This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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We had 2 school age Teenagers come into our centre while we had a class on. They had a look around to see who was in the building. ( 60 people including around 20 with learning disabilities) They then took leaflets off the side and pulled out one of those long bbq lighters and set them onfire on the carpet and put a fabric armchair over it to try and get the fire bigger.

We reported it to the police. After 6 weeks of hearing nothing we phoned up for an update and they had done nothing. They hadn't even been to the local school even though we provided HD CCTV closeups of their face. Now the fire didn't end up doing too much damage due to the chairs being fire proof. But thats not the point, these teens didn't know they were fireproof and their intentions were very clear.
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We had 2 school age Teenagers come into our centre while we had a class on. They had a look around to see who was in the building. ( 60 people including around 20 with learning disabilities) They then took leaflets off the side and pulled out one of those long bbq lighters and set them onfire on the carpet and put a fabric armchair over it to try and get the fire bigger.

We reported it to the police. After 6 weeks of hearing nothing we phoned up for an update and they had done nothing. They hadn't even been to the local school even though we provided HD CCTV closeups of their face. Now the fire didn't end up doing too much damage due to the chairs being fire proof. But thats not the point, these teens didn't know they were fireproof and their intentions were very clear.
I'm glad that no one was harmed but what a terrible and utterly disgusting non response from them. :(
When the police lowered entry standards to be more inclusive, what did people expect?
I think it probably had more to do with having to accept the dregs due to losing too much staff during the totally necessary austerity we went through, though once the dregs are in there's a fairly high probability that decent folks will be pushed out/have no incentive to join especially just to cosplay as a mental health nurse or couples councillor 99% of the job.
When the police lowered entry standards to be more inclusive, what did people expect?

I think the police have always had their fair share of **** cops and scumbags, they just got away with it far more in the past. The issues is the level of policing people expect now requires far more training and resources than the police have and they are a political tool that gets pushed towards whatever the topic de jour is. They don't have enough officers, they have mountains of paperwork and everyone is watching them like a hawk for any mistake to point at them and condemn them.

There are around 140,000 police officers in the UK and people will condemn them because of the actions of a few. They are on the streets less and less so people don't interact with them as much anymore and the people that do are the scumbags of society. Whenever someone reports a crime they haven't got the resources or realistic chance of conviction because their hands are so tightly tier. They don't immediately arrest someone accused of rape and throw them in the stocks and they are accused of ignoring rapes.

They are simply on a hiding to nothing at the moment.
I think the police have always had their fair share of **** cops and scumbags, they just got away with it far more in the past. The issues is the level of policing people expect now requires far more training and resources than the police have and they are a political tool that gets pushed towards whatever the topic de jour is. They don't have enough officers, they have mountains of paperwork and everyone is watching them like a hawk for any mistake to point at them and condemn them.

There are around 140,000 police officers in the UK and people will condemn them because of the actions of a few. They are on the streets less and less so people don't interact with them as much anymore and the people that do are the scumbags of society. Whenever someone reports a crime they haven't got the resources or realistic chance of conviction because their hands are so tightly tier. They don't immediately arrest someone accused of rape and throw them in the stocks and they are accused of ignoring rapes.

They are simply on a hiding to nothing at the moment.

To some extent yes, but they've also become soft, incompetent and complacent. I'll give a few examples (which I think I've given on here before):

Police called by a group of volunteers, most in their 60s and 70s who run a community woodland project. There'd been a number of criminal damage and arson attacks on things such as storage sheds, bird hides, benches and even beehives. Two teens caught in the act by two of the elderly volunteers who were assaulted. Police called. Police get kids and take them to their parents. Volunteers point out they were caught setting fire to a memorial bench, where's the punishment. Police officer response "we don't like to punish children". Volunteer (friend of mine) retort "well that'll be why they keep setting fire to things and stabbing people then, won't it?". Police officer just walked away.

Second occasion a group of the friendly travelling community (loved by all because they're just the best) rock up on some private land by breaking a gate down. Before they've even parked the police were called by the land owner (friend of mine). The police didn't turn up until the next day by which point most of the fences and hedges have been torn up, there's litter and human **** everywhere, local residents have had cars and property damaged. Witnessed and recorded by many. What did the police do? Threatened to arrest some of the locals for charges of public order offences and hate crimes when they referred to them as gypsy scumbags and ******. Nothing done about the damage. Nothing done about the fly-tipping. Nothing done about the (aggravated) trespass. Friendly travelling community eventually moved on about a week later. Mate left with massive clean-up bill (about £20k) and about 100m of mature hedging destroyed.

