Yes, 1200p in fact, everything ultra including view distances. I did end up switching off Nvidia hairworks though, it looks terrible with constant clipping, was running fine with it on.
I'd probably reduce the graphics slightly to get a solid 60fps if I was playing mouse & keyboard, but I play controller.
I've gone off the Witcher 3 a bit. I don't know if I just need to break through the initial grind (like I had to in the first one), but at the moment it feels like I'm being forced to do all the alchemy stuff, read the bestiary before fighting a new monster and so on otherwise it'll be overly difficult.
It feels like they've gone too far off the first two, in particular the first one in terms of adding too many RPG-like features. They need to stop trying to make it as huge and RPG-esque as Skyrim/Fallout/Oblivion etc. That stuff works well in those games, but isn't working for me in the Witcher 3.
I know it is an RPG, but it's a difficult one to explain. In the first one they just had a few of those features, but now they've gone all out and it doesn't feel like they've done a very good job.
I don't know, I'll give it a bit more time I guess.