The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Yenn is a pain in the arse, go Triss all day long :D


Still looking forward to Andromeda once Bioware actually finishes developing it though :p

I haven't played this since I completed it last summer. I wonder if it's been long enough that I can dive back in. I normally can't replay games or watch movies when I've already completed them so know what's coming, but this game is just such a wonderful immersive world that I may just enjoy it all over again.

I enjoyed second playthrough as much as the first - did some different choices, saw some different things, and it was just pleasure to be back. Plus I had Blood and Wine to be enjoyed fresh.
I actually paid £200 for the combination of Collector's Edition, Steam version and GOG version, then upgraded GPU twice (970/1070) for it.

Still perfectly worth it. Some experiences are priceless.
Edit - after dbl checking, it won an award, maybe not goty. Still worth it though.

Across all the media etc it won 9 goty awards, but it was disqualified from most since it is an expansion. If CDP had the foresight to release it as a standalone game, there is a good chance it would have cleaned sweep again :D

But yeah the expansions are must play for anyone who enjoyed the main game.
After some deliberations, I just started TW3 over the weekend. Blown away already!

Any tips on a fun build for a first play-through?

I would not stress builds and minmaxing much. Even when I played on Death March, I simply picked what I liked from the description, what seemed most interesting or useful. So I always ended up with a mix of swordsman and sign user, having all the signs unlocked and available and the cool sword skills as well. Alchemy gets some basic use, although if you go into it there are some super strong skills. Make sure to learn dodging well, rolling should be used mostly only when you need to get out quickly.

BTW if you are playing PC version, be sure to check out Immersive Cam and Volumetric Clouds over Skellige mods, they are great. And note that you can also change movement system to be more responsive (alternative, in the menu options) and customize your HUD, Witcher sense fish eye effect etc. I would also recommend disabling point of interest markers on map (in HUD options), game is better when these are discovered naturally instead of knowing about all beforehand.
Thanks for the tips! Hadn't even thought of checking out mods!

Is it possible to change dodge to a double press on A or D (playing on PC)? I find using ALT pretty unnatural.

I think this already works in the game, although I played with x360 controller so I didn't test it myself.
I've been watching a playthrough by a Youtuber called Sips recently, and it has rekindled my desire to give this game another playthrough.

I was watching some episodes of his as well, he is hilarious at places. Hate that he still says Gerald though :)
And it is a bit infuriating for me to see people play who often go immediately for yellow dialogue option, progressing the dialogue without getting all the info.
So... What should I play now I've finished this?

Struggling to get into a story based game now (usually have 1 on the go to chill on the sofa when I can't be bothered to sit at my desk), tried Mad Max, but just not getting drawn into it (I realise it's a completely different type of game).

Anything along similar lines to TW3 that at least tries to approach it's level of storytelling? Or am I stuck waiting until Cyberpunk is released?

It is completely different, but I really loved Prey.
Also, Dishonored 2 is brilliant.
Also, Deus Ex Mankind Divided has similar emphasis on storytelling and sidequests as Witcher 3. Not on that level, but still really good.

All three are must play really.

Mad Max has great graphics, but is just incredibly, insanely 100% generic with zero interesting gameplay or story. I finished it, but was bored af lot of the time.
Got a good few hundred hours in Skyrim across various playthroughs/builds/mods etc., So a bit Skyrim-ed out! :p

Deus Ex is a good shout, how does that play on a controller?

I played it (and TW3, Dishonored, Prey..) on 55" plasma with an xbox360 controller - no problems :)

And I see right now it is 12 euros on steam, which is a total steal. My completionist playthrough took over 60 hours.
I fail, got to the Celtic type islands...and just got bored. I guess I'm done with sandbox massive as hell type games. But like with skyrim, love the idea of it, but just gets boring really fast for me.
Which is a shame as I completed witcher 1/2 and had a great time. Bloody shame
If you are bored exploring, you can just follow the main quest and the experience should be very close to Witcher 2 in style.
You can't do all of the supporting character questlines I believe? But all of the encounters/treasure hunts/Witcher contracts should still be there.

It does pop up a warning when you to the "point of no return", so you'll at least know when you get there

Yeah some of the sidequests that are tied into the main storyline are not available, but it is quite logical. All the quests independent of it are available though.
One one hand, it is pretty much the best outcome realistically possible. And if you told my 13 year old me that my favourite book saga is going to get this level of videogame and live action treatment, my mind would have blown up (well, it did anyway, given Witcher 3's quality).

On the other hand, I can't help but wish the TV series was done entirely in CGI, Night to Remember style, so all the actors from games could return. I will have a hard time seeing anyone else as Geralt than his voice actor, same for Yennefer and others.
All cinematics/trailers for Witcher3 were done by company who is actually making this tv series :)
Also guys from Expanse tv series are involved in the script I think+Sapkowski as a consultant....+netflix's money....looking good:D
Witcher 1/2/3 intros were done by Platige, yeah, but the best CGI of all - Night to Remember - was done by Digic :)

But Platige are brilliant, their involvement does give this project a lot of credence.
Not quite all DRM free of late.
What ? Galaxy is optional. All their games are DRM-free.

It's more so that I can install the game on any of my PCs easily rather than having to get the installer from each time. Just convenience really.

GOG has their own galaxy client which at this point is almost better than steam. Just as comfortable, you do not have to mess around with installers.
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