The Witcher 2 - Thread

Just broken out of the prison. Excellent so far. The graphics, cut scenes and voice acting are quality. I'm starting to get the hang of combat now, especially as I'm varying the signs during the battle. The secret is not to rush in and button mash ;-p
Argh, my copy still hasn't turned up and it was shipped on Friday! Lazy damn Royal Mail.. Could have done with something good happening to me this week and having a new game to play!
Rockpapershotgun have made some notes before they release the review. one of them says:

May help some people who have had a problem with combat feel a little better if you can stick with it. :)

It's true, the first few points you spend on talent can go towards Geralt becoming better at parry, to the point where he can parry blows from all angles. This eliminates the problems drunkenmaster (who, I have to say rarely writes anything positive about anything :p) currently has.

This is also no different to TW1 which was exactly the same. The combat, just as in TW1 takes some time to get used to and not surprisingly had the same comments from people when it was first released too!
Combat is fine once you get used to it.

The tutorial (if you can call it that) isn't that great and I suspect a lot of people, myself included, have been spoilt by most recent games providing a very slow-paced, hand-holding tutorial.

I was really struggling near the beginning, then went into my Journal and read all the tutorial tips, starting trying out some new tactics with different Signs (you have access to all from the beginning) and from then it's not been too bad.

I also got tripped up (again from not reading the manual) that parry requires one yellow bar of energy (the same ones that get used for your signs). I think this is causing a lot of people to continuously tap E and run out of energy then think there's some unresponsiveness to it.

The combat reminds me a bit of Arkham Asylum except a bit more tactical. Runs perfectly on high settings with my GTX 260.
Might be worth printing the manual off as you really need to read it, it helps as the tutorial is a bit basic.

I have tried the controller but much prefer the mouse.

I am playing on Normal and if it gets too hard I will drop the level.

One thing i like about the combat as you keep the cross on the person you wish to attack but if you start getting closed in you can aim at someone further away and he will jump attack over to them keeping you away from getting hit but still getting in a hit. With 2 attackers I even jump back and forth between the 2 allowing hits on both at a distance without getting hit.

One thing I found is really keeping an eye on your mouse target and putting on the best person to attack, it seems most people want to rush in swinging away, glug a few potions and kill everything ala DA2. This game is just not like that neither was number 1.

I like the fact that you go head to head against 1 person with 2 behind you the 2 behind you will try and kick your arse rather than they all stand around waiting for you to take them out 1v1, then you might as well only have 1 enemy at a time.

To me it seems we have 1 person really bitching about the game(he really needs to read the manual and play on easy level) as a whole with a couple unsure of the combat most people seem really happy with the game. Realy I am glad it's not another ME2, DA2, DMC4 and so on ,but has more to it than that.

9/10 for me so far.
DLC - I've downloaded my free finisher pack, but have an icon on the Witcher 2 Launcher saying "Finisher Pack is ready to be installed". How do I install it? Or is it already installed?
That's what I've been raging about :D. If you press too soon after attacking or staggering, Geralt seems to just freeze for a while. However, if you keep E pressed, he can't move so I guess that there is a bug somewhere in the code that allows some of the parry code to be executed (standing still like a muppet), without the actual parry happening if you get what I mean.

Oh :D:D
How does this run compared to the first game? My system really struggled with the first game but maybe they optimized the second one much better?

Sort of how Crysis 2 runs and looks so much better than Crysis 1... is this the same case for Witcher 2?
Second game it looks incredible but for me it runs far worse at times, but that's my gtx 260 overclocked to blame. It loves both gpu and cpu
Emm i have a problem, just finished installing and started the game and yet im getting this

Tried switching off ubersampling, AA cinematic depth of field but still getting this.
Anyone else having trouble getting DLC?
I registered and decided to grab the free Troll Trouble DLC but all i get is Connection Error: Retrying in 10 seconds...
Been like that for a couple of hours now.

As for combat, i took the parry an attack from any direction talent and that's helped loads. Also use the Yrden sign and lure enemies into the trap.
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