The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Lol Bridge Pass by any chance? Same thing happened to me but i hear it should be fine

Yep, the very one :)

I also burned my bridges (bad pun) with the other route to get the pass as I sided with the other faction. I'm sure I'll find a way when I eventually need to get over there.
Any benefit to playing gwent or is it just for fun? I thought it would be like the card game in ff8 but you dont get anything bar money from it afaik.
Any benefit to playing gwent or is it just for fun? I thought it would be like the card game in ff8 but you dont get anything bar money from it afaik.

Like card game from FF VIII, you get a new card when you beat someone, and build better decks. Playing Gwent also sends you round the map quite a bit to talk to lots of characters. I think you only get a card the first time you beat someone though, and AFAIK the card you get is already set.

There are quests where you can play Gwent to get different outcomes too.
And omfg, what is up with that Ladies of the Wood quest? Jeebus it's freaky as hell!

The beginning bit with the children and gran! Omg the atmosphere created by the music and the way they all spoke, and that weird song they were singing when you first see them. Yeah, all very weird. I can only begin to imagine that it'll get even more weird. I have just gone off to find Jonny.
And omfg, what is up with that Ladies of the Wood quest? Jeebus it's freaky as hell!

The beginning bit with the children and gran! Omg the atmosphere created by the music and the way they all spoke, and that weird song they were singing when you first see them. Yeah, all very weird. I can only begin to imagine that it'll get even more weird. I have just gone off to find Jonny.

Think this is my fav mission so far. Game is so freaking epic though, 70 hours so far and have not been bored once, also not loaded any other game.
Getting near to the end of the main quest, still plenty to do (about half of the side quests maybe less) - but may restart on hardest difficulty once I finish off the core quest & do all the side content in a more challenging mode.
At what point do sidequests start disappearing? Im worried if i advance too far in the game i'll lose a fair few.

I've pretty much just got to novigrad. (haven't even met Triss yet)
A few side quests you can fail if you progress to a point a character is either dead, or has left - this happens from time to time - more-so with minor side quests related to the main quests.
A few side quests you can fail if you progress to a point a character is either dead, or has left - this happens from time to time - more-so with minor side quests related to the main quests.

ok thanks :D its just that i've picked up a fair few side quests in and around novigrad, and one of those quests is asking me to go to skellige. but i dont want to do that yet i want to carry on with the main quest until that takes me there :)
ok thanks :D its just that i've picked up a fair few side quests in and around novigrad, and one of those quests is asking me to go to skellige. but i dont want to do that yet i want to carry on with the main quest until that takes me there :)

I flick back and forwards, finishing of all the low level quests and whittling down some of these ?.
I finished a quest last night in Novigrad, "Dumplings and Swords", which is level 24. I started it at level 18, I'm now level 20. I was very disappointed with my reward.

The reward for completing this quest is a sword. Considering it was level 24, the sword I received was level 17 and it was crap. I sold it back to him.
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