The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

So finally today my new GPU will arrive and I will delve into it for real, with save imported.

I am looking forward to the best gaming experience of my life.

Took 2 weeks off. There shall be no distractions. Just me, controller, 55" plasma, 970-powered PC, and the amazing world of the Witcher.
So finally today my new GPU will arrive and I will delve into it for real, with save imported.

I am looking forward to the best gaming experience of my life.

Took 2 weeks off. There shall be no distractions. Just me, controller, 55" plasma, 970-powered PC, and the amazing world of the Witcher.

Runs amazingly on a 970 mate, enjoy! Doing the same myself but only 2 days not 2 weeks ;) have fun
So finally today my new GPU will arrive and I will delve into it for real, with save imported.

I am looking forward to the best gaming experience of my life.

Took 2 weeks off. There shall be no distractions. Just me, controller, 55" plasma, 970-powered PC, and the amazing world of the Witcher.

Two weeks off for a computer game...... whatever floats your boat I guess.

I have just realised that I imported a save but I am unsure which I selected and so far I have not seen any references as to what went on previously.

Is there anyway to check ?
Really really enjoying this. The side quests are great. Although I did have some trouble with one of them.

went to find some bloke's brother in the mines, got all the way to the big spider at the end which would just one hit kill me while all its little buddies chased me. Gave it at least 10 goes before I noticed it was recommended for level 33 and up!
Loving this, I always get so engrossed in RPG's for obvious reasons, and this is one of the best I've played in a long time. Combat and movement took some time to get used to, but I think it's pretty decent (actual fighting, signs, stamina and adrenaline meters, dodging n' rolling, potions, oils, bombs etc.) quite a robust system, and having to read up on potential foes to find their weaknesses really adds to the depth, and can make fights much easier too :D I do recommend turning down the sensitivity a bit though if you're using a controller, makes the game feel a little bit less twitchy, and helps with the annoying looting/"use" system. I also really enjoy Geralt as a character, quite cheeky :D
That mission where you have to pretend to catch Triss and lock her up in hand cuffs, and Gerald alludes to the idea that handcuffs should only be reserved for the bedroom :p
. There is so much to the game though. Once you get to Novigrad you level up so quickly for doing basically nothing a lot of the time, just talking to people and looking for clue using your senses, so I might go back and do some other stuff. Wouldn't mind taking on a Witcher contract and slaying some monster, only have 2 (one of which if from the mandatory "tutorial-like" area of the game).
I believe crossfire isn't working with it yet

Aye I know, I was just posting up to say that the performance is actually so bad that it actually affects the FPS negatively. I'd understand if it didn't have any affect at all but the fact that I'm losing over 20FPS when I enable it is crazy!
Played loads of this last night. Loving it!. The It gets better and better as you go along and I love the new haircuts lol my Geralt looks pretty cool with his new hairdo.



Played loads of this last night. Loving it!. The It gets better and better as you go along and I love the new haircuts lol my Geralt looks pretty cool with his new hairdo.

Lol, what's Geralt trying to do, get a job as an extra on Mad Max!?! :p
Can you go back to White Orchard if you continue and leave it? I sort of want to see another area now, but also don't want to miss out on doing all the quests etc in white orchard.
Can you go back to White Orchard if you continue and leave it? I sort of want to see another area now, but also don't want to miss out on doing all the quests etc in white orchard.

Yup you can go to any area again via fast travel on the world map :)
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