depend on which route you take, i believe the roche route is longer due to it has more quest to do.
How do you tell how long you've been playing it?
I can't remember there being anything to tell, is it in the save/load screen?
^ first playthrough for me took 22 hours, doing evrything
I can tell because I play about 4 hours a day for 6 days straight now.
BTW you finished the whole game in 22 hours? That is insane. I guess you didn't explore everything/talk to everyone/do every quest like I do.
-Prologue. Nice start, sets the scene well. Enjoying it.
-Chapter 1. WOW! this is amazing. I could explore this place forever. What a game!!
-Chapter 2(Roche's path for first playthrough). OK, still enjoying it, a bit of a letdown but i'm sure it will pick up again in the next chapter when we get to the next town
^^ Chapter 2 does pick up A LOT towards the end. There is a lot more to it than you think (Roche path anyway).
It really is a shame how short Chapter 3 is though.
Anyways, finished this last night and I must say what an excellent game it is. Won't spoil it for anyone here, but some of the decisions along the way were really difficult to make.
Will hopefully get around to the ioverth path eventually.
The only thing I didn't like was how much of a cake walk the game becomes one you get to Chapter 2 - you go from barely surviving to barely (if ever) dieing.
Can't wait for The Witcher 3!!!
That was easy, I had help there (dethmold sent few soldiers to help out).
They all climbed down the ladder under Whisling Wendies floor?