This is why people are losing respect for the police...

29 Dec 2014
But, they then ****ed that all up by getting some revenge beating in, and the officer that did so should rightly get the book thrown at him. If you can't keep control of yourself in situations like that, the you're in the wrong job, period.

We must take the greatest care, and make sure that the feelings and personal safety of dangerous violent criminals is protected, and paramount at all times.

The police officers should be flayed, for daring to enforce the rule of law with overwhelming, but reasonable force.
18 Mar 2008
I count 5. This is after he's been punched in the head about 7 or 8 times, possibly concussed and confused and dragged to the ground himself. A reasonable person would say the officer was still in fear of further violence from both of these individuals. Given their prior violent attacks it would be reasonable to expect the officer felt the need to incapacitate both men. Also the law precedence is:

R v Palmer: "A person defending himself cannot weigh to a nicety the exact measure of his necessary defensive action. If a Jury thought that in a moment of unexpected anguish a person attacked had only done what he honestly and instinctively thought was necessary that would be most potent evidence that only reasonable defensive action had been taken".
Still seems questionable to me for an officer to not attempt to assess first but I suppose given the ludicrous situation (maybe they thought they were going to get shot?) the other guys are lucky the police didn't shoot them which I'm also not sure about considering the implications for any future interactions with firearms officers.



2 Mar 2018
God's own county
Was it clearly over ? Would you be able to make that decision after been punched in the head 11 times, lost your glasses, your colleague walking around with a broken nose, and no eyes on your 3rd partner, everyone in the area shouting and screaming ??

I very much doubt it, your body is pumping with adrenaline, there is zero amount of training that can even come close that that level of intensity.
The threat in situations like this is only over when there in the back of a van locked up, you have no idea if they have mates in the area or others might join in.

I'd like to see how many of you would react in a situation like this, even those with a high level of discipline training would struggle to keep control.

Exactly this

The whole thing lasted about 30 seconds

Slow mo video experts haven't got a clue

Cops should be praised
20 Dec 2004
We must take the greatest care, and make sure that the feelings and personal safety of dangerous violent criminals is protected, and paramount at all times.
Bit of a strange position to take, I would consider the safety of the officers paramount.
The police officers should be flayed, for daring to enforce the rule of law with overwhelming, but reasonable force.
Flayed? Do you need help?
21 Jan 2010
I argued the same before seeing the second video. If he's fired, every police officer in the country may aswell resign because according to people like yourself, they have no right to defend themselves as part of their dangerous job. And if they do, they have to resign. There's no point in any of them investing in such a career

I disagree.

The police absolutely have the right to act accordingly to a situation. That includes defending themself.

I get the cop's reaction. He's been battered, his mates have been battered. There's more than one opponent. He has to make it one on one, and shoeing someone in the face works. He's then gone for a stamp.

In the cold light of day it looks bad.

He's attempting to control the situation, but he's gone beyond there.

I sympathise with him, I do. I'd do the same, but if I got picked up I'd probably get done for it.

The police are held to a higher standard.
22 Nov 2005
How on Gods green earth anyone can defend the violent individuals that attacked the Police aggressively is beyond me, in America at least one of these individuals would have been shot and killed, they are very lucky in this country it's only a bit of physical contact to subdue them.
are we not allowed to criticise the actions of the police? how is that defending the attackers?????????

it was over and he chose to stick a few digs in... its a personal assault at that point... he's clearly aware its all over.

I don't support officers with "red mist" they are meant to be trained professionals who act with restraint and control.

He clearly did not.

someone punching him doesn't change that, I have no issues with the actions prior to the head kick/stomp on a tased person, police training probably says they mishandled the situation and should have been more aware of the other people around them.

the guy who comes from behind should never have been allowed to happen, but that does';'t justify his actions either
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21 Jan 2010
He should be investigated - but other than some training no further action be taken.

