need to get the height and fitness requirements back in the police.
too many librarian and barista types in the ranks these days.
absolutely useless for anything but sitting behind a desk.
I've seen female police that look around 5"2 , must weigh about 40kg.... most men could probably use them as dumbbell's lifting one on each arm
how can they ensure the publics safety if they can't even ensure their own? suspect ran down a dark alleyway, into some woods, jumped over some 6ft garden fences.
I'm going to have to break off pursuit for my own safety
I'd be curious how many police would actually be capable of jumping over a 6ft fence these days, I'm sure 90% of criminals can
all this university degree to be a police officer nonsense crap to keep jobs for the middle classes and elites, same with nursing......
your little woke middle class kids aren;'t capable of handling the real world.
My son started college for policing, then he dropped out after about 2 months and joined the military as a gunner instead