This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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So for me, the footage exonerates these police, I couldn't care less about the stomp or kick now in all honestly because this guy is not a victim they attacked armed police like a bunch of unhinged savages, what do you expect the outcome will be? This behaviour replicated in other airports in the globe could have resulted in both of these being killed legitimately by the police and then endangering everyone around them at the time.

Two selfish pricks with a chip on their shoulder, and potentially help by global unfriendly media to try and spread a false narrative to cause further divide and unrest.
So for me, the footage exonerates these police, I couldn't care less about the stomp or kick now in all honestly because this guy is not a victim they attacked armed police like a bunch of unhinged savages, what do you expect the outcome will be?

+1 If you start a fist fight and rain blows down on a police officer frankly you deserve what you get. If you've repeatedly punched a police officer to the ground at that point you have no real right to compain when they stompt on your head in response whilst arresting you.

Frankly I'm surprised it took the authorities so long to release this footage as very few would protest about police brutality having seen the build up to the incident.
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BREAKING NEWS: This was all started when the two Muslims, were 'mis-gendered' by the Police and reacted appropriately under the circumstances. GMP and Andy Burnham are expected to prostrate themselves and apologise to the two offended 'ladies' in question.

So for me, the footage exonerates these police, I couldn't care less about the stomp or kick now in all honestly because this guy is not a victim they attacked armed police like a bunch of unhinged savages, what do you expect the outcome will be? This behaviour replicated in other airports in the globe could have resulted in both of these being killed legitimately by the police and then endangering everyone around them at the time.

Two selfish ***** with a chip on their shoulder, and potentially help by global unfriendly media to try and spread a false narrative to cause further divide and unrest.
It's a fair point.
It amazes me that the sheer amount of people on that here that ran to the defence of the original attackers without knowing, or the want to know the full story.
It's pure virtue signalling by people who should know better, or are too downright daft to.
This doesn't exonerate the copper at all. He still booted a guy who was already face down and not a threat, and then went and assaulted the other guy for no reason at all.
Go to an airport tomorrow, find some armed police and start raining down heavy blows upon them. Post the resultant footage here for all to discuss.

It's a fair point.
It amazes me that the sheer amount of people on that here that ran to the defence of the original attackers without knowing, or the want to know the full story.
It's pure virtue signalling by people who should know better, or are too downright daft to.

IMO the media was largely responsible as they ran the footage and were all to happy to play the "police brutaliity" / "Instituational racism" card for a bit of press/views when they clearly only had one side of the story and hadn't investigated to any level. Shoddy journalism as usual from the mainstream media sources.
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The police officer was still wrong to kick the man on the ground, and should face suitable consequences.... But there quite rightly should be trouble if the males they were dealing with aren't charged and convicted as well...
Yea no one can argue with that.

Some people seem to think 2 wrongs make it right...

we don't do an eye for an eye over here

The joys of reddit where you have to be 18 aka forced to register to watch a video thats probably on every news website and youtube without any 18+ nonsense.


replacing www. with old. . fixes it btw :)

someone edited that video so it doesnt show the kick, theres another version that lasts about 2 seconds longer
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I wonder how Akhmed Yakoob and George Galloway are feeling now.
The former has just seen a massive pay packet slip out of his greasy corrupt race baiting fingers.
IMO the media was largely responsible as they ran the footage and were all to happy to play the "police brutaliity" / "Instituational racism" card for a bit of press/views when they clearly only had one side of the story and hadn't investigated to any level. Shoddy journalism as usual from the mainstream media sources.
Indeed, but think of the morons that suckled at the medias teat and believed every single word they spat out.
Obviously I won't mention names, buy those on here know who they are, don't you guys?
I wonder how Akhmed Yakoob and George Galloway are feeling now.
The former has just seen a massive pay packet slip out of his greasy corrupt race baiting fingers.

Galloway is still defending the scrote. Suggesting the Police started the brawl by slamming his head into the vending machine and then throwing the first punch when the older brother tried to intervene.
I wonder how Akhmed Yakoob and George Galloway are feeling now.
The former has just seen a massive pay packet slip out of his greasy corrupt race baiting fingers.

I suspect Galloway, and the demographic he's pandering to in order to win votes, won't actually care even seeing that footage and will simply continue as before.
Galloway is still defending the scrote. Suggesting the Police started the brawl by slamming his head into the vending machine and then throwing the first punch when the older brother tried to intervene.
I can't hear his name without associating

how can anyone take him seriously as a politician. actually reminds me of homelanders mommy issues
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Aye the new videos proves or adds very little. I'm all for robust and forceful policing and to be fair this is what should have occurred here but the one copper over-stepped that line with the extra kick, stomp and knee to the back and then without first securing the first suspect starts popping at the other.

I hope all are charged accordingly.
Surely this is a joke? still in full defence mode, likely adrenaline high ...chap who got a kick is lucky he wasnt unalived!
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So for me, the footage exonerates these police, I couldn't care less about the stomp or kick now in all honestly because this guy is not a victim they attacked armed police like a bunch of unhinged savages, what do you expect the outcome will be? This behaviour replicated in other airports in the globe could have resulted in both of these being killed legitimately by the police and then endangering everyone around them at the time.

Two selfish pricks with a chip on their shoulder, and potentially help by global unfriendly media to try and spread a false narrative to cause further divide and unrest.
Agreed, nothing to do racism whatsoever. I hope the copper gets reinstated and the individuals involved get at least five years for assault on police officers.

Sadly i think the opposite will happen. We will lose a good copper and the individuals involved will be rewarded with a six figure payout courtesy of the taxpayer:mad:
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