The Witcher 2 - Thread

Just done the tutorial and i have to say im pretty impressed. First of all the game does seem a little hard combat wise. But after dieing quite a few times (infact ive never died this much in any tutorial) i got the hang of it.
The game runs pretty well ive got it on high settings. But i can only play it on window mode as it seems to have a problem with hi res monitors (2560x1440) but im sure thats gonna be sorted in the next patch. Ive decided to wait until they sort that problem as it does break the immersion slightly. And this game deserves to be played in full screen so im sure i can wait.

I managed to get the perfectionist achievement (kill 10 enemies in a row without losing health) in the tutorial so i couldnt of done that bad :)
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I had an issue with sound, or rather the lack of it, changing the sound from 7.1 to 5.1 sorted it out. I've just tried running around the first scene (outside the tent) and getting a constant high 40's with 3D vision enabled and this spec:


Does that sound about right? Is the first scene on par for how the rest of the game performs? I have to say it looks jaw dropping in 3D! :D

I manage to get English sound/text packs installed but not able to download Troll Trouble DLC today,(I have registered btw which went fine).

I don't want to start the game without all my DLC installed.

Btw anybody else order from Play?..I was wondering where is the DLC content for the magical suit if you order from Play or is that in the Troll Trouble DLC?

I have the Premium version.
Btw anybody else order from Play?..I was wondering where is the DLC content for the magical suit if you order from Play or is that in the Troll Trouble DLC?

LOL play.

The codes are meant to be sent to you by email. You will have to ring them up about 10 times to get it.
I think we should get a code from play, but if its like the last time i preordered something they never sent me my code ( GT 5) even after me e-mailing them 3-4 times asking for it
I am a bit stuck and have missed the obvious again :), i am still at the port and want to do all the side quests before i move on, blowing up those cave entrances in the forest. When you walk upto it it say left click to throw a bomb in :confused:. I got 3 different types of bombs on me but they wont work

What do i need to use or can i buy them somewhere, any help would be great ;);)
I think we should get a code from play, but if its like the last time i preordered something they never sent me my code ( GT 5) even after me e-mailing them 3-4 times asking for it

In case you missed it on the last page, how did you sort your graphics glitch?
I think we should get a code from play, but if its like the last time i preordered something they never sent me my code ( GT 5) even after me e-mailing them 3-4 times asking for it

Well I emailed them,not like we can get any DLC from their servers at the moment lol.....hopefully they'll get the servers sorted in the next few days.
Sooooo fustrating! The OCD in me won't let me start a new game until both dlc is downloaded. But by the looks of the things the servers are still broken. Despite their last community update saying all was fixed :( meh
Did they even playtest this?

I'm now stuck in a boss battle (It saves before the battle starts) and I can't take the fricking potion :mad:

I've done this battle 5 times now, twice it's instakilled me. One hit from it's tentacle takes off over 1/3 your health....on easy.

Same happened to me, I forgot to take the potion, but you really don't need it if you stay out of the way of the Kayans poison. Just roll around plenty and use the Yrden sign to trap its tentacles :)
I enter my cd key into the activation popup and it disappears? What's up with that? Their official site FAQ doesn't say much. Anyone else have this issue?
Well the girlfriend has decided to start a new game without the DLC.

Two annoying points, the user.ini file is in program files and isn't liked to a user account, so when I want to play I will have to edit the config file to take inverted mouse off. Or I might use the game pad as she thinks she will be happy using mouse and keyboard.


Then we loaded the game and started it, got to as far as the prison scene and talking to the guy about him going to torture us and then it kind of crashed to the main menu. I think this is due to the problems with the Witcher 2 servers disconnecting and reconnecting constantly.

She is loading it back up, so hopefully it will go past that scene.

I won't get to play it until friday afternoon when she is working :P
I am quite a way in now, and I have to say I think this is easily the best game graphically I have ever played on a PC, it's amazing, and the attention to detail... wow, They deserve every penny they get for producing a PC game of this standard, just brilliant!!!
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