The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Levelling certainly needs adjusting. For a start, I think there should be some kind of mechanic that ensures you can't pick up a quest more than, say, 5 levels below you(apparently you don't get xp for them anyway). I am in skellig, but left loads of quests in Velen. I would like to think when I go back there, all quests won't be too low.
Lost me at "boring"

Combat has lost all meaning, drop an alt yrden, hit igni, entire group standing there burning with yrden also taking them down. 90% of fights I don't swing a sword. The story is still good... though the pacing of sidequests/main story isn't great due to the levelling issues. But the main story because of stupid levelling issues means a lot of the combat (which is a major part of the game) has become completely uninteresting. Hell the bigger bosses are even easier with this sign combo. Group's because of the different timing of attacks have a significantly higher chance of catching you waiting on stamina to regen. Single boss... haven't been touched by one in 10 levels.

THe first 10-12 levels combat + story combination was great. Now I'm at the story is slightly stupid, Yen is a **** and combat has fallen to pieces.

I also spent the first 10 levels excited about every new sword and making it, same with armour. Now I hit a quest, follow it, combat is easy, pick up recipes and wait for the level where I'll upgrade the set I currently have. It's so formulaic and boring. There is entirely no point grabbing a new sword, the sets are a billion times more powerful than getting an extra 5 damage from a sword two levels higher. This might be more relevant to the griffin set due to the + sign intensity stacking which almost no other swords/armour have. Signs are so massively overpowered and armour/weapons that specifically stack sign power make everything else entirely obsolete. That might be less true for a attack power or heavy armour build but I suspect it isn't as those things will stack in the same way.

Combat, story, crafting all worked great for the first 12 levels, since then two of those have become crap and pointless.

Level scaling system needs a massive overhaul, stopping you picking up out of level quests would be helpful and actually making sure a quest saying it's level 16 doesn't have a lvl 30 guy in it and making sure a lvl 25 or 30 quest actually has some appropriately difficult content.

Sign's need massive massive nerfing, sign intensity shouldn't scale chance to burn or knockdown and you shouldn't be able to simply buy maps for every witcher armour set and pick them up so easily. It may as well be the crappy game breaking DLC content armour/weapons other games add in that make almost everything else in game worthless.
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NE of the map, Martins Farm or something.

Also check out sweetfx makes it look amazing, I am running this one:

Thank you :)

I'll give SweetFX a try, although I really like the default grading. Have they changed the colouration in 1.04 on PC as it looks very different to my PS4 version, being much cooler, and that is running a cool colour temp on my TV with the Playstation, which still looks too vivid.
I got sick and tired of AMD, I have had ATI/AMD all my life but they are getting worse and worse imo. First time ever I have gone with the green team, GTX SC 980 not regretting it so far.

I'm seriously starting to feel the same way. It's ok, the performance in the old 15.4 beta driver was perfect on a single card. I just have an identical 7950 from a friend that I was keen to CrossFire. It sucks that such a star title game lacks AMDs support for CrossFire 10 days after release!
I'm seriously starting to feel the same way. It's ok, the performance in the old 15.4 beta driver was perfect on a single card. I just have an identical 7950 from a friend that I was keen to CrossFire. It sucks that such a star title game lacks AMDs support for CrossFire 10 days after release!

Their support certainly isn't great, but at least the game runs smoothly for me now. 40-60fps, very smooth at 1440p on my 295x2, everything maxed.
Encountered some pretty cool creatures in Skellig Isles.

the cyclops was cool, and the Archgriffin was epic!.... Destroyed me though. I'll have to come back later!
Yes, must have done. Though, as I said earlier, I did leave a fair few quests undone, with some notice boards left unread too. Hoping the story sends me back there, and the quests aren't too low a level!
They really need to adjust the aggro mechanics in this game. it's pretty lame that you can lose aggro on an enemy by rolling out of the way then heal up and go in again or worse yet use your crossbow until it dies while it just stands there doing nothing! Also enemys never regain there health even if you leave and come back much later!
You should have to get a lot of distance between you and an enemy to lose aggro then the enemy should regain its health to full and return to its spawn point, these basic mechanics are missing!
They really need to adjust the aggro mechanics in this game. it's pretty lame that you can lose aggro on an enemy by rolling out of the way then heal up and go in again or worse yet use your crossbow until it dies while it just stands there doing nothing! Also enemys never regain there health even if you leave and come back much later!
You should have to get a lot of distance between you and an enemy to lose aggro then the enemy should regain its health to full and return to its spawn point, these basic mechanics are missing!

Agreed, the aggro part is rubbish. Can stand a few meters away and they just stare back at me.
I'm playing with a controller atm, so I'm not sure if it is different on with kb/m... I imagine it must be, as more people would have mentioned it, but the controls really are ad awkward as they could make them sometimes. I'm climbing a mountain, I see a gap with a ledge that I can jump on to. So, I take a run up, and just as I am about to jump, the game decides that I am now in combat because there is a harpy above somewhere... Jump becomes dodge and I do some weird shuffle off the side of a mountain!
There's a bug that stops you from getting XP on main quests :(

There are seemingly an absolute ridiculous number of bugs cropping up the further into the game people get now. 1.04 seems to be a bad patch, though some of the problems including the XP one afaik existed before 1.04.

THe devs have said they'll fix it but won't retroactively apply XP and they don't think it will matter for gameplay, but ultimately if you play now and potentially miss out on several days worth of quest xp which is WAY higher than monster xp, then you end up multiple levels lower at the end of the day.

There are also reports of getting stuck loading during main story missions meaning people can't move forward and several other quests that bug out and prevent you moving on.

The more people play the more bugs are found they seem limited to later in the game, the level scaling is a problem later on. It really feels like they did the first portion of the game in brilliant detail, then maybe ran out of time and somewhat rushed the rest of it. Feels ultra polished early in the game, crafting, levels, difficulty but after 10 levels it all starts to feel way less polished.
I have seemingly way too much gold, about 5k in Novigrad. I Don;t play Gwent so I wonder if that is why - no money spent on cards? What can I do with it? I'd prefer to be skint as it gives gold and items more meaning.

Also there's so much looting i'm a bit tired of there being 4-10 boxes in a room to loot. Maybe I'm looting too much? But I don't want to miss anything... Anyone else similar / tips?
Lost again. You clearly have no idea what it is like to play a massive open world RPG. You can ramble on and on for 10 lines and it all boils down to total nonsense.

the guys got a point, there is a fair few bugs. the xp one is pretty game breaking, hopefully a lot will be fixed on monday. I am enjoying the game regardless.
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