This Instant And Moment - 2022!

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I have just eaten a KitKat chunky that was just solid chocolate all the way through. I see this as a complete win.
Epic, this is known to happen to normal KitKats (sometimes 1 finger, sometimes all 4) but never seen a chunky.

Fun fact: the chocolate part of the filling in KitKats is made from ground up KitKats. Makes you wonder how they assembled the first one all that time ago.
Just about to say my goodbyes to an uncle who is dying of cancer. All very surreal. What the hell do you say to a dying man.
Epic, this is known to happen to normal KitKats (sometimes 1 finger, sometimes all 4) but never seen a chunky.

Fun fact: the chocolate part of the filling in KitKats is made from ground up KitKats. Makes you wonder how they assembled the first one all that time ago.

Have held the remaining bars, 3 out of the 4 of them must be solid chocolate. Muwhahah.

Just cut this down from my shed roof. They've been growing pretty big recently and sold one other day for £20 for charity lol.

Absolute unit!
You sure it's not an Ash gourd? Either that or my googlefu is weak as nothing 'Asian green pumpkin' brings up looks like that bad boy!
I guess the closest likening is green pumpkin, we call it Khodu lol (without the lol, lol).

I guess it could be ash ground though they tend to be much smaller/rounder but the insides look similar. Well so do red pumpkins to be fair.
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