The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


I picked a couple of those up earlier
I have no idea what's happened, but the performance from this game has totally tanked. 40-50fps from a single 980 at high settings with hairworks off and 1440p! I was getting 60-70 yesterday with the same settings. I even dropped everything to low and switched off all post processing and I gained about 10fps. The GPU usage is hovering around 75-80%.

Every time I play this game I come away thinking wow!

They really have delivered with this game. It's like playing some epic fantasy novel.

This has got to be game of the year surely! If anything comes out this year better, then we are in for a treat.
That seems to have made a difference BTW. Thanks for the heads up. I missed the earlier discussion.

You're welcome.

I really think the devs dropped the ball slightly with this patch regarding graphics.

For me it looked worse, lost a couple of fps, and introduced immersion breaking pop ups.

Oh well, at least it can be reverted. Just gotta be aware if you change the texture settings from low, it will bring back that mipbias setting.
This game has so much charm and character to it, I think that's why I'm loving it so much. Obviously you have those tense moments where you have to make a tough decision which can change the outcome of the game drastically, but there's also a lot of down-time between these moments where it feels like the game loosens up a little and relaxes, a nice change of pace. Two scenes have had me laughing out loud, it's just so amazing that they can create such a compelling and well written story that they even managed to craft some really human feeling moments, like when...
You and Triss are having sex up at the light tower and your "movements" in-front of light makes some sailors you just sent off think your trying to tell them something via some sort of secret code :D. Or when you travel back to Kaer Morhen and you decide to get drunk with your witcher brothers and dress up in Yen's dresses and attempt to communicate with other sorcerreses through the mega scope, only to find some random guy having problems on the toilet :p.
Question on the Bloody Baron quest. Do not read unless you've completed it, contains spoilers

I'm trying to pick up the trail of the quest after he rescued his wife from Crookback Bog. He was going to take her to some healer to get her mind back. Any ideas where I can continue from there?
Question on the Bloody Baron quest. Do not read unless you've completed it, contains spoilers

I'm trying to pick up the trail of the quest after he rescued his wife from Crookback Bog. He was going to take her to some healer to get her mind back. Any ideas where I can continue from there?

Far as anyone has found that was the end
As far as I've heard, something else happens. Apparently has quite a sad ending.

if you're talking about the baron hanging himself in the keep. you need to set the large heart under the oak tree free and not kill it. (later turns out it makes the village north of crookbag bog go insane and start to massacre each other)

also, anna dies at the bog, the baron doesn't even try to take her to get healed. well, thats what happened for me anyways.
As far as I've heard, something else happens. Apparently has quite a sad ending.

As already mentioned, it will be different for everyone. It all depends on what conversation options you chose.

In my playthrough, the Baron takes his wife north to a healer he knows. I then have to go to his castle and find his prize Gwent card. Once I get to his room and searched it, that's the end.
I have no idea what's happened, but the performance from this game has totally tanked. 40-50fps from a single 980 at high settings with hairworks off and 1440p! I was getting 60-70 yesterday with the same settings. I even dropped everything to low and switcheed off all post processing and I gained about 10fps. The GPU usage is hovering around 75-80%.


everytime i boot the game up it goes into borderless window vs fullscreen, which tanks my fps by 30!

so check that. sometimes it doesn't even re-save to go to fullscreen
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