This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Why is the (UK) police running over a cow?
The other copper stood next to the police car turns away in horror holding their head.
All the moors in my city have cows on them, the big moor has at least 110, I tried to count them.

Cows are only aggressive when bulls or calves are around.

On the moor often they stand in groups on the path, they don't care if someone walks past them really close, they are docile but stubborn, so likely won't move.

once I was walking across one of the moors and realised they were all sleeping surrounding the path I had to keep walking on.

I literally walked through the pack slowly and calmly, got a few huffs from waking them up but none of them bothered to stand up, none of them were aggressive.

the cop who rammed them is obviously clueless and doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull

It won't have been a full grown cow either, probably about 1 years old, they aren't fully grown until about 3
look how small it is compared to the car
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Doesn't even look like it's an adult either, completely harmless (a young bullock I think rather than actual cow, but still harmless).

RSPCA should be getting involved in that, to at the very least teach them about farm animals and that running them over and then parking your car on them isn't really acceptable.
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meanwhile in america 7 years ago

They shot one up here some years back, but they had a huge operation first to try and capture it

running over a cow with a car and breaking its legs is just animal cruelty, no one was in danger from it at the time
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Townies don't know how to deal with anything remotely country related.
it must be from somewhere fairly local, the owner probably could have handled it given a chance.

left alone it would probably have just tried to graze, that's what they do about 16hours a day, they only sleep for about 4 hours.

Their flight radius is something like 12ft, the cop cars probably kept getting to close and making it walk on

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it must be from somewhere fairly local, the owner probably could have handled it given a chance

Growing up there were several times we had to wait in the car as there was a bull or cow loose. There were pedestrians and cars, not once did any daft sod hit them with a fricking truck.

E: missing word
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Only time I've heard of an aggressive cow is if dogs are nearby when they are in birthing season. They go after the dog though, not humans.

They could have got a farmer to help. Surely they know the farmers around the town.

I wonder if the farmer could claim damages.
Townies don't know how to deal with anything remotely country related.
I mean, I will happily admit that I wouldnt really know too much about country things, you know like what plants are safe and so on, but I'd like to think that even with my limited country knowledge I would know that stopping a cow by simply repeatedly ramming it with my car until it cant get up probably isnt the best way to do with it, just as me a citizen, let alone if I am a police officer in the public eye :)
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