this one out other than on XP it's still running DX9 as far as Witcher2 is concerned :confused:
I just got this but I havent played the 1st one

Should I?

DO i need too?

2nd is better game though?

1. Absolutely - it's a brilliant game and will provide you with a lot of the back story and lore.
2. No
3. Subjective. They're both good storywise. Combat is more action-adventure in the second game (compared to timely clicks in the first), which some may prefer (depends what kind of games you play, I guess). Graphics are several times better in the second game, though.
1. Absolutely - it's a brilliant game and will provide you with a lot of the back story and lore.
2. No
3. Subjective. They're both good storywise. Combat is more action-adventure in the second game (compared to timely clicks in the first), which some may prefer (depends what kind of games you play, I guess). Graphics are several times better in the second game, though.

I dont like click fighting thats what put me of DA1. But I liked DA2...well I only played a bit.

But I defo like the feel of real combat if you know what I mean.

Thats why I not so keen to play 1st.

ALso I even hate combat in oblivion I think it is shcokngly poor so thats why I stopped playing that even though I like the game and the world.
I'm enjoying the game & it's running fine on win XP, the sword fighting is better than average & I rarely die but fist fighting in the set pieces such as the jail & hanging gallows is stupidly annoying. Quick split second flashes of which keys to hit & it's supposed to go in slomo whilst you press the button but before I can press the keys I get whalloped as the normal fight keys are deactivated & I rapidly die. Am I missing something here to make it easier ?
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