This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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You have options strike or leave.


Literally illegal for police officers in the UK since 1919... just after they last went on strike.

S91 Police act 1996 Causing disaffection.​

(1)Any person who causes, or attempts to cause, or does any act calculated to cause, disaffection amongst the members of any police force, or induces or attempts to induce, or does any act calculated to induce, any member of a police force to withhold his services, shall be guilty of an offence

Why pussy foot around, liberalism of the highest order.

if you live local and know the pub, no one is surprised. They have gone out and bought more to put up in their pub.
Numerous postings can be found of one of the owners being extremely racist across social media, the police did the right thing in this case as the owners clearly are displaying them for reasons which could disturb the peace.
Yes, confiscate those offensive toys, meanwhile... they can't spare the resources to raid an address (or apparently even just go and knock on the door) and retrieve a stolen mobile phone:

You'd think if there were hundreds of cases at a particular address they'd maybe be a bit more proactive especially as the victim of the crime has just reported it to them as being at that address... like go kick the door in again FFS.

Sorry, we don't have enough time, we're painting two of the squad cars in the 12th iteration of the pride flag and we've got to attend to 12 non-crime hate incidents relating to posts in local facebook groups today.
if you live local and know the pub, no one is surprised. They have gone out and bought more to put up in their pub.
Numerous postings can be found of one of the owners being extremely racist across social media, the police did the right thing in this case as the owners clearly are displaying them for reasons which could disturb the peace.

Are you local to this pub then,? Ever been in? Did you see any disturbance of the peace? Has there ever been any due to their gollywog display?

Is it a free house? If not have the brewery made at comment?

Literally illegal for police officers in the UK since 1919... just after they last went on strike.

S91 Police act 1996 Causing disaffection.​

(1)Any person who causes, or attempts to cause, or does any act calculated to cause, disaffection amongst the members of any police force, or induces or attempts to induce, or does any act calculated to induce, any member of a police force to withhold his services, shall be guilty of an offence

They would not have the resources to enforce that, laws can be changed but then again the British are too weak and not united, the toffs made sure of that.
The other option leave find another job.
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You have options strike or leave.
Somehow missed the point entirely.

Yes, confiscate those offensive toys, meanwhile... they can't spare the resources to raid an address (or apparently even just go and knock on the door) and retrieve a stolen mobile phone:

Essex dealing with a reported hate crime doesn't affect whether or not MPS deal with robberies.

You'd think if there were hundreds of cases at a particular address they'd maybe be a bit more proactive especially as the victim of the crime has just reported it to them as being at that address... like go kick the door in again FFS.

Find My Phone services aren't accurate enough to say with any certainty that that's where the phone is, especially in flats etc. It's probably not going to be enough to get a warrant approved. It's unfortunately low-level volume crime that'll get looked at by response officers when they're not rushing from one mental health call to the next, the dedicated resources required to address these sorts of problems are in short supply and if senior officers don't see it as a priority, the officers on the ground certainly won't.
Somehow missed the point entirely.

Essex dealing with a reported hate crime doesn't affect whether or not MPS deal with robberies.

Find My Phone services aren't accurate enough to say with any certainty that that's where the phone is, especially in flats etc. It's probably not going to be enough to get a warrant approved. It's unfortunately low-level volume crime that'll get looked at by response officers when they're not rushing from one mental health call to the next, the dedicated resources required to address these sorts of problems are in short supply and if senior officers don't see it as a priority, the officers on the ground certainly won't.
The point has not been missed, it is very simple leave, find another job ,it is not that hard.
Essex dealing with a reported hate crime doesn't affect whether or not MPS deal with robberies.
I'm well aware of that it's just a general comment re: priorities... IIRC they required several officers to deal with the toys in the pub.

Find My Phone services aren't accurate enough to say with any certainty that that's where the phone is, especially in flats etc. It's probably not going to be enough to get a warrant approved.

No one said anything about a flat though and it was seemingly accurate enough for the police to make this claim:

Ms Browne-Peter, who runs a sickle-cell anaemia charity, managed to track the location of her phone and rang the police countless times: "They told me that there were hundreds of cases at that same address but there's nothing they can really do.

Hundreds of cases at the same address and they can't get a warrant? Seems a bit sus.
So Ms Browne-Peter has that in writing does she, because that’s a massive date protection and privacy breach which ever officer told her that, and a really really stupid thing for a police office mr to say.
Hundreds of cases at the same address and they can't get a warrant? Seems a bit sus.

