Why is the (UK) police running over a cow?
The other copper stood next to the police car turns away in horror holding their head.
All the moors in my city have cows on them, the big moor has at least 110, I tried to count them.
Cows are only aggressive when bulls or calves are around.
On the moor often they stand in groups on the path, they don't care if someone walks past them really close, they are docile but stubborn, so likely won't move.
once I was walking across one of the moors and realised they were all sleeping surrounding the path I had to keep walking on.
I literally walked through the pack slowly and calmly, got a few huffs from waking them up but none of them bothered to stand up, none of them were aggressive.
the cop who rammed them is obviously clueless and doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull
It won't have been a full grown cow either, probably about 1 years old, they aren't fully grown until about 3
look how small it is compared to the car