The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

looks and runs great ingame on my 970. i think the reason people are having issue with stuttering in the cut scenes is because uber sampling seems to be on. have a look in \bin\config\base\visuals.ini and try setting ubersampling to false.

I don't think so. I have afterburner running and I am therefore certain the reason the first cutscene ran jumpy for me was because my card had not changed from its 2d clocks! After that, everything was fine (as my card had changed to its full power 3d clocks)
So am I getting this right? We've gone through 30-40 pages worth of anger and tears and to sum it up, everything is suddenly brilliant?

Well looks like CDPR are worthy developers after all.

Ofc not, its still been downgraded.
They set the bar too high in the first place .
But they still lied.
So am I getting this right? We've gone through 30-40 pages worth of anger and tears and to sum it up, everything is suddenly brilliant?

Well looks like CDPR are worthy developers after all.

I don't think anyone cried about it! :p

But seriously, everyone knew the game was going to be great gameplay and story wise. It is just a shame that they had to cut down the visual prowess so much come release time. You can see it has got gradually worse since the 2013 gameplay video.

It is by no means a bad looking game. It looks great, but it isn't the special/revolutionary title we were expecting or indeed shown by CDPR in 2013 and 2014.

To be honest, I just wish they were more open about it and just said "ok guys fair enough, we aimed too high and as it happens the graphics we originally showed you are just not viable with the hardware available to everyone right now".
So am I getting this right? We've gone through 30-40 pages worth of anger and tears and to sum it up, everything is suddenly brilliant?

Well looks like CDPR are worthy developers after all.

Must admit I got the game to unlock at 11:00 as quick google search soon found the patch needed to unlock this from pre load, and erm, yeah its looking to be a pretty nice game.

Obviously hairworks for me using a 7970M was a total no go, I did wonder why the cut scenes ran like poop and lip sync was totally out, turned this off, applied 30fps limit borderless mode, smooth as I could hope for on such a weak GPU for what is min spec required for this title - yet game in my eyes looks great..!! Its not like WOW best graphics ever like wow but its certainly very good and I'm impressed enough with the performance.

Glad I went GOG on PC for this one and not PS4, its hitting 30fps and sticking so none of the possible frame pacing or cut scene stutter consoles are reporting to suffer from (X1 has had terrible DF reports IMO)

So far so good.
Ofc not, its still been downgraded.
They set the bar too high in the first place .
But they still lied.

I don't think anyone cried about it! :p

But seriously, everyone knew the game was going to be great gameplay and story wise. It is just a shame that they had to cut down the visual prowess so much come release time. You can see it has got gradually worse since the 2013 gameplay video.

It is by no means a bad looking game. It looks great, but it isn't the special/revolutionary title we were expecting or indeed shown by CDPR in 2013 and 2014.

To be honest, I just wish they were more open about it and just said "ok guys fair enough, we aimed too high and as it happens the graphics we originally showed you are just not viable with the hardware available to everyone right now".

Fair enough guys. I see your points! Happy gaming! :)
Ofc not, its still been downgraded.
They set the bar too high in the first place .
But they still lied.

Yes they made a mistake.
They also delivered a masterpiece.

P.S. They can't admit it. It's not just them, there is Namco Bandai and the other publisher, they are not independent.
My R9 270x is just about coping with this on high @ 1920x1200.

Excellent game so far, haven't even scratched the surface, the new card minigame is excellent too.
Rite going to bed now enjoying the game a lot of far.

One of the first things I managed to do at level one was find a place of power with a level six bear guarding it I just killed it easy :P only hit me once but I was using the shield sign I can never remember there names.

grass still looks like a pile of ****

looks ok on myn with hbao+

Yh the game looks pretty fantastic tbh, everything maxed 1440p. These screenies are using my sweetfx profile which can be found here (including interactive comparison shots):

1. Go to and download the Reshade + Sweetfx 2.0 pack
2. Unzip and copy the sweetfx folder, reshade64.dll, reshade.fx and sweetfx.fx files to the witcher exe directory in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64
3. Rename reshade64.dll to dxgi.dll
4. Delete SweetFX_Settings file in the sweetfx folder.
5. Download my settings here
6. Rename the settings file to SweetFX_Settings and copy it into the sweetfx folder in the game directory.
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im getting 50fps from my 780 msi lightening 1080p everything ultra except for foliage high both blur off because i dont like blur and grass high. turn foliage to medium and were bang on 60fps but it cuts out too much imo. also no point just having hair works on geralt if your using it put it on all same fps loss.

very acceptable. also with some patches im sure performance will improve but for day 1 im very happy.

wish i had 980 sli lol
Running very well for me, everything at max except for HairWorks just on Geralt (not on all) at 2560x1440 with 2 780s (SLI) and I'm getting 60+ fps.

I have to say though, the graphics haven't wowed me yet which is a real shame as I was looking forward to this being the game to blow all others away and set the new bar for modern graphics in PC games (like Crysis 1). There is definitely room in performance for the graphics to be kicked up a notch, two 2 year old GPUs managing to nearly max out this game at 1440p is not what I expected; I was expecting to have to turn a few settings down.

So, yeah, the graphics are not on the level of "amazing" as they were back in 2013 trailers, but hopefully there will be scenes later in the game which look astonishing.
So am I getting this right? We've gone through 30-40 pages worth of anger and tears and to sum it up, everything is suddenly brilliant?

Well looks like CDPR are worthy developers after all.

Nerds going to bitch and moan. You know how it is. Graphics whores. This game looks and runs beautifully. Great story line so far too.
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