So sus I don’t believe her.
Yeah, cops like nothing more than coming to work at a dilapidated building with no heating or hot water, trying to log in to an outdated computer system that doesn't work, then going out for a 12 hour nightshift in a knackered diesel family estate car to raise revenue.

Somehow missed the point entirely.

Essex dealing with a reported hate crime doesn't affect whether or not MPS deal with robberies.

Find My Phone services aren't accurate enough to say with any certainty that that's where the phone is, especially in flats etc. It's probably not going to be enough to get a warrant approved. It's unfortunately low-level volume crime that'll get looked at by response officers when they're not rushing from one mental health call to the next, the dedicated resources required to address these sorts of problems are in short supply and if senior officers don't see it as a priority, the officers on the ground certainly won't.


I'm afraid it has; my post was in response to you claiming they're all "revenue raising inspectors". Perhaps that chip on your shoulder is interfering with your sarcasm detector.

I'm afraid it has; my post was in response to you claiming they're all "revenue raising inspectors". Perhaps that chip on your shoulder is interfering with your sarcasm detector.

what you said
my post was in response to you claiming they're all "revenue raising inspectors"
Were did I say that in this thread:confused: ( no reference to the other thread). I think you need to go back for more retraining at Hendon training & operational facility.
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I'm afraid it has; my post was in response to you claiming they're all "revenue raising inspectors". Perhaps that chip on your shoulder is interfering with your sarcasm detector.
If the police do not like aspects of job, then it is simple, leave.
Anyone else would just leave and find a new job, but it sounds most police are unemployable.
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So sus I don’t believe her.

I suspect plenty of phone thefts are from a relatively small number of people regularly stealing/accumulating a large number of phones... and in contact with people who will pay cash/collect even more and send them off to Nigeria etc...

While no doubt there are some opportunists out there who nick a phone/don't hand it in when it's left on a bus or in a cafe etc.. the driveby cycling robberies are from people regularly stealing them and that's the type of person this woman had an encounter with, it doesn't seem implausible that the regular phone thief or indeed the person/middle man he passed it on to would be at an address already known to the police.
I suspect plenty of phone thefts are from a relatively small number of people regularly stealing/accumulating a large number of phones... and in contact with people who will pay cash/collect even more and send them off to Nigeria etc...

While no doubt there are some opportunists out there who nick a phone/don't hand it in when it's left on a bus or in a cafe etc.. the driveby cycling robberies are from people regularly stealing them and that's the type of person this woman had an encounter with, it doesn't seem implausible that the regular phone thief or indeed the person/middle man he passed it on to would be at an address already known to the police.

You would expect a professional phone theory syndicate operating at an almost ocg level, would know how to turn off a stolen phones tracking service…
If the police do not like aspects of job, then it is simple, leave.
Anyone else would just leave and find a new job, but it sounds most police are unemployable.

Why are you aways calling for people we already dont have enough of to go and find another job. Who are you expecting to replace them?

You do get that careers like the police and health services arent the same as bog standard jobs right?
I'm not sure the bike theft guys would necessarily always be that careful.

Have you ever spoken to people who are about that life? They are by a large professionals, and very good at what they do. The ones who aren’t get caught pretty sharpish trying to replicate the work.

If someone’s gone through 100 stolen phones at an address, they have banked at least £10k from the endeavour. This isn’t a random homeless guy snatch and grab for his crack fix. This is a professional who has managed to not get got 100 x over.

So either she is wrong about being told there’s 100 confirmed phones gone through the address, or somehow there’s a prolific top tier phone thief doing numbers but has some how missed the very basic rule and forgotten to turn the phones off before stashing them.
This isn’t a random homeless guy snatch and grab for his crack fix. This is a professional who has managed to not get got 100 x over.

No one said it was a random homeless guy, the point is that it is a thief doing it regularly... and it's not surprising that they manage to not get caught if the victim can even trace the phone to an address and the police still don't do anything!
I'm well aware of that it's just a general comment re: priorities... IIRC they required several officers to deal with the toys in the pub.
Which indicates that past incidents or intelligence relating to the individuals or the address have necessitated that.

No one said anything about a flat though and it was seemingly accurate enough for the police to make this claim:

What's accurate enough for an intelligence or crime report isn't necessarily going to be accurate enough for a warrant application.

Hitting the phone thieves does very little anyway, they'll go through the system and be out again in no time. The police prefer to target higher-up the chain e.g. the phone shops they're selling the phones to. There'll be more evidence which means a stronger case and better charges. It also tips the scale towards the OCG and money laundering elements you touched on which is far more likely to get resourced.
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