This is why people are losing respect for the police...

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
He was committing libel, which he's already been found guilty of and ordered by a court to cease and desist. He's literally still harassing a schoolboy, who he's been ordered by a court to leave alone. Breaching court orders is a crime in the UK. Good luck sticking up 2 fingers to a judge. See the article I posted above for details

Hopefully TR and the 2 thugs both get lengthy sentences though

I don't know much about what happened to Jamel, the school kid that supposedly got waterboarded, was all the stuff in TR doc false? Did the council not really pay everyone off to keep silent?
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22 Nov 2005
What are you suggesting is anti-cop specifically? Is anyone with the opinion that the cop was not justified now anti-cop?
Don't think they have heard of "unreasonable force" before

Any use of physical action by a police officer that is too heavy-handed in the context of the situation may be considered excessive force or police battery.
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18 Oct 2002
7th Level of Hell...
Don't think they have heard of "unreasonable force" before

Any use of physical action by a police officer that is too heavy-handed in the context of the situation may be considered excessive force or police battery.

I'd hope he has given he is or was a serving officer of some sort (full time or special)
27 Jan 2012
The king of the north!
With the fuller context available whilst i don't speak for the law i don't personally feel like the officers use of force at this point wasnt unreasonable. A serious assault had taken place whilst the male was on the floor after being tasered there was always a possibility of further escalation. He safeguarded and protected his colleagues and members of public from becoming victim to any further attack that could have been carried out. Having watched the footage a few times all i can think is the males who assaulted the officers should be glad they aren't in the majority of other countries airports as they would have more than likely been shot almost immediately.

I believe the officer will get off with this with likely a warning. He doesn't deserve "the boot" hehehe
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3 Mar 2006
interesting points made here ,

Personal opinion made from watching various videos of this etc, stomp maybe ott but given the whole situation adrenaline came into play. needs a slap on the wrist at most.
17 Sep 2018
Would someone kindly summarise the video, what exactly is he exposing thats serious enough to lead to an arrest?

He's breaching a court order that stated he libelled a Syrian schoolboy and he must cease and desist from doing so. The court case showed some of the evidence presented in that video to be fabricated.

Basically he's seen Trump getting away with breeching court orders and getting away with it and thought he'd try the same. The main difference being that the judge didn't want be seen to lock up an ex-President, where as our judges won't give 2 ***** about locking TR up.
5 Jan 2011
interesting points made here ,

Personal opinion made from watching various videos of this etc, stomp maybe ott but given the whole situation adrenaline came into play. needs a slap on the wrist at most.

Really good video and puts this whole thing into a different context. I was appalled when I first saw the video on BBC and now I’ve changed my mind completely. Hopefully the full investigation clears the officer (who took an absolute battering) and the two thugs are arrested and sent down.

If you don’t want to get tazed or kicked by a police officer, an armed one at that, bloody well behave.
15 May 2004
Really good video and puts this whole thing into a different context. I was appalled when I first saw the video on BBC and now I’ve changed my mind completely. Hopefully the full investigation clears the officer (who took an absolute battering) and the two thugs are arrested and sent down.

If you don’t want to get tazed or kicked by a police officer, an armed one at that, bloody well behave.
Well that's just it why behave? When you can get the backing of main stream media and play the minority victim card, especially when we have a weak-toast government who play the same games for power.
22 Nov 2005
Basically he's seen Trump getting away with breeching court orders and getting away with it and thought he'd try the same. The main difference being that the judge didn't want be seen to lock up an ex-President, where as our judges won't give 2 ***** about locking TR up.
I suspect he wants to be nelson mandela, or whomever is paying him to do this for all these years is offering an incentive for jail time.
3 Mar 2006
Really good video and puts this whole thing into a different context. I was appalled when I first saw the video on BBC and now I’ve changed my mind completely. Hopefully the full investigation clears the officer (who took an absolute battering) and the two thugs are arrested and sent down.

If you don’t want to get tazed or kicked by a police officer, an armed one at that, bloody well behave.
when he mentions the SAS and what theyd do in that situation and didnt go on to explain was interesting. but in reality any other place such as the states the lads would be shot. they need immediately detaining until it all blows over.
17 Jan 2016
I don't know the exact reason TR as been arrested this time, apparently under the Terrorism Act 2000?

IF this is for showing a video then it seems to be an over the top use of anti Terrorist laws. Something groups like Liberty and Big Brother Watch warned us about.

But if there is more to the arrest then please enlighten me.
17 Sep 2018
I don't know the exact reason TR as been arrested this time, apparently under the Terrorism Act 2000?

IF this is for showing a video then it seems to be an over the top use of anti Terrorist laws. Something groups like Liberty and Big Brother Watch warned us about.

But if there is more to the arrest then please enlighten me.

See Post 4188. Breached a court order
31 Aug 2021
He's breaching a court order that stated he libelled a Syrian schoolboy and he must cease and desist from doing so. The court case showed some of the evidence presented in that video to be fabricated.
There’s quite a few similarities between the Muslim lads at the airport and the nasty piece of work Syrian boy, in that the media’s bias and lies were typical.
Let’s not forgot how this darling innocent child threatened to rape 9 year old girls and stab other people and continually bullied smaller kids.
Maybe listen to the head teacher whose life was turned upside down, his career gone, can't get a job and has also been silenced by the council in that if he didn’t sign an NDA he’d lose his pension.
Maybe listen to the parents who explain what sort of child he was and what his behaviour was like.
There’s plenty plenty more than that.
But hey, let’s gloss over all of that, eh?
To any one interested watch from 17mins on with the head teacher.
25 Aug 2006
Genuinely worried for this country - we are on a rapid decline.
I fear the upshot of this airport incident is that the police will resort to firearms immediately.

That is my worry - this country is rapidly declining and there is no respect for our laws from some. Do we really want to go down the route of the US? Arm all our police, then the public will want rights to arm themselves - slippery slope.

Also, why do we always call for sacking people as a first reposnse? Hundreds of thousands of pounds to train our police, years of experience, but one error or perceived error and the backlash is 'sack 'em!" We can't sack everyone, Cops are on their arses as it atm.

TLDR: Be careful what you wish for.
17 Sep 2018
There’s quite a few similarities between the Muslim lads at the airport and the nasty piece of work Syrian boy, in that the media’s bias and lies were typical.
Let’s not forgot how this darling innocent child threatened to rape 9 year old girls and stab other people and continually bullied smaller kids.
Maybe listen to the head teacher whose life was turned upside down, his career gone, can't get a job and has also been silenced by the council in that if he didn’t sign an NDA he’d lose his pension.
Maybe listen to the parents who explain what sort of child he was and what his behaviour was like.
There’s plenty plenty more than that.
But hey, let’s gloss over all of that, eh?
To any one interested watch from 17mins on with the head teacher.

There's much more in common with the Muslim lads at the airport and Tommy Robinson actually, given TR was convicted of assaulting a police officer. The officer was kicked in the head after he tried to stop TR assaulting his girlfriend. But don't let that get in your way of hero worship

You should know TR lost his libel case because he could not prove most of his accusations. The girl who claimed to be hit by hockey stick was proven to be lying for instance.
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