The Witcher 2 - Thread

No real need to play the first before this one. The npc's seem to react in some places, I spent ages blowing out the fire on someones cooking pot and watching them re-light it. But other times they couldn't care less what you are doing, it ruins the immersiveness a bit. I had a chat with a dude that threatened to rip my internalls out if I don't get out his house now, But didn't seem too bothered that I robbed him blind on the way out..?
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The game is running gorgeos at the moment on my ati 6950 BUT I seem to be having one random issue. Every now and again the game just completely shuts down to the desktop, and it's always random when it does it. Ive disable supersampling, everything else is set to ultra and im getting over 40fps. I've got the latest 11.5a ati drivers but still seems to be doing it?

Any suggestions?
No real need to play the first before this one. The npc's seem to react in some places, I spent ages blowing out the fire on someones cooking pot and watching them re-light it. But other times they couldn't care less what you are doing, it ruins the immersiveness a bit. I had a chat with a dude that threatened to rip my internalls out if I don't get out his house now, But didn't seem too bothered that I robbed him blind on the way out..?

I tried something the same in floatsam, a guard was warming his hands by a watch fire so i blew it out, yet he continued to warm his hands
I havent even left the first village and ive been playing for 14 hours... WOW.

Im playing on normal and so far combat has been really easy. I always quick save, thats something everyone should do so you dont run into problems like not drinking the potion before the kayren. Which btw is a very easy fight. The kingslayer... NOW THATS DIFFICULT, but it forced me to become pro at the controls so im ok with that :)

Word of warning for steam users. Download the dlc asap or else youll get to a point where you cannot complete it which I just discovered... it also appears to be linked to another quest which you cannot complete without it, frustratingly.

Launch the launcher with admin privelages, click downloadable content, click troll trouble, click download, click install... I thought I had to enter a code so I didnt bother with it >< Ah well.

Does anyone know what the medallion you fix does?

If you install the game outside of steam, does the dlc get auto downloaded and installed?
The game is running gorgeos at the moment on my ati 6950 BUT I seem to be having one random issue. Every now and again the game just completely shuts down to the desktop, and it's always random when it does it. Ive disable supersampling, everything else is set to ultra and im getting over 40fps. I've got the latest 11.5a ati drivers but still seems to be doing it?

Any suggestions?
Game finally arrived today, and glad to see after installing and auto detecting settings my 4890 can still run it at decent settings :D

Mine was quite strange. Ran the auto-detect and it went for "Low Spec" (E6550 @ 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM, HD5850 1GB). I thought "hell to that" and put it on High instead. Looks lovely.

Runs perfectly fine. Maybe because I'm still playing PC games at 1280x1024 on a 17-inch monitor these days. Quite annoyed that it still has black bars, though.
Mine was quite strange. Ran the auto-detect and it went for "Low Spec" (E6550 @ 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM, HD5850 1GB). I thought "hell to that" and put it on High instead. Looks lovely.

Runs perfectly fine. Maybe because I'm still playing PC games at 1280x1024 on a 17-inch monitor these days. Quite annoyed that it still has black bars, though.

You need a new monitor! Let the 5850 stretch its legs.
Mine was quite strange. Ran the auto-detect and it went for "Low Spec" (E6550 @ 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM, HD5850 1GB). I thought "hell to that" and put it on High instead. Looks lovely.

Runs perfectly fine. Maybe because I'm still playing PC games at 1280x1024 on a 17-inch monitor these days. Quite annoyed that it still has black bars, though.

Mine was low-specced too. Got pretty much everything bar the Ubersampling and motion blur effects on. Still getting that cross hatching effect occasionally which is annoying but the game still looks stunning.
Has anyone managed or heard of anyone who has managed to get everything working plus the fabled ubersampling at a playable state ?
For some reason my game just bombed the fps last night,

When you escape the dungeon and go on the riverboat, everything before the cutscene where you arrive in Flotsam was 45-60, starting with the Kingslayer talking to Iorveth cutscene my frames dropped to 10-20 and stayed there. :confused:
Hmm one of my posts has dissapeared.

Anyway repost*

Seems this is the reason why some users are giving the witcher 2 a 0 on metracritic.

Does anyone believe this bull****?

It's obvious that is the work of trolls, 4chan kids or other little devils that are taking the **** out of Bioware and their latest failure. Especially since associating one of the reviews of Dragon Age 2 with Bioware's developer.

I hope the reviews get deleted but the entire scoring system is too vulnerable to such proceedings (works both ways).

IMO it should ignore the mariginal 5% of the scores in the overall score, that would sort the issue in a long run.
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