The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I found Igni to be best used when facing shielded/armoured enemies. Aard is great against crowds of weaker foes.

I think Yrden is the sign I used the most. The "turret" staggers enemies which is also very handy. :)

I think I only used Axii a couple of times. Didn't really like it.
I mostly use Igni in the alternative mode as it's almost too strong against a single target, other than that I probably stick to Aard for the majority of combat situations.

In most situations where Yrden would be used, I tend to find bombs offer more or less the effects that I need so I combine that with another sign to steamroll the enemies.

I don't think I've ever used Quen as I've not felt the need for a shield and Axii has only really been used when a quest required it.
Minstadave;30482777 said:
How do you use the alternative sign mode?
On the character screen you unlock them by spending points to upgrade into them, they're then a case of holding down the cast button to charge them. Some of the alternate powers have a terribly long charge time (Axii's 'Puppet' is one of the worst offenders).
The alternative mode unlocks should be in the second row of the sign progressions (e.g. Igni's first level is the armour melting unlock and the below that is the flamethrower mode).

Aards 'sweep' attack charges fairly quickly and Igni uses your stamina/adrenaline like a fuel tank so it ticks down over time.

If you want those alternative modes in early game then you have to make the choice between focusing on improving melee effectiveness or sign effectiveness.
Personally, other than deflecting arrows I find the combat (red) tree the most lacking for options.
Never went for Aard Sweep as I didn't want the reduced knockdown chance.

I didn't like Alternative Igni as it meant standing around and potentially getting flanked. It's OK against a single enemy.

Don't know how people can not use Quen, though. It's definitely needed later in the game.
Oh yes, the Igni Firestream is definitely a single target tool. I find it amazing against gargoyles, the tougher vampires and wyverns.

I guess the use of Quen comes down to playstyle, I'm happy to roll around in combat for 30 minutes rather than put up a shield. If something does manage to hit me then a quick potion or bit of food restores health quick enough.
I may change my style and use it if I ever up the difficulty to Death March, at the moment I'm playing on Blood and Broken Bones and haven't felt in danger too many times.
I'm in Blood and Wine, and Aard with the Mutagen basically one-shots most things. Even bosses.

I've got about 15 unspent points in my game. Most 'skills' are meh, and I'm really not bothered about them tbh.

Surely people should be using signs based on their opponent?...That is what the game and Bestiary is designed for. It is what I do anyway.

I have never used Quen except for Golems and Gargoyles that can easily kill you in one hit. Only used Yrden for spectres, only used Axi on humans and Alghouls etc.
shankly1985;30485097 said:
Guys blood and wine or hearts of stone first? What one is the shortest?


Hearts of Stone is shorter but you can still squeeze over 20 hours from it if you do all it offers. Blood and Wine is intended as the closure, so play that last and take your time with it.
I would honestly suggest waiting for Blood and Wine. I really think it had more impact and felt a lot fresher for those who waited for the release after playing the main game. Play something else for a week then come back to it. It is basically a whole new game!

I think it is quite a bit superior to Wild Hunt tbh.

On my second playthrough, I didn't find Hearts of Stone quite as great as I remembered it tbh. It does drag a bit in places for me, with a lot of travelling just to hear a few lines of dialogue. Still very good though.

Also, I installed the new weather mod (sorry can't remember name) it massively improves overcast weather and rain, which I always felt let the game down visually for me. I would highly recommend it
Despite buying the game at launch on PS4, and then getting it for free with my previous GPU, I've never actually got further than White Orchard.
I hope to break that trend, especially now that I've bought a Steam copy of the GOTY edition.
Having the game on my preferred platform will certainly help! (GOG left much to be desired!)
Bishie;30497618 said:
Despite buying the game at launch on PS4, and then getting it for free with my previous GPU, I've never actually got further than White Orchard.
I hope to break that trend, especially now that I've bought a Steam copy of the GOTY edition.
Having the game on my preferred platform will certainly help! (GOG left much to be desired!)

Yeah GoG was awful on the games launch. So bad that I bought it again for steam as soon as it went on sale. However the game was so good that I don't mind in the slightest.
Did Equine Phantoms last night, which is a non-notice board mission you'll fine in Blood & Wine. Clearly the most hilarious mission I've ever come across involving a high on mushrooms Geralt, and his investigative partner - Roach!
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