This is why people are losing respect for the police...

26 Dec 2009
I’m not, clearly you’re that blinded by your own issues you can’t see what I am saying.

The police were in the right, but the actions of one officer called the entire thing into questions because he used excessive force.

If you need that in simpler terms, try chatGPT.

I was pretty much in agreement with you until the second vid came out. Am now much more sympathetic with the officer that did the kicking. Given the situation, multiple blows to the head, wrestling, taser going off mid wrestling and the very few seconds inbetween the officers actions could arguably be justified with how things unfolded. Not to mention there was a second perp on the loose for all he knew at that specific time, neutralise this guy on the ground and go after the other as quick as possible.
25 Oct 2014
I’m not, clearly you’re that blinded by your own issues you can’t see what I am saying.

The police were in the right, but the actions of one officer called the entire thing into questions because he used excessive force.

If you need that in simpler terms, try chatGPT.
He used excessive force after he had been pummeled from all angles, two other officers had been assaulted, and one female then unbeknown to him had tased the guy, in the space of 30 seconds. Sure you'd have done better though eh?
25 Nov 2007
You'd be hard pressed to go back and quote more than a couple who did.

Pretty much nobody on here was defending the attackers, the primary talking point was whether the use of force was excessive or not.

While the video released today provides a lot more context, we’ll see what happens with the investigation and whether the IOPC deem it excessive.

It looks bad in the original video, like he is on the floor, but with the latest video he was punching that guy 2 seconds prior.

Its basically the same instance.

The police were in the right, but the actions of one officer called the entire thing into questions because he used excessive force.

If you need that in simpler terms, try chatGPT.
Big difference because i said he is overly emotional as i figured exactly that happened, however the editing makes it appear as if the thing happened 1 minute ago, where 2 seconds ago the guy being kicked in the head was punching the guy kicking in the back of the head.

There must be some time that passes for the thing to be two separate instances, and you cannot expect the officer is some sort of ultra fighter.

Its the editing, basically, too powerful.
25 Oct 2014
Private? Nope wrong uniform I taught C&R for HMP for 8 years. But okay, you coach commando experience is clearly superior.

As I say I’m not the one needing a head wobble.
Well if your take on this new video is anything to go by i can only assume you're a bouncer or doorman. If true i'll go with my own gut instinct thank you very much:cry:
23 Oct 2013
He used excessive force after he had been pummeled from all angles, two other officers had been assaulted, and one female then unbeknown to him had tased the guy, in the space of 30 seconds. Sure you'd have done better though eh?

Pass tbh I’ve never been in that situation, but probably not. We’ve all seen red mist before, but I don’t think you can ever justify kicking someone in the face and stamping on the back of their head when they are already on the floor, especially after being tased.

If that was a street brawl and not highly trained armed officers this wouldn’t be a conversation, it would be outright assault imo.
23 Apr 2014
I think some people need to calm down and stop treating this new video as a 'win' for you. As I said, it remains to be seen whether the officer acted appropriately. But if he does face consequences, we all know where the narrative will shift to.

There have also been more ridiculous comments on this thread tonight, as people can't contain their excitement. For example, why on earth was first cousin marriage brought up when there's absolutely no evidence of it here?
26 Dec 2009
Quite frankly IF the people recording, had the full footage and edited the bit before out, they are culpable too and need a good talking to. Just stirred things up for no reason.

I will give the benefit of doubt to them as probably started recording after the initial contact.
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20 Oct 2004
Quite frankly IF the people recording, had the full footage and edited the bit before out, they are culpable too and need a good talking to. Just stirred things up for no reason.

I will give the benefit of doubt to them as probably started recording after the initial contact.

Yeah they just started recording at the head kick and not the twenty seconds before. Then didn't crop and upload it, knowing exactly what would happen.
26 Dec 2009
I think some people need to calm down and stop treating this new video as a 'win' for you. As I said, it remains to be seen whether the officer acted appropriately. But if he does face consequences, we all know where the narrative will shift to.

There have also been more ridiculous comments on this thread tonight, as people can't contain their excitement. For example, why on earth was first cousin marriage brought up when there's absolutely no evidence of it here?
Indeed, I’m sure I seen some moron bring up Jihad Training up as well.
25 Oct 2014
Pass tbh I’ve never been in that situation, but probably not. We’ve all seen red mist before, but I don’t think you can ever justify kicking someone in the face and stamping on the back of their head when they are already on the floor, especially after being tased.

If that was a street brawl and not highly trained armed officers this wouldn’t be a conversation, it would be outright assault imo.
I watched the new video ten times. Maybe you should too:rolleyes: He had no idea that the assailant had been tazed. With all that went on in that very short time frame, with his colleagues and himself being assaulted in such a small space, the only thing he did wrong was only stamping on that rats head once.

Watch the video again, put yourself in that officers boots and work out how many times you would have booted that head in his position;)
22 Nov 2005
The police were in an extremely difficult position there, they would not have been expecting to face that level of violence. They could have been knocked out or worse themselves.
Lucky it wasn't terrorists or the police would have stood no chance..
Time to get rid of the chaff
2 Dec 2004
Under The Desk, Wales
I watched the extended videos....

Those guys were utter thugs!!! The police were violently attacked.

But, i dont think the police man should have kicked that guy in the head or stamped on his head. No need for that.

I guess the police man was really peed off and i can see why!!

Those thugs should be sent down at the very least for attacking the police like they did.
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22 Nov 2005
Wouldn't expect a take like this from him given the parties involved!
Is that the guy that had loads of trouble with the police over burning a pride flag or whatever?
If so then not unexpected really is it
I cant believe anyone can defend or feel sorry for the people that attacked the police officers.
Didn't they land on a flight from Pakistan?

I'd love to see them do the same over there..... but they wouldn't would they, because they know what would happen...
I'm guessing it would be a Coma for the lot of them.

Anyone who attacks a cop should be instant deport, I couldn't care less if they were born here or not, they don't identify as being British...

Bet they have duel citizenship anyway seems theres an arrangement between Pakistan and the UK
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27 Jan 2009
Stop simping for the police

I think you'll find a lot of UK police officers undertand why second video doesn't male the first *legally* justifiable (even if a lot of people in general may now think it was a 'justified' reaponse).

....Judging by what I've heard and what's been posted online.

So it's not really 'simping for the police'...

It's the wider public view that 'retribution' is sometimes justifiable when of course in reality, despite how we may all feel sometimes, retribution at best should only be mitigation and not a defence for such violence.
27 Jan 2009
Is that the guy that had loads of trouble with the police over burning a pride flag or whatever?
If so then not unexpected really is it

Yes he's not famous for sensible takes when it comes to people of a certain religion.

At least as far the initial incident itself goes I don't think race/ religion played a significant part in what happened.

I've seen similar videos of white men giving police a similair beating and videos of cops taking out a bit of revenge on the same sort of people as a result.

The post incident response has obviously been 'racialised' by many.
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