How do they perform? Too far north to have interacted with them![]()
They aren’t sending out CSI to a simple home burglary. This isn’t a TV show based in 2004. Grow up.
The police response to burglary, robbery and other acquisitive crime - HMICFRS
Better-performing forces recognise the value of initial advice and have adopted the standards set out in the National Policing Prevention Strategy, recently agreed by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC). We found good practice in Merseyside Police, where SAC (This means serious acquisitive crime – robbery and burglary) is a priority. A crime scene investigator (CSI) supervisor triages jobs, and contacts victims directly if necessary to establish potential forensic opportunities.
In some forces, officers attending crime scenes have a good awareness of the golden hour principle and evidence preservation. They receive basic investigative training, with regular refresher training and continuous professional development. This includes opportunities to make the most of evidence from digital capture technologies such as doorbell imagery. Operational vehicles are equipped with the right materials, such as cordon tape, bollards, signs, evidence bags, labels and sealing tape. These forces require officers to have body-worn video switched on at incidents to support evidence gathering. And attending officers generally receive good support from criminal investigation departments (CIDs) or other specialist investigation teams. This might include attending scenes for serious crimes and giving specialist advice.
Most forces have a crime scene attendance policy that informs their deployment of a CSI according to crime type, threat, harm and risk. This guidance usually includes a flow chart for burglary, theft and other crime scenes. Forensic supervisors are also available to advise on matters that need their professional judgement.
It could be many things. Discarded clothing. Tools. Witness statements from neighbours/passers by. Footprints. Glove prints/impressions. Bodily fluids. Third party CCTV footage. Heck, they could even still be on the property/in the property without the owner being aware.
Is 90 year old Mavis going to think/be able to check for these things?
Also worth noting that a domestic burglary is an SAC with the S standing for serious. It should be taken as so.
Taking some golliwog dolls is not. It's a waste of thinly stretched resource but it's also an easy job for some lazy police officers.
I get if it’s a vulnerable person who needs to be made safe
Of course the UK police send CSI's/ SOCO's out to 'simple' home burglaries. Where on earth did you get the idea that they don't?
It's ok hurfdurf, i'll just tell them the burglar misgendered me and I'll get 2 squad cars and a swat team show up in 5 mins.Do you need to be an expert? It’s fairly simple.
It's ok hurfdurf, i'll just tell them the burglar misgendered me and I'll get 2 squad cars and a swat team show up in 5 mins.
Please keep up with the discussion if you are going to reply to me, I expect a higher quality of posting.
Taking someone's offensive racially abusive paraphernalia would be a priority if it was going to result in a certain breach of the peace, like if someone like myself showed up and it was on display.
It's ok hurfdurf, i'll just tell them the burglar misgendered me and I'll get 2 squad cars and a swat team show up in 5 mins.
Yes and i'll be arrested for invading his personal spaceI think if you confronted a burglar in any way, you would get a response.....
There certainly does seem to be differing levels of performance depending on forces and even individual departments.
Only if they find the body.Yes and i'll be arrested for invading his personal space
Find the stats for all reported burglaries getting a in person response Vs what "should" happen.
Yes and i'll be arrested for invading his personal space
So we have moved on from police don't send CSI's to 'simple' burglaries (they do) to quibbling over how many now are we?
I linked to the inspectorates recent report that was talking about best practice.
The issue obviously is that not all the police forces in the country are able/willing to respond to all burglaries in a suitable fashion.
But the suggestion that police routinely don't send CSI's/ SOCO's is wrong
The level of arrogant delusion in your catalogue of nonsense - sorry, posting history - is comical to me![]()
Indeed.Whoa, just because Mavis is elderly it doesn't mean she's vulnerable. You meed to stop discriminating against people hurf. I expect higher quality posting from you.
Is this in response to you getting caught speeding and issued with a ticket? You broke law and got caught. Deal with itPeople don't like the police for their attitude or not bothering to investigate.
Police are just damn lazy, this day and age they look like spotty teens.
They become revenue rasing inspectors.