Anyone got any tips for the combat?
I can't get used to it and i'm not too sure whether it's just a terrible console port or i'm doing something wrong.
Herp derp, I can't play hard games; consoles spoiled me, bad console port!
Anyone got any tips for the combat?
I can't get used to it and i'm not too sure whether it's just a terrible console port or i'm doing something wrong.
Why is this game so demanding? Running it on low and I can't get more than 30FPS, whereas I can run Skyrim on medium-high and get 50-60FPS... Skyrim looks a lot better visually than this game I think. :S
On maximum The Witcher 2 looks better than most games out there.
Witcher 2 was released on the PC a year before it went anywhere near a console. only complaint i never had enough orens lol
Try playing on Dark difficulty then and get the 3 unique armour/weapons sets.
One of the schematics is over 3000 orens alone.
Love the game, finished 3 times now. Although I'm happy with final ending, despite wanting another play through with Roche on Dark.
I didn’t release whilst I was playing that doing a certain quest would mean you’d follow a certain path, which I didn’t know the game split off, seems there is way more paths to this game then I realised..
That’s actually quite good, means on my second play through I’ll follow another path..
yeah I did Dark with Roche and never had over 2700 orens lol
I felt the game was /is a little demanding on hardware considering its ‘not’ hugely that much different in looks to Skyrim at first glance, its only when you look real close can you see just how detailed it actually is..
your joking right? you cant compare the graphical quality of the witcher 2 to skyrims merky textures and rough lighting techniques.