The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Best moment so far in the whole game for me so far has come in Hearts of Stone.

By an absolute mile this was mine. This shot/angle especially was completely awesome (massive spoiler alert)

pants I am 1440p with gsync

you'll be fine. im running all max, everything (yes hairworks and hairworks AA). @ 3440x1440 and while it drops to 45 at times on a 1080. gsync keeps it all nice and smooth.

By an absolute mile this was mine. This shot/angle especially was completely awesome (massive spoiler alert)



took so long to find her and, uhoh! knew she wasnt dead though, how could she be!

also, just finished the main story (completed hearts of stone just before the end of the main) and now started on blood and wine and..

the tone shift to toussaint is huge! its so colourful, really beautiful, looking forward to jumping in

oh and regarding the main campaign ending

Ciri became a witcher, i left with Triss and the emperor gave up trying to conquer us and left it up to the north to rule, very happy with the endings i got. i read up on the other endings and it seems that quite a few very inconsequential seeming choices you make earlier, regarding ciri have massive effects later!

havent been this engrossed in a game since kotor. sublime.

not the best screenshot, it looks far better in motion, but if you have an ultrawide display, you have to try this game!

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I need to respec my Witcher before I start Blood and Wine.

Any one have any links to some good builds I can try out?

At the moment I am just a sword fighter (whirl & heavy attack) with maxed out Quen.

It's OK.... but I find it inst that balanced as I run out of stamina. To really use my skills.

I've go ursine armour as well.
Was hoping for some decent discounts on the dlc in the Steam sale, but only 25%. Might hold off buying these for a bit and concentrate on trying to get my 'pile of shame' down. :)
I need to respec my Witcher before I start Blood and Wine.

Any one have any links to some good builds I can try out?

At the moment I am just a sword fighter (whirl & heavy attack) with maxed out Quen.

It's OK.... but I find it inst that balanced as I run out of stamina. To really use my skills.

I've go ursine armour as well.

I always play light Feline gear, points in fast attack, Aard, Igni and Quen. Also with the new mutagens in Blood and Wine i use biting cold(or whatever its called) the most, its almost overpowered :D
My misses is away in Poland this weekend (no, just cause she's Polish, don't mean she can get stuff from CD Projekt Red, I've already asked :P) which leaves me all weekend to finish this off and start on the DLC. Can't wait!
Just out of curiosity, I just finished the Battle of Kaer Morhen and during that time I noticed a got a rather small amount of exp given to me, a total of 110 exp really. Ok, I was a bit over levelled at lvl 32 when I started it I guess, but I would have thought it being part of the main quest line that you would have gotten a bit more experience ? :(

I was rather far into lvl 32 so managed just (with 8 spare exp points) to get to lvl 33 and now I am wondering will it even be possible to get to lvl 34 before reaching the last battle ?? I got the achievement for having completed all the contracts so not sure if there is anything else that will give me experience part from running around and trying to find monsters to hunt ?? Or am I forced to do a couple quests from Heart of Stone to level up ? :rolleyes:
Just out of curiosity, I just finished the Battle of Kaer Morhen and during that time I noticed a got a rather small amount of exp given to me, a total of 110 exp really. Ok, I was a bit over levelled at lvl 32 when I started it I guess, but I would have thought it being part of the main quest line that you would have gotten a bit more experience ? :(

I was rather far into lvl 32 so managed just (with 8 spare exp points) to get to lvl 33 and now I am wondering will it even be possible to get to lvl 34 before reaching the last battle ?? I got the achievement for having completed all the contracts so not sure if there is anything else that will give me experience part from running around and trying to find monsters to hunt ?? Or am I forced to do a couple quests from Heart of Stone to level up ? :rolleyes:

I was just lvl 34 when I did that quest (did have to grind a bit for the last part), but I'm pretty sure I got a good few k XP for it!

If you want to grind up, then the quickest way I found is:

On Ard Skellige, there is a Place of Power inside a tower on the east coast (head south-east along the coast from the Whale Graveyard). There is also a high level cyclops here which gives a few hundred XP each kill. You can kill/meditate an hour/repeat ad infinitum. Took me about 45 mins to go from lvl 32.5 to 34.

Look here for a map:
Yeah if you're over levelled you won't get much XP regardless. Don't worry, you've got plenty of main quests left and you get a lot of XP from them leading up to the end.

Honestly can't remember what level you should be at that stage, but if you're over levelled for the main quest you're doing fine.
Actually, just wondering but why do you need to be level 34? Just checked my saves and I was lvl 33 when I finished the main game.

Also checked my battle of kaer morhen save and looks like I was lvl28 there, though I would havr had more side quests left
I was just lvl 34 when I did that quest (did have to grind a bit for the last part), but I'm pretty sure I got a good few k XP for it!

If you want to grind up, then the quickest way I found is:

On Ard Skellige, there is a Place of Power inside a tower on the east coast (head south-east along the coast from the Whale Graveyard). There is also a high level cyclops here which gives a few hundred XP each kill. You can kill/meditate an hour/repeat ad infinitum. Took me about 45 mins to go from lvl 32.5 to 34.

Look here for a map:

Thank you, I make my way over there when I can. Ciri is determined to get some revenge right now though. :p

Actually, just wondering but why do you need to be level 34? Just checked my saves and I was lvl 33 when I finished the main game.

Also checked my battle of kaer morhen save and looks like I was lvl28 there, though I would havr had more side quests left

Master crafted armor is lvl 34, would ike to wearing that before the game ends. :p
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