Ignoring a court order is not a civil case. It doesn't matter what the original was, you're now in breach of a serious legal order.
It's ignoring what the court has specifically told you, it's the sort of thing that takes something that might be dealt with via a fine to something that is now going to put you in jail. as ignoring the court order in itself is very serious, separate offence.
It's similar to how you can get jailed for speeding in a 30 zone, if the court finds out you've lied and blamed your au pair, you've now not only committed the original speeding offence but an offence against the court and the legal system (as IIRC an MP and their spouse found out the very hard way) - both lying to the court AND breaching court orders are classed as separate serious crimes regardless of what the original problem was.
Basically if a court has issued an order to you, you have to be spectacularly stupid to breach that order in a public way as you are basically saying to the court that you actively refuse to acknowledge the law, and the court. Judges tend deal with this by taking the logical step of jail time if the person is incapable or unwilling to obey the court order whilst free, especially if, as little Tommy has, you have a long and colourful history of breaking the law and ignoring court orders of a similar nature.
In short.
Tommy either thinks he's above the law, or the blows to the head as a football hooligan have affected his ability to understand basic instructions and learn from previous experiences.