This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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No , we don't carry Tranquiliser darts.
No, we don't carry lassos .
A suitably equipped callout stockman or vet may be hours away or non existent
No, officers are not trained or equipped to corral runaway cattle in residential areas
An Armed Response Vehicle may be at least 30 minutes away and may only have 9mm arms on board
A callout rifleman may be hours away as a 9mm won't stop a runaway cow
So, Keyboard Warriors , instant experts in policing that you are , what would your remaining options be? Do something or do nothing?
Had this been an escaped lion , wolf or the 'Bully' dogs which have vanished from mainstream news so quickly recently - would there be a different media-manufactured public outcry than to some big-eyed quadruped?
Yes , our prime roles include protection of life and property. Including motorists and pedestrians who may unexpectedly encounter a quarter-ton of charging beef on the hoof.
And if anyone got squashed by said bovine , guess who'd be blamed for doing nothing?
Home Secretary calls for 'immediate enquiry'
RSPCA criticise Police action
Owner criticises Police action
Mainstream media criticises Police action
PCs involved removed from public duty
Is it any wonder we are continually abused , hated and attacked when vilified by our own government, mainstream Press and other institutions?
And yes , in my time as FCR Firearms Silver for 6 years I've authorised destruction on several occasions where injured or dangerous animals have posed an immediate and insoluble risk to public safety . Not nice, but necessary to keep people safe.

Not sure calls for the officers sacking is correct. Everyone makes misteaks, deffo some re-training needed though.
Not sure calls for the officers sacking is correct. Everyone makes misteaks, deffo some re-training needed though.

I think back to this story. The woman was cancelled, doxed etc.

I would feel happy if the same happened to the Police involved. It's only fair.
I think back to this story. The woman was cancelled, doxed etc.

I would feel happy if the same happened to the Police involved. It's only fair.
That's a bit different. The news report says the Police had been trying to capture the animal for hours and there was concern for the public.

I didn't see the people who had allowed the animal to escape helping and as above, the Police don't have the equipment to capture escaped animals.

I don't condone the officers actions and will wait to see the investigation outcome.
Now reports are saying the cow was rammed/run over 5 times?


A factory worker who stayed with the scared calf until it was safely transported into a horsebox
The cow ran into the park and the police asked me to lock one of the gates… It was just me and the calf for about two hours. I was keeping her calm
Doesn't make it sound like it was a particular threat to life and

Bennett said eventually two local men guided the calf into a horsebox using a rope

Gosh, putting a rope around it's neck to get it under control.....what thinking outside of the box that was! /s
Same farmer likely voted for Brexit so..... :p

And what has that got to do with it. Farmers care for their animals but not with over sentimentality. A youngish calf could still trample a person and corralling it with a vehicle was sensible and not a reason for a policeman or woman to lose their job. It was probably not in the training manual and most come from towns today.
Did the police use this tactic on those horses that bolted through London recently, or do they just have a grudge against cows?
Horses from memory are rather more delicate than cows, more valuable (a cow is worth it's weight in meat generally, a horse in the military might be worth many £10k's and years of training), and once the police managed to catch up to them and they had calmed down a bit the horses training will have helped a bit and the chances are many more police will be familiar with how to interact/calm a horse down than a cow if just because the police still routinely use mounted units.
Not to mention I suspect the army probably had it's people "in the loop" with the officers trying to corral the horses from the moment they got spooked.
Definitely not necessary, same as eating their meat isnt necessary. Both sure do taste good though :)

Thats your justification? "tastes good though", considering what happens to the victims I think you might wanna try again.... otherwise your logic can be applied to any violence carried out on anyone with the same justification

"feels good" "I like it" "because I want to".

I don't really care about animal cruelty, I think it's acceptable. How am I being hypocritical?!

So if someone was kicking a dog in front of you, you would walk past, going, "yea thats cool bro, personal choice"?

The bullets people bite to try to remain consistent are hilarious.
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Police who hit cow were probably right says farmer and union leader.

So all the armchair experts on here, yah boo sucks :p

A farmer and union leader defending animal cruelty does not make it right. It just means the farmer is also okay with animal cruelty, which is par for course across the farming industry

All the police needed to do was call a vet if they didn't feel qualified to deal with the animal. But unfortunately most police officers are violent meatheads
A farmer and union leader defending animal cruelty does not make it right. It just means the farmer is also okay with animal cruelty, which is par for course across the farming industry

All the police needed to do was call a vet if they didn't feel qualified to deal with the animal. But unfortunately most police officers are violent meatheads

And what Vet is going to come out at that time of night? And how long would have it taken them to get there? And who's going to pay for the out of hours call out?

Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp previously said police had unsuccessfully tried to contact local vets and identify the owner before the incident.

But unfortunately most police officers are violent meatheads

Most uneducated post i have read here for a long time.
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Mr Broom added: "God forbid it had gone the other way and the animal ran off and bumped into someone, sent a child flying, sent any person flying, [which is] perfectly possible, and they were seriously injured or worse.

"People would be saying: 'Why wasn’t the animal stopped?'"

Weren't their a bunch of terrified massive horses running riot in London not long ago? in the daytime no less with loads of members of the public at risk, yet no one shot the horses or rammed them did they...
And what Vet is going to come out at that time of night? And how long would have it taken them to get there? And who's going to pay for the out of hours call out?

Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp previously said police had unsuccessfully tried to contact local vets and identify the owner before the incident.

Most uneducated post i have read here for a long time.

Any Vet you pay enough money too will come out and do a job. The police would pay the money, probably less than the compensation they will end up paying out over this for their liability. And failing that simply put a noose on the cow and round it up. Peasants throughout history have easily managed this but low IQ violent cops need to mow down a lost farm animal 5 times with a car. Also if you don't think there are many violent stupid officers, then you haven't followed them in the news and in person. They're filled with absolute knuckle draggers and many whistleblowers state Wayne Couzens wasn't an abnormality. The force is full of domestic abusers

If you think any of that is good policing it says more about you than it does about me.
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I worked on a dairy farm from 12-16 every weekend and school holidays, cows might be large but they aren't aggressive and are easy to intimidate. Just walk towards them with you arms our and makes some noise and they will back off. You don't need to use a car or any vehicle. Bulls on the other hand can be a whole different kettle of fish. It is funny seeing non country folk telling people from the country how the police should be dealing with it :cry: :cry:

Very true now if it was a cow and her carf it would have been a totally different story.
Any Vet you pay enough money too will come out and do a job. The police would pay the money, probably less than the compensation they will end up paying out over this for their liability. And failing that simply put a noose on the cow and round it up. Peasants throughout history have easily managed this but low IQ violent cops need to mow down a lost farm animal 5 times with a car. Also if you don't think there are many violent stupid officers, then you haven't followed them in the news and in person. They're filled with absolute knuckle draggers and many whistleblowers state Wayne Couzens wasn't an abnormality. The force is full of domestic abusers

If you think any of that is good policing it says more about you than it does about me.
I'm surprised that there was not a plan in place for this, not like a lose cow is not something that has never happened.
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