This is why people are losing respect for the police...

17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
See Post 4188. Breached a court order
And in the most blatant and public way possible.

Given he's got previous for breaching court orders, and the manner in which he did it this time about the only way he's likely to avoid jail time (again) is because there aren't enough prison cells to lock him away for something approaching the maximum that you can get for the offence.

He's a repeat offender for multiple crime, almost the classic sort of pattern of offending that many of his defenders would be saying should result in prison for life as he's never learned not to break the law, or court orders.
15 Aug 2005
That is my worry - this country is rapidly declining and there is no respect for our laws from some. Do we really want to go down the route of the US? Arm all our police, then the public will want rights to arm themselves - slippery slope.
No, we'd go down the route of other European countries or Australia, but most likely adopt a New Zealand style approach in the first instance where all officers are trained to use firearms but have them secured in the vehicle without routinely carrying them.

Routine arming is decades away anyway, there isn't a single British force (specialist ones aside) that equips every officer with a Taser so they're not about to start handing out pistols. Plus the country simply can't afford it as the training, equipment and recruitment would cost millions. No force has that in their budget and by the sounds of it the Home Office doesn't either.
22 Nov 2005
There was a stream going round the march interviewing people, they were just normal people. Football yobs may have been there, but the bulk of the crowd wasn't them, it was normal people sick of immigrants taking resources that we don't have.
what like the 20bn blackhole
25 Aug 2006
No, we'd go down the route of other European countries or Australia, but most likely adopt a New Zealand style approach in the first instance where all officers are trained to use firearms but have them secured in the vehicle without routinely carrying them.

Routine arming is decades away anyway, there isn't a single British force (specialist ones aside) that equips every officer with a Taser so they're not about to start handing out pistols. Plus the country simply can't afford it as the training, equipment and recruitment would cost millions. No force has that in their budget and by the sounds of it the Home Office doesn't either.

So you concur that the country is declining and we may go to routine arming - whether soon or 'decades away'?

I would ask, why are heading this way and what can be done about it now to prevent this path.
15 Aug 2005
So you concur that the country is declining and we may go to routine arming - whether soon or 'decades away'?
No I don't, I was addressing your concern of UK policing adopting some kind of radical US-style approach to arming and use of lethal force. Whatever rapid decline you perceive, the discussions around routine arming have been going on for decades already and will continue to do so. Realistically the metrics that will be used to decide will be terrorist attacks and gun crime, but I don't think any of the decision makers want to be having those discussions at the moment.
31 Aug 2021
But don't let that get in your way of hero worship
Childish, but expected.
You should know TR lost his libel case because he could not prove most of his accusations. The girl who claimed to be hit by hockey stick was proven to be lying for instance.
Correct, but what about the rest? Should all that be ignored? Really?
What he has shown the public is maybe worth the grief and prison time to him? At least someone has the balls to confront the rape gangs etc etc and the corrupt media who are only interested in clicks and their own agenda (much like some on here).
Go watch "The rape of Britain" and especially the interviews with the then child rape victims and the trauma they've suffered and still do. (I'll wait for the usual member to say he was jailed for screwing up a court case, but then it was ruled as an unlawful sentence).
You're trying your very best to deflect away from the attention he's brought to the general public about how corrupt the system is without a single concern to the people we really should be caring about.
Good job mate, keep your head well and truly in the sand.
*slow clap
9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
interesting points made here ,

Personal opinion made from watching various videos of this etc, stomp maybe ott but given the whole situation adrenaline came into play. needs a slap on the wrist at most.

Well they weren't stopping, one had already launched himself into the rear of one of the police officers dealing with one of them and a police officer by that stage had already been impeded by a broken nose. It was a fast moving situation which could have seen an officer overwhelmed and losing their fire arm. It was right for these thugs / potential terrorists to have been subdued which meant using feet as their hands are kept free for fire arms. If you don't want a good shoeing then don't resist arrest and worse still pick a full on fight with fire arms officers or any officers for that matter.

