This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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I have VERY valid reasons for despising the police.
I also have valid reasons for loving them.

You get good and bad in everything.

Right now, my opinion is very low. I have far more to dislike them, than I have to like them, and in fact, there is only one thing that I can remember that I had positive feelings from, and that was one copper, who was very much on my side in an accident I had 11 years ago.
While on the other hand I have a handful of times that the police were simply ar53 h0les and frankly I could not care less about them.
Example - My daughter was 11 years old and a boy had her behind the hut in the playing field. I wont go into details, but I phoned the police and when I told the pig on the phone that the boy was either 12 or 13, he laughed and said kids will be kids, and I was you F...lipping what, and then they put the pnone down on me, and 15 minutes later, 2 pigs were at my door, they arrested me and I spent the night in St Asaph jail for swearing at a copper... Nothing was ever done abouyt my daughter, but the police, being nice guys, decided to NOT prosecute me!
Another time, I was knocked off my bike, and the police officer who came to take statements, told me that he did not believe me, and even the woman who saw the whole thing and said that the car did NOT indicate... The copper said that she must be mistaken! - She was from Lancashire and so had no reason to lie, even put in a complaint to the police about his attitude towards her, and to me, and as it turns out, it was the brother in law of the guy who smashed into me!!! - Yeah, I hate them.
Another time, I was on my bike and I just finished work in Abergele and this car was right up my behind all the way to Llandudno junction, at 50 in the 50 areas, and 70 in the 70 areas, and never more than about 15 or 20 foot from my back wheel, when I eventually opened it up just outside of Colwyn Bay, I suddenly saw the grill had lights on and he pulled me over.

I opened it up too soon and he got me doing 58 only about 30 feet from the 70 sign.
I went nuts of course and thinking back, I should have demanded to go to court and for him to show the entire video, because he was clearly pushing me to break the law.
Ok, I can go on with lots of examples, but the final sraw was some years ago, my Marin, and Giant Bikes were stolen. They were worth almost £3K my wifes bike and the kids bikes were also stolen, all at the same time, the total value was about £4500, my Marin was less than a month old, and I never even had the chance to tag it or write the frame number down.
Anyway, I told the police and they did not even come round or do anything, they only gave me an incident number to claim off the insurance??? - WHAT?
Anyway, about 3 weeks went by and a friend from up the road ,said that her necxt door neighbour has my bikes... She took a photo from her bedroom window and as it overlooks their garden, she noticed that there was a couple of bikes in the garden and so she took a few photos of them.
Yup, definitely my Giant and Definitely my Marin, and one of the kids bikes, the nice Claud Butler... All there..

I contacted the police and they said that they wont go there until I can prove that they are mine.
So, after some arguieing and getting ZERO done... They never did do anythign about any of it.

Can you imagine how much I hate them?

But yeah, one copper once did some good thing for me and I tank him for that, but the rest... nope.

My daughter wants to be a copper. Torn!
CNN having a normal one:

Opinion: The police who killed Tyre Nichols were Black. But they might still have been driven by racism​

First time I can recall something like this being aired for live on national TV with no edits. The first (of four) videos has been going for ten minutes and they’ve still not caught him.
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First video is like a dark comedy, two obese cops who are massively out of shape, barely able to speak because they're so out of breath with one appearing to have been pepper sprayed by his colleague or himself.

Edit: Jesus, one of the street cam videos shows one of the thugs taking a run up before punching him square in the face. Another fat **** then takes a run up to kick him in the head.
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Their mugshots have been on the front pages of most major news sites since the charges were brought against them. I'd say it's pretty clear.

Okay. With that said the callous disregard for human life from those responsible is disgusting. They're worse than the people they're employed to catch.
Just watched the footage, in terms of how bad/distressing it was to watch, I'd say the George Floyd video is worse personally.

But its obvious they are all guilty as sin. Absolutely uncalled for escalation to multiple haymakers to the head and then what looks like a running kick into him.

All 5 of them will rot in jail for it. The question will be which one cuts a deal first.
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So kneeling on somebody on drugs to keep them restrained because they won't stop moving is worse than kicking the **** out of someone who is trying to comply whilst fearing for his life ?

I dont even get what your point is?

Have you seen both sets of videos? Objectively speaking the footage from Nichols is poor and de-facto sanitized due to the darkness / time of night.

If you watched without knowing the context, it would be quite easily to just assume it was an arrest that got a bit feisty/out of hand. I imagine mainstream media in the UK will be playing the CCTV camera footage angle on the news.
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CNN having a normal one:

It's an opinion piece and it ought to be fairly obvious that with CNN's new owner that this is purely business.
Just seen footage from one of the bodycams. Jesus, the cops are way guilty.

EDIT: Now just seen the cops beating the **** out of him. Don't know what to say. Poor guy. Jesus. Really afected by this. Poor guy :(
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Yeah, police executed him on 7th Jan .. why the delay? Oh, thats right, went up to the big boys and they said, sh*te we can no way cover this up, it's on cctv ... every american should be ashamed.
I'm thousands of miles away in the UK, definitely not the same demographic being an old white guy, and I'm incredibly angry about this. To the point that if it were here then I would be on the streets shoulder to shoulder with his family. So I shudder to think what is going to happen over there now.
I'm glad it was all black policemen.
Just shows some people are aholes not because of skin colour, but because some people are just twisted.
För god sake don't run though. It might be your biological urge but don't run.
Whats the issue?

Is there any problem releasing 4 innocent* men from custody?

*until proven otherwise.

Hmm? There are many reasons why bail is refused, being a flight risk is an obvious one.

Others can include :

When the Applicant Has Repeat Offences

When the Applicant Is a Threat to Society

When the Applicant Is a Dangerous Criminal

When the Applicant Does Not Adhere To Court Dates

When the Applicant Is Disrespectful In the Court

Also the type of crime you are being charged with has a weighting on the decision :

For instance, it can be hard for you to get bail approval for murder crimes as compared to petty offenses such as disorderly conduct when drunk.
Hmm? There are many reasons why bail is refused, being a flight risk is an obvious one.

But a judge has obviously deemed that these guys are not.

They were set bail and theyve all stumped up the cash for it. So they are free men until their trial.
But a judge has obviously deemed that these guys are not.

They were set bail and theyve all stumped up the cash for it. So they are free men until their trial.

Of course in this instance, but I was taking your statement as a general point because it's the same for all suspects is it not, that they are innocent until proven guilty? So why doesn't everyone get released on bail, since they are technically innocent.

It seems to me there was a strong case not to release these men on bail, since there is damning video evidence and they are being accused of murder.
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