Mine - item stolen. I had photos of it including multiple serial numbers and identifying marks. A friend of mine found it for sale on FB marketplace, clearly showing it, the marks and who the seller was. Reported it to the police same day. Police turned up a month later for my statement. They didn't have any of the evidence I'd provided via their online portal including my photos and screenshots of the ad. They finally, after 6 months, visited the person that was selling it who admitted he'd sold it but "didn't know where it came from or who he sold it to" so they closed the case due to lack of evidence.
I raised a formal complaint which they didn't respond to for a month, taking my statement after 2. When I asked why they'd done sweet FA their response was "well he denied it so we didn't have anything to go off". They got rather upset when I suggested I might deal with the guy myself then, oh and deny it so they've got nothing to go off to see if I could get the truth out of him.
I pointed out the evidence I'd gathered for them and the officer dealing with the complaint knew nothing about it as none of it had again been saved. I asked why the seller wasn't arrested and the response was "lack of evidence", I again pointed out we literally had his own advert selling it and the item was lost completely because they didn't act in time, something that could have been prevented had they acted in a timely manner. He stated that it wasn't prioritised highly due to lack of resource and that he wasn't arrested because he no longer had it. I suggested if that was going to be the case then in the future I'd let everyone I knew not to report crimes and to deal with them themselves as the police clearly aren't interested, and that if they're going to nick things just tell the police they don't have it anymore as seemingly they believe anything they're told. He again got a little upset but literally didn't have a comeback just said that wasn't how it should be dealt with. Received a formal apology and they advised several officers had been spoken to about their poor conduct. Don't believe they were tbh.

If their hands are too tightly tied then it is up to their leadership and senior officers to pull their fingers out of their backsides and do something about it. Instead they don't because they're too concerned with feathering their own nests or political aspirations. My local chief and assistant chief are constantly posing for photo ops with the PCC who is nothing but a failed politician. She does love posting crap on social media though!
I used to be a supporter of the police but tbh...not any more.
Going to throw a broad line of thought out there here after reading the. Last few pages.

The boys club sexism thing probably still goes on but believe it or not, back in the day, wpc’s (can’t use that phrase anymore) actually had separate warrant numbers to the male officers and a thing called ‘date and time stamped’ was a thing. It was basically the stamp that was meant to be used to sign off officers notes but got used when wpc’s were bent over a desk and had their backsides stamped. Yep that was actually a thing so that’s how bad it was say 30 odd years ago.

I’m not defending how old bill are now, I think general policing standards have gone to pot. It’s a strange thing really because for how racist, sexist and corrupt the met was 30 years ago policing, in my opinion, had better results when it came to actually protecting the public. It was more heavy handed so that might have something to do with it.

I do agree that once the training level was dropped and it dropped off a cliff it’s seemed to have attracted some real wrongens.

The whole system is a mess though not just the controversies but the actual standards in policing.
wouldn't you ring 999 and police would attend immediately for someone setting a fire.

We did ring 999 and they did attend and they asked us to provide our CCTV. It was 6 weeks after this that we found out they had not done anything since. All they had to do was provide the picture to the school and they would have been able to identify them. I was pretty shocked as well because the police officer who attended said they would probably be charged with Arson or at least criminal damage. If they CBA to do something for arson then what chance do we have with smaller things.
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Lol this is what you get when people vote Conservative who openly cut the police and police services to shreds. Why are people surprised that we no longer get the same service we once did when we have far less police and a bigger population?!

This is what the people wanted. Protect yourselves first and foremost, the police simply don’t have the resources to do the job.
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When the police lowered entry standards to be more inclusive, what did people expect?

In the Met’s case they seem to have lowered standards just to get the required number of bodies. A few of my friends work for Merseyside and Cheshire, and they often find that people who were rejected by either of those forces suddenly turn up a few months later working for the Met.
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In the Met’s case they seem to have lowered standards just to get the required number of bodies. A few of my friends work for Merseyside and Cheshire, and they often find that people who were rejected by either of those forces suddenly turn up a few months later working for the Met.

They absolutely did. There's loads of met officers on social media complaining about it and saying it's only going to make things worse.
What's with these "auditers" going around with cameras recording police stations, police etc? Most seek like argumentative idiots baiting for YouTube views than accomplishing anything of worth. I look far more favourable on the likes of Crimebodge that works the system (we're entitled to by law) to get the outcomes we're meant to get.
Auditers don't take too much additional resource, but the like of the blm/extinction rebellion/#metoo, policing those aren't for free for the Met police budget, all to the detriment of other activities,
or does government/tax-payer pay those bills separately (corontation&funeral too)
In the Met’s case they seem to have lowered standards just to get the required number of bodies. A few of my friends work for Merseyside and Cheshire, and they often find that people who were rejected by either of those forces suddenly turn up a few months later working for the Met.

There are various stories going around of some forces contacting people whose applications were previously rejected now being offered jobs, because the Home Office intends to fine any forces who don't meet their recruitment targets.
What's with these "auditers" going around with cameras recording police stations, police etc? Most seek like argumentative idiots baiting for YouTube views than accomplishing anything of worth.

I got a few of these on my recommended when I started watching Charles Veitch channel and thought the same.

In the long run goading people with a video camera will probably lead to restrictions on what you can record in public. Same thing as protesting and the introduction of the new Policing Act.

Freedoms exist until enough people take the mick, and then they are taken away.
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