traveled to the Isle of Mists and found Ciri. Wow that place was eerie yet felt so magical at the same time, fought a fiend in a swamp drenched in fog whilst trying to save a dozy dwarf. But not to mention actually finding her

Was such a great moment, which leads straight into another one - the fight at Kaer Mohren. Was an absolute spectacle that was, was in shock the entire time. The game really likes to tore with your emotions - one moment I'm unbelievably happy and relieved, the next I'm sad at a certain characters passing. Then I had a snowball fight with Ciri which was so damn cute...

Seriously, I thought that was gonna be "the final battle", but now I get to roam around with Ciri doing even more quests? (which some of them are absolutely amazing, like the one where you travel between world) Amazing

If anyone has finished the game, how far off do you think I am finishing? I really don't wanna accidentally rush this.