If one of them had got hold of a fire arm then it would have entered a whole other territory and would likely have had to be taken out, so a lot worse than a shoeing.

Silly individuals with no respect for the law and should not be grifting for compensation but rather should be charged for their NHS usage, followed by being deported or a good spell in jail.

Officer should be back on duty.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
Childish, but expected.

Correct, but what about the rest? Should all that be ignored? Really?
What he has shown the public is maybe worth the grief and prison time to him? At least someone has the balls to confront the rape gangs etc etc and the corrupt media who are only interested in clicks and their own agenda (much like some on here).
Go watch "The rape of Britain" and especially the interviews with the then child rape victims and the trauma they've suffered and still do. (I'll wait for the usual member to say he was jailed for screwing up a court case, but then it was ruled as an unlawful sentence).
You're trying your very best to deflect away from the attention he's brought to the general public about how corrupt the system is without a single concern to the people we really should be caring about.
Good job mate, keep your head well and truly in the sand.
*slow clap

Jon, Toomy never bothered with the rape gangs until they were public news thanks to the work of people that actually cared about it and not just making some money out of it, his one "contribution" to "raising awareness" was to very nearly get at least one of a linked set of very complex trials thrown out due to his filming in restricted areas with the high potential of showing the faces of the jury and the victims.
He was warned about it, but continued to do it. which either shows a level of dedication to the cause of getting the trial abandoned, to getting some headlines for himself, or that he failed to understand stuff 16 year old YTS lads were expected to know back in the days of the local papers covering court cases.

It came very close to at best a complete retrial, which would have cost the country a fortune, and more importantly would have required the victims to give evidence again of which there is no certainty they would have been able to, and potentially the entire case (or multiple cases) being completely abandoned as too tainted to continue with.

He's not a hero, he's a grifter, a convicted fraudster, a convicted immigration offender and basically someone who'll do anything (including forcing a mistrial on a major rape case) to rile up the racists and earn some more dosh.
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17 Sep 2018
Childish, but expected.

Correct, but what about the rest? Should all that be ignored? Really?
What he has shown the public is maybe worth the grief and prison time to him? At least someone has the balls to confront the rape gangs etc etc and the corrupt media who are only interested in clicks and their own agenda (much like some on here).
Go watch "The rape of Britain" and especially the interviews with the then child rape victims and the trauma they've suffered and still do. (I'll wait for the usual member to say he was jailed for screwing up a court case, but then it was ruled as an unlawful sentence).
You're trying your very best to deflect away from the attention he's brought to the general public about how corrupt the system is without a single concern to the people we really should be caring about.
Good job mate, keep your head well and truly in the sand.
*slow clap

So bringing up the fact TR kicking a police officer in the head after beating up his girlfriend is 'childish' and 'burying my head in the sand'. But you ignoring it isn't burying your head in the sand, right? Your happy to support a woman beating, police beating scumbag, right?

I'm sure there are Asian criminals who are scumbags, but TR is a violent criminal who associates with other violent criminals while attempting to stir up racial tensions.

TR has peadophiles he has associated within the EDL, funny he is happy being friends with them ignoring their crimes while pointing out another races is crimes. It's almost like he's biased.

TR was a drug dealer for Pakistanis in his youth, he was a wife beater, he's a repeat career criminal, he's a football hooligan guilty of all manner of violence.

He's also a massive fraud, he committed fraud and was jailed for it and also because he scams right wingers like you out of money while being fraudulent about his actual name
22 Nov 2005
Don’t worry there’s plenty of money around..
You'd think we were voting for a global wef government...

We already spend more on hotels than a lot of countries have GDP...

Imagine being in debt but still giving your money away to charities etc.... people would think you were insane

They need to start running the country like a house we all live in.

What the gov do is more akin to a gambling or drug addict
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1 Mar 2010
The video (idiot) mentions two preceeding events at coffeeshop , and in lounge does it ? still not the whole story from the Bbbc& burnham interview credible article.
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