He had to ensure that the situation was brought under control quickly and that others didn’t jump in which could have forced the use of firearms.

Sometimes the police go to far or misuse power; but not here - unfortunately sometime violence is required to deal with cowardly lunatics.

If he's investigated, that investigation has to run its course, which includes possible disciplinary action.

Your second and third paragraph, I completely understand and (mostly) agree.

The issue is: it looks bad and it's public.
1 Jun 2004
Chryston, Glasgow
If he's investigated, that investigation has to run its course, which includes possible disciplinary action.

Your second and third paragraph, I completely understand and (mostly) agree.

The issue is: it looks bad and it's public.
Yes the investigation should have run its course; but without political interference - can this officer receive a fair hearing now?

It looked inexcusable with initial curated footage - I think most now have a different picture now.
22 Apr 2016
It looked inexcusable with initial curated footage - I think most now have a different picture now.
And yet the information about what happened before the initial video was widely available. The daft ********** (not you btw!) on here chose to ignore that or even question the validity of the BBC reporting as a coping mechanism!

Instead they chose to defend the rights of violent criminals who had attacked Police officers.
21 Jan 2010
Yes the investigation should have run its course; but without political interference - can this officer receive a fair hearing now?

It looked inexcusable with initial curated footage - I think most now have a different picture now.

Heh, it's all political, all the time. The senior management will be well aware of that. They will be under pressure to "do something" and it takes a lot of guts to resist that.

Yeah, there was always more to it than the initial, highly partial, video. As I said, I sympathise with the cop, and understand why he did that.
17 Sep 2018

It sounds like his assembled group were committing various violent crimes. Let's be honest they're a rebranded Combat 18 and that is a terror group under every metric.

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
It sounds like his assembled group were committing various violent crimes. Let's be honest they're a rebranded Combat 18 and that is a terror group under every metric.

I'm no fan of Tommy but 9 arrests for the amount of people that turned up, doesn't seem a lot to me, especially for a far right group.
17 Sep 2018
They aren’t far right!
The majority are just normal citizens (with some football firms thrown in admittedly)

These are the same EDL yobs who'd march through Pakistani areas, make heil hitler salutes - they're caught on camera doing it, trespass in mosques without removing their shoes, smashed up take aways, get into fights with locals and so on.

I'm no fan of Tommy but 9 arrests for the amount of people that turned up, doesn't seem a lot to me, especially for a far right group.

My mistake, it seems the crime he's been done for is breaching a court order. He was found guilty of libel, towards a schoolboy. He's now continuing to defame this school boy against the courts order

17 Sep 2018
Let’s bear in mind that 2 scumbags who battered a police woman are walking around free as birds whilst someone who peacefully protested is under arrest.

He was committing libel, which he's already been found guilty of and ordered by a court to cease and desist. He's literally still harassing a schoolboy, who he's been ordered by a court to leave alone. Breaching court orders is a crime in the UK. Good luck sticking up 2 fingers to a judge. See the article I posted above for details

Hopefully TR and the 2 thugs both get lengthy sentences though
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22 Nov 2005
Let’s bear in mind that 2 scumbags who battered a police woman are walking around free as birds whilst someone who peacefully protested is under arrest.
thats the fault of politicians not the police, we have political policing.

All the LGBT crap and pride cars should never have been allowed into the police either... keep all agendas and politics out of the police.

Everyone should be treated equally and if a mob forms disperse them...

lets face it that police station was basically under siege with barricades at the main entrance... and masked men pelting it...

They need to ban hiding your face in public full stop.... I don't care if its against peoples religion... its been abused for far too long

see too many oiks riding scooters like that, I'ma start booting them off if they ride close enough to me, they go through parks like they are looking for victims.

Lettiing people ride illegal electric motor bikes for so many years sems to have made people think they can do what they want..

If I go for a walk I'm almost guaranteed to see at least one or two, often fully grown men commuting, people ride them like they have diplomatic immunity
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