The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

You can access it from the main menu when not in game like this:


If it has vanished then lol
I cannot master the combat... may have to reduce the difficulty. I seem to be bested by small children

I had a similar problem. Started on blood & bones & got pummelled by the very first group of drowners so dropped it down one. Might raise it back up now I've got a tiny bit of gear & got a bit more used to the combat style.
Heyo, if you're not seeing the Gamma option then you are playing in borderless windowed mode. Game has a tendency to switch from fullscreen to borderless windowed at times! Should help with FPS if you put it back to fullscreen too!
Is full screen better than borderless window? Ive auto had it set to borderless window.

Just a little gripe so far with how Geralt moves. He seems to take an extra step or two after you release analogue stick? Whilst ill probably get used to it and ajust, right now im finding it hard to accurately loot things or get on horse, end up fidgeting around the damn thing.
I believe in 'most' cases proper full screen mode will give you better performance from your graphics card than playing borderless window mode. It can depending on the individual setup so worth testing.

For example those with AMD crossfire setups, if you are playing in borderless window mode your extra card(s) will not be used.
I prefer borderless as I get screen tearing in full screen and I'd prefer not to have to use v-sync. As for the movement, they seem to have implemented momentum into his movement so he goes further that you want him to after letting go of the movement key. Kinda annoying but I imagine it's something you'll get used to.
The patch 1.03 has just been released and is now available for all PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The update introduces a range of stability and performances ehancements as well as allows users to take advantage of some additional graphics settings. Please find the detailed list of fixes below:
Improves stability in gameplay and the UI
Improves performance especially in cutscenes and gameplay
Fixes grass and foliage popping that could occur after density parameters were changed
Improves Nvidia Hairworks performance
Boosted texture anisotropy sampling to 16x on Ultra preset
Sharpen Post-process settings extended from Off/On to Off/Low/High
Blood particles will now properly appear after killing enemies on the water
Corrects a bug where player was able to shoot bolts at friendly NPCs
Improves menu handling
Corrects an issue with Stamina regeneration while sprinting
Fixes a cursor lock issue that sometimes occcured when scrolling the map
Generally improves world map focus
Improves input responsiveness when using keyboard
Corrects some missing translations in the UI
Corrects an issue in dialogue selections
Rostan Muggs is back
Minor SFX improvements

Boosted texture anisotropy sampling to 16x on Ultra preset - LOL
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