Btw anybody else order from Play?..I was wondering where is the DLC content for the magical suit if you order from Play or is that in the Troll Trouble DLC?
I think we should get a code from play, but if its like the last time i preordered something they never sent me my code ( GT 5) even after me e-mailing them 3-4 times asking for it
I think we should get a code from play, but if its like the last time i preordered something they never sent me my code ( GT 5) even after me e-mailing them 3-4 times asking for it
Did they even playtest this?
I'm now stuck in a boss battle (It saves before the battle starts) and I can't take the fricking potion
I've done this battle 5 times now, twice it's instakilled me. One hit from it's tentacle takes off over 1/3 your health....on easy.
I enter my cd key into the activation popup and it disappears? What's up with that? Their official site FAQ doesn't say much. Anyone else have this issue?
Na it failed, load it up and try it again until it stays static and activates.