The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Heres the link for the improved day one patch review version...might need to google translate it ;)

It basically says..

We now have the review version including day 1 patch. This is quite different from the one shown in the screen shots and our previous videos and different from most other published material on the internet.

In comparison you can quite clearly see improved vegetation, improved shading and textures, better water with tessellated waves that react dynamically to spells. Improved post processing effects. The only downside is this effects fps.
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Last edited:,49062,3085975.html

I still cannot believe the difference there^ It is like they are using a completely different lighting technique. The trailer lighting/colours were sooo much better. Also the water/river in the final version looks bobbins in comparison.

Why have they made everything orange?

Yeah it seems overly orange, nothing a sweetfx profile won't fix or w/e. Really don't give a flying carp about any of this downgrade business anymore I just want to play the game! :/
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