The Witcher 2 - Thread

Do you have to meditate to use a potion or is that just an option? Found it frustratign wlaking around trying to find a place where it would let me do it.

And how do you use these mutagens?

I think you only have to meditate to get rid of potion sickness. This is just conjecture because I've played the first though. :p

Regarding mutagens: is there a journal entry for it?
Is there anyone else here who's jealous of everyone here playing the Witcher 2 but won't play the game until they finish the Witcher 1?

I'm almost crying now :(
Just had a quick go at the prologue but back to revision :(, Graphics are pretty damn good to say the least.

1680x1050 all Ultra (+ Far LOD distance,Very Large Texture memory and 16xAF forced in NVCP) uber sampling disabled. Getting between 40-60 FPS in the screenshots below on my GTX 470@800. Hopefully that's indicative of the rest of the game.

Is there anyone else here who's jealous of everyone here playing the Witcher 2 but won't play the game until they finish the Witcher 1?

I'm almost crying now :(

I have finished TW1 before but I am going through it again to have a save import ready (lost my previous one). Have exams atm so haven't been able to finish it but needed to have a quick go on TW2.
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man, this game just keeps getting more epic by the minute. Totally blown away by the production value. The voice acting and story telling is immense.

Fidning combat abit easier now. The way to go is to use Quen then aard to push enemies away so you can fight 1 on 1. Thats what is working for me.
Anyone downloaded the English voice over DLC - what is it and why would I need it, I'm already getting conversations spoken in English.

Has anyone reported problems about the game causing systems to hang when reading the journal?

It does it every single time I try to read it :(

My FPS is also pretty laughably considering the card I have, but that I could live with. Any ideas what could be causing the hanging?

i7 920 @ 3.8
6GB DDR3 @ 1600 8-8-8-24
HD5970 stock
Win7 64
Retail boxed copy.

I went into town to buy it at 9am yesterday and I couldn't even play it.
I ended up going down a difficulty level, its a joke, one level is a case of people on your sides getting hits in easily and it taking off so much of your health, on the level below those guys are barely hurting you so it becomes a complete non issue. But not combat is so painfully easy.

I freaking hate how the finishers feel like video rather than in game motion because it feels, well just wrong, it makes the combat feel insanely disjointed. The powers are (ok only so far) far more boring than the first game, they take a silly amount of time to use rather than being instant and combat is hit soft, or hard.

THe first game at the least started off with far more varied combat and the styles worked really well in giving a realistic solution to being surrounded. This game has increased the amount of fights against groups but made your ability to hit more than one person non existant while they can hit you from any angle.

Honestly, every single thing so far screams "pc exclusive, at least till they release it on Xbox in 3 months" . The intergration of extensive control pad control, the fact that its not an option but the MAIN controls are also designed around the concept, the odd placement of speech options, the tapping buttons fast to do things like use the ballista. The regening health, the UI/inventory/journal.

Meh, it won't even matter if I'm wrong or right, they've designed the interface to be used best on a controller, from the locking on target, to the press a button to bring up weapon/spell options. Its the same design principles regardless.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the graphics are that amazing?

To me it's the models... they seem a bit... plain. This is with everything on highest
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Meh, it won't even matter if I'm wrong or right, they've designed the interface to be used best on a controller, from the locking on target, to the press a button to bring up weapon/spell options. Its the same design principles regardless.

I agree - the entire UI and combat system has been designed with a controller in mind. It doesn't feel like a PC game, more like a good multiplatform game.

They dropped the ball on a number of things they absolutely must get right for a PC game, including control rebinding, 16:10 support and user interface.

It's ironic because the one thing they really should have learned from console games is to make the first part of the game very hand-holdy, but the difficulty is insane in the first few levels.

It's still a good game though, just not as much of a reference PC game as I hoped it would be.
No I agree, the graphics are pretty good but certainly no Crysis beater. And the hair textures!? The source engine is prehistoric now, yet it still renders human hair better.
I ended up going down a difficulty level, its a joke, one level is a case of people on your sides getting hits in easily and it taking off so much of your health, on the level below those guys are barely hurting you so it becomes a complete non issue. But not combat is so painfully easy.

I freaking hate how the finishers feel like video rather than in game motion because it feels, well just wrong, it makes the combat feel insanely disjointed. The powers are (ok only so far) far more boring than the first game, they take a silly amount of time to use rather than being instant and combat is hit soft, or hard.

THe first game at the least started off with far more varied combat and the styles worked really well in giving a realistic solution to being surrounded. This game has increased the amount of fights against groups but made your ability to hit more than one person non existant while they can hit you from any angle.

Honestly, every single thing so far screams "pc exclusive, at least till they release it on Xbox in 3 months" . The intergration of extensive control pad control, the fact that its not an option but the MAIN controls are also designed around the concept, the odd placement of speech options, the tapping buttons fast to do things like use the ballista. The regening health, the UI/inventory/journal.

Meh, it won't even matter if I'm wrong or right, they've designed the interface to be used best on a controller, from the locking on target, to the press a button to bring up weapon/spell options. Its the same design principles regardless.

The combat's fine, stop being bad? As for being designed for a controller than that's rubbish, feels perfect on mouse and keyboard.
The combat's fine, stop being bad? As for being designed for a controller than that's rubbish, feels perfect on mouse and keyboard.

Agree with you there, aside from quite often glitching out if I press parry too soon after attacking and Geralt just stands there. Then I have to mash E until he decides that being made into Witcherwurst is not actually a good idea -.-, the controls are fine.

Seriously, what does it matter where the conversation window is? I personally was getting tired of it always being at the bottom in every rpg so was pleasantly surprised to see it up on the right.
Hmmm from the short playtime I had, I'd have to say the combat is an improvement on the first. Felt far more interactive than the "Switch to appropriate style whilst mashing the LMB" combat from TW1. TW1 was a great game but combat was probably its weakest aspect, it needed a change.
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