The Witcher 2 - Thread

Rockpapershotgun have made some notes before they release the review. one of them says:

It’s a bit weird that it gets much easier as it goes on. The middle and end of Chapter 2 are far, far easier than the opening couple of hours, precisely because Geralt has developed in to such a badass by that point. I’d advise anyone who has just started playing to grit their teeth and carry on. The first few hours are a bit of a struggle, but it’s gets so much better.

May help some people who have had a problem with combat feel a little better if you can stick with it. :)
Yay Witcher 2 just got delivered \o/ Busy installing it now, so should get to play in the next 3 hours :p Just looking at all the box stuff now, they really is a steal for £24 with the amount of stuff you get in the premium edition.
I ended up going down a difficulty level, its a joke, one level is a case of people on your sides getting hits in easily and it taking off so much of your health, on the level below those guys are barely hurting you so it becomes a complete non issue. But not combat is so painfully easy.

I freaking hate how the finishers feel like video rather than in game motion because it feels, well just wrong, it makes the combat feel insanely disjointed. The powers are (ok only so far) far more boring than the first game, they take a silly amount of time to use rather than being instant and combat is hit soft, or hard.

THe first game at the least started off with far more varied combat and the styles worked really well in giving a realistic solution to being surrounded. This game has increased the amount of fights against groups but made your ability to hit more than one person non existant while they can hit you from any angle.

Honestly, every single thing so far screams "pc exclusive, at least till they release it on Xbox in 3 months" . The intergration of extensive control pad control, the fact that its not an option but the MAIN controls are also designed around the concept, the odd placement of speech options, the tapping buttons fast to do things like use the ballista. The regening health, the UI/inventory/journal.

Meh, it won't even matter if I'm wrong or right, they've designed the interface to be used best on a controller, from the locking on target, to the press a button to bring up weapon/spell options. Its the same design principles regardless.

I am not too sure about the controller based organisation as I don't believe the weirdly placed speech options (I mean, WTF?) are for that. The inventory, for example, would be an issue. The combat does seem that way inclined, but so was the first.

The movement would really benefit form a pad, though. I have not tried it as I do not have one, but the mouse controls can feel strange at best.

I wouldn't say it was better or worse than the first, just different. You have a single character, you fight lots. What has irritated me is the lack of tutorial or its ****-poor implementation. I have a *.PDF manual that i must refer to but doing that mid-game is naff. I cannot seem to neck a potion mid-fight so must predict a big ruck and pre-drink a potion. Great. I also have had a couple of "locked in an area until you defeat a gang then the door magically unlocks" encouters. Oh, and a spectacularly bad QT scene where a dragon's head was racing towards me. Reminded me of Dragon's Lair. :p

However, I enjoyed playing it. It does have a certain charm to it. It is not ground-breaking, it has many irritating features but it does seem to have a good story.
Why is it sometimes that pressing E to parry doesn't do anything or the response time is extremely poor?

That's what I've been raging about :D. If you press too soon after attacking or staggering, Geralt seems to just freeze for a while. However, if you keep E pressed, he can't move so I guess that there is a bug somewhere in the code that allows some of the parry code to be executed (standing still like a muppet), without the actual parry happening if you get what I mean.

I am having a problem with this game. I have been playing it fine until about an hour ago.
I shutdown the game. I turned it back on again 20 mins later to find that nothing is coming out of my centre speaker, therefore i cant hear any dialogue. All the other speakers are fine.
This is the only game this is happening to. I have also shutdown and restarted my system but didnt work.

Any ideas?

Got my collectors edition this morning, impressed with what you get and the couple of minutes i've played makes me think this will be a stunning game.
About the parry system. Theres a meter for it.


Quick question: When playing with an Xbox 360 pad do the QTE icons change to represent the pad buttons?

That's what I've been raging about :D. If you press too soon after attacking or staggering, Geralt seems to just freeze for a while. However, if you keep E pressed, he can't move so I guess that there is a bug somewhere in the code that allows some of the parry code to be executed (standing still like a muppet), without the actual parry happening if you get what I mean.

Same here, it's my biggest issue. Same with after casting signs or sword swings, if you try to move too quickly he just locks up until you press the key again. Totally buggy.
Damn I thought this was going to be the first RPG I'd played for a long time (Baldurs Gate anyone!)

But reading this thread has put me off ! The combat system (which must be a big part of the game) just sounds naff :(
Damn I thought this was going to be the first RPG I'd played for a long time (Baldurs Gate anyone!)

But reading this thread has put me off ! The combat system (which must be a big part of the game) just sounds naff :(

It really isn't that bad in my opinion. A few minor issues but it's still fun.
Damn I thought this was going to be the first RPG I'd played for a long time (Baldurs Gate anyone!)

But reading this thread has put me off ! The combat system (which must be a big part of the game) just sounds naff :(

The combat is fine, if you had played The Witcher 1 you would know combat was never a strong point. Honestly it's an improvement over the first.
But reading this thread has put me off

Dont be! I'm not happy about the combat but I'm still playing it as are a lot of people. This game is definitely set to become one of my most replayed right along with diablo and BG2 (haven't played BG, only 2), despite the imperfections!
You have to treat it like a dice rolling system and not a strictly real-time combat system I believe. Again - judging by the first.

Damn I wish my wages were coming in this week not two weeks away. :(
Bah! trying to download the finisher pack DLC that I got with my pre-order but it's just failing to connect and constantly saying "Connection error. Retrying in 10 seconds." :/
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