theHunter: Call of the Wild

Anyone notice a lot more bugs since the patch with animal path finding? last night noticed some very odd behaviours with animals seemingly running in circles or getting stuck in brush which is an issue that I've seen before but had a lot more of it last night.

When I played the other night I had a stag that was just bugging into a tree. I could shoot it, it would stop bugging, and then start again after a few seconds. I also shot a bear and it ran toward me and then completely disappeared. Yeah, it doesn't seem to be working properly right now!

Made it to the top of Mt Leviathon today and if this game doesn't win an award for the graphics/eco/weather system I'll be very surprised.
Had a quick blast on this again today, haven't really played it much recently as I've been busy with Wildlands the last week or so, but still blown away with the beauty of the game, so many moments where i've just got to stop and appreciate the scenery.
Much like Divinious and CHokKA i have noticed some serious bugged animal AI, running round like headless chickens in circles and bugging out on trees and bushes, I've seen it happen on the odd occasion before but not on the scale that its currently at, definitely broke something in last patch.

Still cant get to the summit of Mt Kraken, tried approaching from the east flank up the spur but could only get about 2/3 of the way, i had to traverse to the northern side and attempt to push up the northern spur which was a lot more effective but still thwarted about 3 or 4 contours from the summit, one small ledge i couldn't get over after about 4 goes and falling back down about 100ft each attempt i gave up, my fingers were cramping from sprint jumping constantly for about an hour...
I'm close, I don't think it'll take much, just need to get a jump from the right angle, but thats one for another day.
I haven't really looked but are there any other peaks worth attempting in the north? or are they all outside of playable area boundary?
Played some more tonight and the tracking and killing is coming together nicely now and 1440p ultra looks damn good! 1080 gtx is being driven to an early grave though. Only game where the fans get loud and it's a very quiet cooler!

Now what is still annoying me. I bought a bow and arrows and better bullets but I can't equip them! How the hell do you do this? Bought a new sight too but still can't equip!
when you buy a new item you goto storage.drag the item into your backpack.then go inventory then click on item or drag it into a slot.

so say a gun or bow you would click the top circle one will be the item you brough then on the right will be circles for sights and click the circles it will add ammo and a sight. it seems weird but once you get it its pretty simple.
when you buy a new item you goto storage.drag the item into your backpack.then go inventory then click on item or drag it into a slot.

so say a gun or bow you would click the top circle one will be the item you brough then on the right will be circles for sights and click the circles it will add ammo and a sight. it seems weird but once you get it its pretty simple.
Thankyou I will persevere!

Least I can hunt now...
Managed to get a good few hours in over the weekend (15+:D) Thanks to the crap weather.
Decided to run around like a looney trying to unlock the lookouts and investigate the ?s.
Thought I was doing really well until I realised there was still a secord resort. :o
Shot 2 Bison with the .243 and gave them both no more than "Flesh wounds" :rolleyes:
I wish the watch towers had more of a use than just slightly increasing stats later on when skill/perks are unlocked... seems such a waste, never have any luck with hunting from them.

One thing that's annoying (other than how jumping up small stones just to climb hills gets so frustrating) is hunting with the bow, I was sure in the classic hunter you could make a kill and stay relatively undiscovered and not create a scene like you've just fired off a mini gun or was it the same?
I agree 100%, I'd think that the bow would also be exempt from adding 'Hunting Pressure' as it is almost silent.
The hunting stands seem to be more useful for people who use scents in combo with audible lures, the only ones I've found to be any good are if they overlook a 'Need Zone' or an approach to one, plus I find them to be poorly setup in that if you are standing the top edge obstructs the view & if crouched the bottom edges do!
I also think that the AI reaction to a bow shot seems to be the same as it is to a gun shot in COTW having said that you can generally call the animals back fairly quickly after using the bow if you have the right caller.
I bought the game the other day and I am impressed :) Here is my look at the games amazing graphics, day night and weather system as well as my first few kills :)

Well this game has become massively more enjoyable since I realised you can increase the magnification of both the bins and the rifle sights.... doh!

Really makes a difference in the Texas heart shots...
Finally unlocked the 338 today, took a lot of saving up!

I have given up on the shoot 2 bears in 1 picture mission though, after getting 2 bears in 1 picture (the only time I have seen 2 together in 47 hours of gameplay) and it didn't count!

Nice to see consecutive harvests roll over when you restart the game now.
Just picked this up. Its brilliant so far, perfect for taking a break away from competitive shooters etc. Only killed 3 deer so far, all of them seem to walk right in front of me! I wounded one but I lost his trail.
Do you guys have any tips for a noob like me? I've never played anything like it.
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