This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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It's not really a matter of who's incharge it's the law and all these treaties we're signed up to that keeps people like that here.

No, it's not just the law and treaties but also the behaviour of individuals within the Home Office, policy set by ministers, funding of staff to process cases etc.

There are clearly big differences between how countries signed up to the same international treaties deal with deportations and asylum claims (see the big differences in acceptance rates.)

There isn't anything in the treaties to prevent the deportation here, it's absolutely allowed for a criminal offence with a sentence of over 12 months AFAIK and given he's been remanded in custody ahead of trial that seems quite plausible ergo whether or not he's deported is now going to be a choice.
I can’t believe people are attempting to justify that level of force on someone already subdued

I think people are generally just sick of the career scumbags looking like the innocent party when the good guys occasionally mess up and get it wrong on the short 30 second clip they see on Twitter. If people saw the whole thing, I'm almost certain they'd still say the officer used excessive force (because you're going to struggle to justify a kick to the head for a subject laying prone), but I'd bet you my bottom dollar they'd be a *lot* more sympathetic as to why he did. But thats not how trial by social media works - it works by showing the selective clip of X doing something to Y making X look bad.

These absolute vile humans violently assaulted three armed officers and broke a female officers nose after already being wanted for God knows what (I'm guessing it wasn't an outstanding parking ticket...) and I'm supposed to cry about them getting a kick from an officer who was probably absolutely buzzing from fear/pain/adrenaline who made a lapse in judgement?

I think it's fair to say his firearms career might be in difficulty, which I get because of his decision making under pressure. But I'm not going to sit here in my garden sipping a beer judging his moves and pretend like it's the same decision he had to make. He'll probably be absolutely kicking himself (no pun intended) about why he kicked the idiot in the head, but you know what? People don't tend to make the best decisions when they've been assaulted, watch their colleagues get beaten and are dealing with so many things/emotions their senses are overloaded.

IMO he lost control, but we have to remember what we generally ask of police these days - they're often 20 year olds with no life experience and on £25k a year? Extreme professionalism in the most extreme circumstances - for a similar sort of salary you earn in Costa? Good luck. Gone are the days of the 30yr old+ ex forces recruits who started on £26k (15 years ago!!)

which is already quite unpleasant considering many people **** and/or **** themselves.

No they don't
Yes no excusing the level of force used, even if the passengers attacked officers first. The guy was down and tased, no need at all to then kick and stomp. Once his name comes out he's finished as far as social media goes, as is the norm.
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Mbe's for the officers.
If some scum bag violently attacked one of my female colleagues IAM sure a kicking would be appropriate.
Police officers are not meant to deal out punishment on the spot.

If anything they've possibly just done something that could weaken any case in court against the suspect, opened the force up to a case for excessive force - and stomping and kicking a contained suspect IS excessive and potentially lethal.

The guy should probably be locked up for a long time for what he did to the police, but the officer went massively over the top and has basically put every previous and future use of force he has done/will do in question as if he's willing/capable of giving someone a kicking very much in public it means that his actions out of the public eye are going to be questioned.

We expect and require our police to act professionally (and that does not include meting out "justice" with a size 13 boot), as when they fail to do that you're heading back to the bad old days when some units in the police were little more than uniformed thugs and there were questions over the safety of major cases due to misconduct.
I'm not quite old enough to "remember the good old days" when your local copper got away with giving people a beating, but I am old enough to remember the high profile cases where those "good old style coppers" messed up and got the wrong person, leaving the actual dangerous criminals to continue being a threat to society.

And before anyone says "he's soft" or "he's a lefty" I'm not. I'm someone what wants police to act professionally, if just because it means when cases get to court they're more likely to succeed and less likely to be thrown out, or have a conviction overthrown due to misconduct of the officers.
What he's done is likely give the attackers an easier ride and further sow bad relations between civs and the police.

As well as throw his career in the bin.
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What he's done is likely give the attackers an easier ride and further sow bad relations between civs and the police.
It already has, I'm seeing multiple group chats sharing the content under the notion that the government and police are racist against asians and Muslims - As if the fake video of Starmer saying all Bangladeshis are going to be deported wasn't enough lol.

It's about doing what's right, I've been through police training before (forensics) and seen what training materials are dished out, de-escalation is not stomping and kicking a suspect whilst he is flat on the ground being dealt with. It's about doing what's right by morals and law, not what's right by personal feelings in the heat-of the moment. Professional training teaches that.

This has simply fuelled the divide of minority population mindset vs the police/government further and it happens instantly due to the way the videos scatter around platforms so quick.
It's what happens when you hire people so easily without checking up on them. Last week the video of that lasy in the USA who called the police because she saw an intruder in her yard, the police turned up and shot her in the face - The cop is being charged with 1st degree murder and has a history of issues as he changed departments at least 4 times in just a few years yet was still allowed to be a cop.

Hire crap people, get crap situations.
Kicking someone’s head like a football, and then following up with a deliberate attempt to stomp it into a solid floor should be attempted murder IMO, especially for an allegedly trained Police Officer who should ******* know better. And it’s not even as if he gains control of the guy after doing it, he then launches into the other guy who’s sitting on a bench, following instructions and offering no resistance whatsoever. Even seems to pistol whip him in the back of the head when he’s already down.

I mean how stupid can you be? If there wasn’t a crowd there with their phones out, all it would have taken was a subject access request from the suspect’s lawyer for this to all come out, especially in an airport where there’s cameras literally everywhere.

He’s obviously totally lost control of himself, which for a firearms cop makes it so much worse.
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They don't help themselves do they... They don't deserve respect anymore, especially when they act like thugs.

One of NWA's song titles comes to mind...

Don't you ever get bored of using the word "they" to describe 140,000 men and women? This is putting aside what had happened in the immediacy before this clip.

I suppose you said that all members of the armed forces didn't deserve your respect when that homophobic soldier beat that lady unconscious that was in the new last week?

I suppose you said that all members of the NHS didn't deserve your respect when nurse Lucy Letby became the biggest child serial killer in history? Or when Doctor Harold Shipman became the biggest serial killer in history?

I suppose you said that all members of the teaching profession didn't deserve your respect when teacher Rebecca Joyce was found guilty of repeatedly having sex with 14 year old children?

Do I need to go on or are you going to continue to pretend that you aren't prejudiced and like you've got a clue?
By the sounds of it, one of the brothers saw the police officer(s) handling their mum and decided that punching the police officer was what was necessary. The events in the video are what then unfolded.
muslims init, probably a massive crime to physically touch someone elses property

Mob rule has always won in this country.
tell that to the miners who got absolutely battered by the police.

when the police can deal with football hooligans surely they can deal with anything if they have the will power.
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Don't you ever get bored of using the word "they" to describe 140,000 men and women? This is putting aside what had happened in the immediacy before this clip.

I suppose you said that all members of the armed forces didn't deserve your respect when that homophobic soldier beat that lady unconscious that was in the new last week?

I suppose you said that all members of the NHS didn't deserve your respect when nurse Lucy Letby became the biggest child serial killer in history? Or when Doctor Harold Shipman became the biggest serial killer in history?

I suppose you said that all members of the teaching profession didn't deserve your respect when teacher Rebecca Joyce was found guilty of repeatedly having sex with 14 year old children?

Do I need to go on or are you going to continue to pretend that you aren't prejudiced and like you've got a clue?
I do agree with this. This Officer clearly lost it and I’m guessing he will be made an example of and quite rightly so.

But yea when it’s old bill it’s a case of they are all the same but it doesn’t seem to be the case with other institutions.
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