This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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The "victim" LOL

Notice you cropped the context there and ask if I now believe that? It's pretty clear I believed that from the outset:
Why was that councillor allowed to be there in the riots videoing but you have a grudge against him? :S
Why did you congratulate the other leader then?

You're referring to the one I highlighted filming a video with the police asking people to stay indoors.

Did she also wander around in the road in among the rioting? If so please post the footage, I'll quite happily say that's silly of her but my comment was about the video.
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You're referring to the one I highlighted filming a video with the police asking people to stay indoors.

Did she also wander around in the road in among the rioting? If so please post the footage, I'll quite happily say that's silly of her but my comment was about the video.

:cry: dowie for PM. This gymnastics are excellent. The thing is, I really don't think you see the hilarity in your posts.
Hey, he keeps on quoting me with inane questions, most of which can already be answered by just reading what I wrote, sometimes even addressed in the bits he deletes when he quotes me.

:cry: dowie for PM. This gymnastics are excellent. The thing is, I really don't think you see the hilarity in your posts.

There are no gymnastics, was she wandering around in the riot? If so I've not seen that yet. I clearly posted the video of her with a police officer asking people to stay at home and that's what I commented on.
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There are no gymnastics, was she wandering around in the riot? If so I've not seen that yet. I clearly posted the video of her with a police officer asking people to stay at home and that's what I commented on.
And then said...........

Another local councilor was with police when it was still daylight and filming a video telling people to stay indoors. Did this guy reach out to fellow councilors or the Police and offer to use his influence as a community leader and try to stop the riot? It doesn't appear so.
Is this confusion cleared up now? Does it appear so now?
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Is this confusion cleared up now? Does it appear so now?

Well do you know - did he reach out to the police? Did they advise him to wander the streets?

One councilor was with the police and reaching out to people to tell them to stay indoors, this guy was wandering the streets seemingly against police advice and doing some photo ops.
Well do you know - did he reach out to the police? Did they advise him to wander the streets?

One councilor was with the police and reaching out to people to tell them to stay indoors, this guy was wandering the streets seemingly against police advice and doing some photo ops.
Conjecture - when did the police advice come in, and when was the photo op? Pretty sure the video names the councilor you are putting on a pedestal.
Conjecture - when did the police advice come in, and when was the photo op? Pretty sure the video names the councilor you are putting on a pedestal.

Pretty sure it was daylight when the police advice came in and this guy was wandering about all through the night and again did he even reach out to the police in the first place?

That's the question you quoted to ask whether that has been cleared up or not - well do you know or not?
You're just in here because of some weird grudge, should have known when you start bringing up Tommy Robinson in reply to me.

Umm... I brought up the TR tweet in reply to @dlockers post. You then questioned it so that's why I then used it in a direct reply to you... If you want to then use that to conjure up an accusation of some "grudge" you appear to have made up in your head in order to try and distract from the point then knock yourself out.

What? Again my position is that he shouldn't have been there in the riots.

So your position was never him being opportunistic for PR reasons, but solely that he shouldn't have been there at all?

It was quite clearly some pointless PR thing when the camera guy filming him just kept on mentioning his name.

Nothing is going to change your mind on this matter so I'll leave it there as a difference of opinion...
If you think the police want to deal with arresting hundreds of people from protected groups then I think you might be slightly mad. They literally would be dealing with the fallout for years. I watched a show earlier this year about race and the police and it was truly eye opening. The dealings with the "community leaders" in these places blew my mind. They would watch someone spit in the face of police, try and assault them and still be asking why the police didn't just leave them to commit a crime. "They should have de-escalated", "they should have stepped back", "they need to understand our distrust of the police and why we try and assault them when they try to stop us committing crimes".

They are on a hiding to nothing in situations like this and all people care about is the criminals. They want to know the criminals were treated nicely. They don't care that police officers are put on leave for months on end while investigations take place. That peoples lives, careers and families are put under ridiculous stress while they wait for a witch hunt to take place against them.

I'm frankly astonished anyone wants to be in the police these days.
If you think the police want to deal with arresting hundreds of people from protected groups then I think you might be slightly mad. They literally would be dealing with the fallout for years. I watched a show earlier this year about race and the police and it was truly eye opening. The dealings with the "community leaders" in these places blew my mind. They would watch someone spit in the face of police, try and assault them and still be asking why the police didn't just leave them to commit a crime. "They should have de-escalated", "they should have stepped back", "they need to understand our distrust of the police and why we try and assault them when they try to stop us committing crimes".

They are on a hiding to nothing in situations like this and all people care about is the criminals. They want to know the criminals were treated nicely. They don't care that police officers are put on leave for months on end while investigations take place. That peoples lives, careers and families are put under ridiculous stress while they wait for a witch hunt to take place against them.

I'm frankly astonished anyone wants to be in the police these days.

Or, as I've pointed out for years the police need to collectively grow a pair instead of pussy footing around minority groups.
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