The Witcher 2 - Thread

That was fast lol..I received an email reply about the magical suit bonus code from Play,they gave me the code via email :) shame W2 servers are still down .
Witcher 2 - The only game when you can get drunk, listen to soldiers talk about riding horses into trees and riding whores, arm wretle then wake up naked on the beach with a tattoo and a new quest "Hung Over"
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What graphics settings are people using with a GTX480 or 580.

I have everything maxed @1080p with ubersampling disabled, vertical sync disabled and motion blur turned off because it makes me feel sick. Runs pretty good at least 40fps+
In case you missed it on the last page, how did you sort your graphics glitch?

Had to allow the game to control AA instead of CCC.

On a side note and this may be a spolier

but ive just played against the monk at dice, won 2 rounds and said to go into extras in the main menu for the reward, but only credits are there. :confused:
I am quite a way in now, and I have to say I think this is easily the best game graphically I have ever played on a PC, it's amazing, and the attention to detail... wow, They deserve every penny they get for producing a PC game of this standard, just brilliant!!!

Pretty much and long may it continue :D
Is everyone else just going around robbing every house they see? I have loads of money and random bits and I am only in that first little village.
Is everyone else just going around robbing every house they see? I have loads of money and random bits and I am only in that first little village.

Yep I do that too. I got 20 oreons from a quest and just facepalmed, i get that much from 1 box in a strangers house.
I had one woman shout 'stop looking at me!' when I wandered into her house but thats it. Something like a 'get out' followed by 'were calling the guards' would seem a bit better. I do like how people react when you draw your sword in town though.
This is one of the best games i've ever played...i am actually liking the combat a lot as it's more skillful than games such as Assassin's Creed for example and the game is a challenge which is great.

I play all maxed without ubersampling, motion blur and ssao at 1920x1200 runs very good.(think i was getting 20-25fps most of the time with ubersampling on though i didn't try with cpu at 4ghz, does overclock help much in this game?)

Aside from the gfx being absolutely amazing the music is really good too and the voice acting is hilarious yet well done aswell on serious scenes.:D
I've yet to play this thanks to exams! :(

But anyway was wondering what kind of fps i was gona get with my rig setup?

E8500 @ 3.8ghz, 8gb ram, GTX560 ti OC
Finally finished the contracts in Flotsam (Nekker / those spider things), took me AGES, literally about 2 - 3 hours... so long in fact I'm wondering if I did it wrong, basically running around the forest spamming my Witcher medallion because there was no directions for the quest.
I've yet to play this thanks to exams! :(

But anyway was wondering what kind of fps i was gona get with my rig setup?

E8500 @ 3.8ghz, 8gb ram, GTX560 ti OC

Should manage ultra without ssao/motion blur/ubersampling on at 40-50fps or so at 1920x1080 res.(use 275.27 drivers they are brilliant.)

I really wish i had a 3d monitor now due to this game as the scenery would be breathtaking.
I had one woman shout 'stop looking at me!' when I wandered into her house but thats it. Something like a 'get out' followed by 'were calling the guards' would seem a bit better. I do like how people react when you draw your sword in town though.

lol reminds me of Grandma in TW1 who would basically tell you to bugger off every time you entered the house.
Just played it for the last 8 or 9 hours.

It's amazing, I think. GOTY. Just got a few niggles with the combat still and performance could be much better though. But overall I've found it perfectly playable.
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