This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Amazing isnt it, the evidence that supports the police is readily available.

Yet in my case against the police, the evidence that supports me has mysteriously been lost :cry: :cry:

It's just one of life's mysteries, isn't it? All those body cams failing.
I was in court last week and whilst waiting in the room I heard a conversation between solicitors saying "...and guess what, the officers camera was conveniently off again." like it's common place. (Paraphrasing from memory)
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"in this day and age"... (they love that line) all Police should be wearing body worn cameras that they should not be allowed to turn off when reporting to an incident.
Amazing how all these race-baiting idiots don't seem to know what cameras are or how they work.

Or they don't care because they know that the truth doesn't matter. That's the beauty of propaganda built on fashionable irrational prejudices - enough people will believe it without question and it will get enough media coverage. On top of that, there's the delay. By the time people who care about the truth investigate and evaluate the evidence, they're too late. The incident is already firmly bedded in as "proof" for the desired irrational prejudice. And it's old news anyway.
"in this day and age"... (they love that line) all Police should be wearing body worn cameras that they should not be allowed to turn off when reporting to an incident.

AFAIK this is how most US states BWV works.

The moment its taken out the charging dock when they get on duty it starts recording, and only stops when its put back to charge and upload the data.

Its how it should be here, no excuses then for evidence mysteriously vanishing.

Attempted race-grift fail.

Amazing how all these race-baiting idiots don't seem to know what cameras are or how they work.

Ive read the article a few times and cant find any mention towards race baiting unless you have looked at the guys name and decided he was black so that is what it must be.

I would have thought the 2 stories below would be some of the reasons people are losing respct for the police.

Try to ignore that these two kids are black for a second.

sounds like Meghan and Harry appropriating stephen lawrence / coomonwealth slavery heritage ....

WTF has this got to do with this thread?
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Ive read the article a few times and cant find any mention towards race baiting unless you have looked at the guys name and decided he was black so that is what it must be.

I would have thought the 2 stories below would be some of the reasons people are losing respct for the police.

Try to ignore that these two kids are black for a second.

WTF has this got to do with this thread?

Try reading it again. There's an entire paragraph.
Just read that on BBC news. Absolutely insane.

So reading it some more its going to include looking at someone. Because lets face it someone "staring" at you is very subjective, and different people will have different thresholds of what would be considered staring, and of course what about those with medical conditions who cannot help it. Lock them up for 2 years also. This is a blatant power grab at the freedoms of people in this country and it's almost exclusively targetted at men only.

The included offenses are:

  • Deliberately walking closely behind someone as they walk home at night
  • Making obscene or aggressive comments towards a person
  • Making obscene or offensive gestures towards a person
  • Obstructing a person's path
  • Driving or riding a vehicle slowly near to a person making a journey
So the next time your walking along and someone gets in your way, they are a criminal, and if they call you a naughty word, they are also a criminal. This is just beyond words mental.
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People losing respect for the police based on claims of abuse of power/racism that didn't happen.
Come on Tony, keep up.

But you are not making sense.

This might have been a better example.

So reading it some more its going to include looking at someone. Because lets face it someone "staring" at you is very subjective, and different people will have different thresholds of what would be considered staring, and of course what about those with medical conditions who cannot help it. Lock them up for 2 years also. This is a blatant power grab at the freedoms of people in this country and it's almost exclusively targetted at men only.

The included offenses are:

  • Deliberately walking closely behind someone as they walk home at night
  • Making obscene or aggressive comments towards a person
  • Making obscene or offensive gestures towards a person
  • Obstructing a person's path
  • Driving or riding a vehicle slowly near to a person making a journey
So the next time your walking along and someone gets in your way, they are a criminal, and if they call you a naughty word, they are also a criminal. This is just beyond words mental.
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