I don't know about anyone else but I couldn't give a Botchlings arse about the story, I just seem to go around killing things.
after the NV driver update
was seeing 55-60FPS before
now seeing 70-88Fps same setting
1440p All ultra No HW
With HW on before 45-60FPS
With HW on After 55-65FPS
anyone else seen this?
pair of 980s
perhaps you'd be better off playing CSGO or Chivalry than a story driven RPG..
That is pretty bad tbh, one 980 SC can max all settings apart from shadows and foliage which are set to high at 60-70fps. Defo not ready for two cards it seems. Then again that is at 1920x1080 so you are at a higher res but that is mainly more vram isnt it?
Fixed issue where some players where experiencing infinite loading screen during King's Gambit quest.
That is pretty bad tbh, one 980 SC can max all settings apart from shadows and foliage which are set to high at 60-70fps. Defo not ready for two cards it seems. Then again that is at 1920x1080 so you are at a higher res but that is mainly more vram isnt it?
Damn Jenny o' The Woods. I'm level 11, suggested level is 10, and she is level 20 . Can't use Quen to defend myself and Yrden to trap her at the same time. Guess I need something to make my stamina regenerate faster.
I better leave this then, I started last night but switched quests before the final part.
The two new DLC's are out!
Nilfgaardian Armor set
Crossbow set - three new crossbows
I did notice the other day in my add/remove programs, each DLC installs independant of the base game. Once all 16 DLC's are out that will mean 16 entries in the add/remove panel!