The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Looks like new Nvidia drivers are out as well: 352.86

Been out a few days.

Speaking of which, there's an entire thread on the Nvidia forums and numerous other reports suggesting that their 'Game Ready' drivers nerfed Kepler-based GPUs.

I personally felt my 680 was performing quite well at 30fps with everything on Ultra (except HairWorks Off and foliage distance High) with some headroom in GPU usage, so I'm a little weary about rolling back in case it isn't affecting everyone.
Going full screen has 100% helped, staying at a rock solid 60fps now instead of fluctuating between 50-60 indoors. At that herbalists women's hut and was was about 50 inside now a full 60.

Next gonna try the patch and see if rolling back drivers helps on 780. Only two settings down to high, foliage distance and shadows, want to see if I can eek out some extra performance to turn foliage distance back to ultra.

Let me know how you get on as I'm on a 780

HairWorks looks fantastic and even better since the latest patch :)

Looks daft imo, its like the slightest movement causes mad hair rippling like he has a fan blowing at him off screen. And before anyone asks yes that goes for tress fx as well, the movement just seems over the top.
The hairworks looks great. Kind of makes Geralt look like he has doll hair though lol.
I didn't notice any performance change with the new patch on my 290. Same fps as I had last night. It did reset my ini files though so I had to alter them again.
One thing im confused about is that in game I have Chromatic Abberation turned off but in the rendering.ini file it says True next to it....Surely if iv turned it off in game it should say false for that?
One thing I have noticed since the update is that as you race through town etc on the horse or even running, people seem to pop in out of thin air. Sure that's new.

It's been happening for me since the start. Not all of the time, just occasionally.

One setting that seems pretty useless is the background characters one. It changes the amount of NPCs that can be rendered at the same time, wirh the lowest being 75 apparently.... But you will never have more than that on screen surely?
Personally much prefer tressfx although that might be more down to Lara Croft :p :D

Matson, can you link your sweetfx please.
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over 20 hours in and i'm loving it, Great game only gripe i have with it is i can't run it on Ultra with my card at 1440P.

Here's hoping the 980ti comes asap so i can push the visuals.
It's been happening for me since the start. Not all of the time, just occasionally.

One setting that seems pretty useless is the background characters one. It changes the amount of NPCs that can be rendered at the same time, wirh the lowest being 75 apparently.... But you will never have more than that on screen surely?

Really? pointless setting then, even more so as I have it at the highest setting and frequently get pop in. Particularly things like a merchant or a quest npc I'll ride up, no one there but the bag symbol on minimap, feel confused for a second then when I get there and stop as if by magic the NPC appears out of thin air. Not the only texture pop in though probably the most noticeable and irritating.
The hair and fiber technology in Bloodborne is far better than the Nvidia hairworks in this and that's on a PS4, I also really don't know why AMD and Nvidia implemented effects always tax hardware so much on PC, they must be terribly coded. PhysX, TressFX, Nvidia Hairworks etc, all awful soggy tech that usually takes more to run than every other standard graphical setting combined. Ew.
These are my settings, getting around 70-80fps on a single 970 and i5 4970k both at stock.
Couple of screen shots, looks a lot better ingame

Also i dont know if any people have noticed this but if you find these logs in the wood make sure you loot them. ive got quite a few coins out of them.

I can't imagine a scenario where I'd ever sacrifice performance for prettier hair, rather up AA or details everytime, unless I guess I had maxed everything else possible I suppose.
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