This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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You have to wonder how hard it is to be arrested and get locked up as a Muslim since they seem to be a protected religion

Also seems like their families and communities are happy to cover things up for them so that likely makes any police investigation extremely difficult...

and the Oh, It's not worth the hassle of arresting this guy because a mob will form and riot.

Like the Guy who punched his sister who then died as a result of being punched, has he been charged yet? I'm guessing no

seems they have a habit of fleeing the country too

It certainly has the appearance of favouritism being shown to one community and the investigation into the Rochdale Grooming gangs clearly evidenced this behaviour by the Police and local authorities, so we have documentary evidence of this occurring - albeit due to fear of the 'racism' label.
Im not saying it should be ignored and there are no issues to address, I'm simply saying that sarcastic comments like 'that peaceful lot' (in reference to Muslims as a whole) are a clear attempt to blanket label an entire demographic based on the actions of a very small percentage of offenders.
The certain demographic of offenders have also disarmed this argument.
We are no longer allowed to call them Pakistanis or Bangladeshis they are now Asians.
Now the last time I looked Asia was a huge and diverse continent.
The term Muslim is now used to describe said demographic, I work with an Arabian Muslim from UAE and he’s a gentleman, he’s even said to me there is one God and it doesn’t matter which religion you follow.
A load of union jacks moving through London and the riot police come out. Classic.

Shame the riot police didn’t go to the actual riots.

Looks like it's going well:



Uniting the country :D some of them will be kicking lumps out of each other once the footy season starts.
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tbh thats something the new government should look at seriously.
Its probably down to local councils but you should never be more than 5-10 mins walk from a crapper.
If it's like the old public toilets they wont survive a week and the councils will abandon them.

Those semi-exposed toilets probably last a lot longer but it'd pretty much just be male only which seems unfair.
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A woman called the cops because of a potential prowler outside her house.

The cops appear, and after looking around couldn't find anyone.

Invited themselves into her home. Asked her for ID. When she went to get it she noticed a pan of water she was boiling on the stove. So she went over to turn the stove off, and picked up the pan to set it on the side.

For some reason when she moved to the surface top to set it down the cop shot and killed her!?

In his testimony he claimed she was running at him with the boiling water. His OWN bodycam was recording everything yet he still chose to lie. Why lie and do something so stupid!?
No public loos anywhere these days.
I remember when Council ones used to be everywhere... some of them had an attendant sat behind a glass window in the era before CCTV

I'd gladly pay a quid to use a public toilet as I'm sure many others would, It can;t be that expensive to maintain them surely?

I suspect council greed is why they don't exist now.... I remember articles about public toilets that have been sold and converted into mini night clubs and takeaways etc

Councils always seem to be short sighted
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