The Witcher 2 - Thread

as other have mention you need to get your i7 off stock speed this games need a cpu @ 3.0ghz or higher to run smoothly on the cpu end of it.
well i currently playing the game again as i complete the game on hard on roche path on 17th june start the game on insane got to the end of chapter 1 on iorveth path but died trying to save some elf in a buning building. so took at break as you got start a fresh on insane mode as eariler saves are lockout.
How do you tell how long you've been playing it?

I can't remember there being anything to tell, is it in the save/load screen?

^ first playthrough for me took 22 hours, doing evrything

I can tell because I play about 4 hours a day for 6 days straight now.

BTW you finished the whole game in 22 hours? That is insane. I guess you didn't explore everything/talk to everyone/do every quest like I do.
I can tell because I play about 4 hours a day for 6 days straight now.

BTW you finished the whole game in 22 hours? That is insane. I guess you didn't explore everything/talk to everyone/do every quest like I do.

I did every side quest, but did get bored in chapter 2 where i would say that neither environment is particualrly great, so i just started rushing it a bit.

I spent a hell of a lot more time on chapter 1 than the others. i basically played the game like this

-Prologue. Nice start, sets the scene well. Enjoying it.
-Chapter 1. WOW! this is amazing. I could explore this place forever. What a game!!
-Chapter 2(Roche's path for first playthrough). OK, still enjoying it, a bit of a letdown but i'm sure it will pick up again in the next chapter when we get to the next town:)
- Chapter 3. Ok there's not much to explore here, or many NPC's to talk to. I wonder when i will reach the next town?

- The word epilogue flashes on teh screen. WTF:confused: Is that it?

As i said, i did enjoy the game, but overall i have to say i was slightly disappointed with it. A rating of 8/10 seems about right for it tbh.
Well my first playthrough was with Iorveth, Vergen and area around it took me easily another 20 hours. All quests, talking with everyone, readin journal fully etc
-Prologue. Nice start, sets the scene well. Enjoying it.
-Chapter 1. WOW! this is amazing. I could explore this place forever. What a game!!
-Chapter 2(Roche's path for first playthrough). OK, still enjoying it, a bit of a letdown but i'm sure it will pick up again in the next chapter when we get to the next town:)

lol im on chapter 2 adn agree exaclty I chose ioverth path but still after prologue and act 1 the game is no way near as good or exicting.

The prologue+act 1 is up there with the best experience video gaming I have ever had.
^^ Chapter 2 does pick up A LOT towards the end. There is a lot more to it than you think (Roche path anyway).

It really is a shame how short Chapter 3 is though.

Anyways, finished this last night and I must say what an excellent game it is. Won't spoil it for anyone here, but some of the decisions along the way were really difficult to make.

Will hopefully get around to the ioverth path eventually.

The only thing I didn't like was how much of a cake walk the game becomes one you get to Chapter 2 - you go from barely surviving to barely (if ever) dieing.

Can't wait for The Witcher 3!!!
^^ Chapter 2 does pick up A LOT towards the end. There is a lot more to it than you think (Roche path anyway).

It really is a shame how short Chapter 3 is though.

Anyways, finished this last night and I must say what an excellent game it is. Won't spoil it for anyone here, but some of the decisions along the way were really difficult to make.

Will hopefully get around to the ioverth path eventually.

The only thing I didn't like was how much of a cake walk the game becomes one you get to Chapter 2 - you go from barely surviving to barely (if ever) dieing.

Can't wait for The Witcher 3!!!

well up to end off act 1 I had to play on easy I was dieng in combat a lot now its far too easy. I think I may bump up to normal now
The OST released with the game is not complete and is missing some utterly beautiful tracks.

Luckily some good guy from GOG forums extracted the music and compiled it into beautiful package:

It has tags and everything.

Just listen to song "Blue Mountains" beautiful. Seriously, everything about this game is 100%.
The hardest fight so far for me is the bit with the square coins, the brothel & the hidden dungeon, altho you eventually get the armour when you kill the bloke & his 5 henchmen I had a heck of a job & died over & over as they all attack at once :eek:

Thanks, downloading now. Truly excellent that so much came with the standard boxed version, free DLC in the patches, the modding community and such :)
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They all climbed down the ladder under Whisling Wendies floor?

They probably went through backdoor. When I came there, I talked with that guy in Seltkirk's armor, then he attacked me, and those friendlies were already there helping me. I talked with Dethmold few hours before and he specifically told me he will give me backup.
Does this game scale with cpu power?

When I run the auto detect settings utility, your notice, it shows you available cpu cores and ram memory....

Auto detect puts settings on High with my [email protected], 5870 and 4gb ram.

I put it on ultra with uber off, and the game is indeed very playable, but every now and then it does feel like the motion blur is not that fluid....

Will I knotice big difference between high and ultra?

Would have a better cpu make anydifference in this game even tho Im still using my 5870?
Finally getting round to playing Withcer 2 once I've come off holiday; have just finished replaying Witcher 1 so I have a decent save to import.

Anyone else in here here using crossfire 5770's/similar?
Would be good to know roughly what settings you found offered the best mix of performance/looks. The auto-detect instantly calls my machine low spec, which seems a little unfair :D
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