The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

From what I understand, your save games from Witcher 1 and 2 can have ties into The Witcher 3, I've seen people with tattoo's from Witcher 2 still be the body in Witcher 3.

If this is the case, if I have the first 2 games on Steam but thinking of getting a GoG copy of W3, will the saves still be read or is it better to stick to all 3 games within steam?

Its fine but remember W2 on steam will use the steam cloud so you will need to disable that so it saves to its normal path on your HDD/SSD.
Decided to sell most of my crafting gear. Not really a fan of it anyway. Kept everything that looked like it was for alchemy but sold stuff for crafting weapons and armour. I much prefer looting and buying. Got about 5k now.
Personal preference, started out with m+k but it felt very counter-intuitive, combat is fast paced and fluid and I don't think the default keybind are conducive to this or as easy to learn as the controller. I love the way it flips the control scheme mid game if you press a key etc if you need to quickly swap though.

In regards to cloud saves, does GOG galaxy do something similar or do I have to copy my save file onto a USB if I want to play on another PC I installed the game on..?
In regards to cloud saves, does GOG galaxy do something similar or do I have to copy my save file onto a USB if I want to play on another PC I installed the game on..?

Galaxy has no cloud that I am aware of, all saves will be in your documents folder though. Not even sure if a cloud feature is planned tbh.
I've always felt you get better performance with fullscreen, because that window has 100% focus. I also get input lag in borderless window (more noticeable in other games though).

Going full screen has 100% helped, staying at a rock solid 60fps now instead of fluctuating between 50-60 indoors. At that herbalists women's hut and was was about 50 inside now a full 60.

Next gonna try the patch and see if rolling back drivers helps on 780. Only two settings down to high, foliage distance and shadows, want to see if I can eek out some extra performance to turn foliage distance back to ultra.

Decided to use the controller, seems better so far for this type of game....

Only just finished the tutorial.

This game is certainly different to what I usually play (I really like the combat) but so far it seems like a nice change but I will probably get bored after a hour or two :p

Everything turned to very max on my rig in sig





Will obviously need to drop the hair, foliage and whatever else. CPU usage is pretty low though.

What sweetfx is everyone using?
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