This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Why are you aways calling for people we already dont have enough of to go and find another job. Who are you expecting to replace them?

You do get that careers like the police and health services arent the same as bog standard jobs right?
Yes, I understand.
I don't expect anyone to replace them.
If you are not happy with the job you leave .
The economic model in the UK has been in place for 26 years and has not been able to effectively address the needs of all groups.
Some groups have been left behind, while the wealthy continue to benefit.
This has resulted in a collapse of the system for some and constant patching up for others.
Additionally, the current tax burden 1 in 6 people expected to pay a higher rate of tax by 2026. If the current trend continues, 4 in 6 people could end up in the higher tax bracket by the late 2030s.
with inflation eroding wages ,cost of living here to stay.

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Hitting the phone thieves does very little anyway, they'll go through the system and be out again in no time. The police prefer to target higher-up the chain e.g. the phone shops they're selling the phones to. There'll be more evidence which means a stronger case and better charges.

I'm sure they will prefer that but from the perspective of the person who has their phone stolen and can locate it then the police not even bothering to go to the address does seem quite farcical... especially when police officers will still spend time investigating non-crime hate incidents like someone being anti-woke on social media.

That's the issue you're going to have from the general public, so long as you have instances of the police taking time to send out officers to investigate trivial issues then all the people who've reported more serious crimes like a car break-in a robbery etc.. and just had an incident number and have been fobbed off are going to feel rather put out.

And of course, that's when the publicity gets really bad... like you can't just fob off burglary victims and thankfully now that's being recognised with various forces committing to it:

I mean without that commitment you see wasted resources like this from the same force, actually interviewing someone over an ideological position expressed on social media... just so officers can "check his thinking".. which is frankly none of their business:

This guy has then gone to the high court over it... well done to the police, what a total waste of time for everyone, they need a court ruling to apply some common sense re: freedom of speech (something that is already supposed to be protected).

Dame Victoria Sharp, one of England's most senior judges, said: "The net for 'non-crime hate speech' is an exceptionally wide one which is designed to capture speech which is perceived to be motivated by hostility... regardless of whether there is evidence that the speech is motivated by such hostility.

"The volume of non-crime hate speech is enormous and the police do not have the resources or the capacity to investigate all the complaints that are made.

"There is nothing in the guidance about excluding irrational complaints, including those where there is no evidence of hostility and little, if anything, to address the chilling effect which this may have on the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression."

Mr Miller challenged Humberside Police's actions at the High Court, which ruled in February 2020 that the force's response was unlawful and a "disproportionate interference" with Mr Miller's right to freedom of expression.

That seems like a major oversight by the College of Policing... someone mocking ideas/ideology has nothing to do with the police.

The guy literally posted a joke here and yet...
In one tweet Mr Miller wrote: "I was assigned mammal at birth, but my orientation is fish. Don't mis-species me."
This tweet was among several others which were reported to Humberside Police as being allegedly transphobic and Mr Miller was visited by officers at his workplace.

... and he's reported as having had a telephone interview with a police constable too in addiiton to some officers visited his workplace. Yet it's only last year that same force managed to guarantee to attend burglaries.

It's not just lack of resources (I don't doubt that's an issue too) but if forces are going to waste time on stuff like that then obviously when real crimes occur and they do nothing then people are going to be miffed.
Yes they are revenue collectors, that is all they are good for in this day and age.

You can tell who the basement dwellers on here are from how little the know of the real world or how much they experience.

As someone who has had a friend come to them following a sexual assault, the police were fantastic, as are they during public order situations in the town centre of busy cities. I’m fortunate enough to not be the victim of crime but my expectations are level headed if I am, and I’ve seen what the good the police do for missing people, suicidal people on bridges, rape victims, death messages following car crashes, etc.

None of which raise revenue, and none of which you will ever witness as someone who doesn’t get out, or hopefully ever need yourself.
You can tell who the basement dwellers on here are from how little the know of the real world or how much they experience.

As someone who has had a friend come to them following a sexual assault, the police were fantastic, as are they during public order situations in the town centre of busy cities. I’m fortunate enough to not be the victim of crime but my expectations are level headed if I am, and I’ve seen what the good the police do for missing people, suicidal people on bridges, rape victims, death messages following car crashes, etc.

None of which raise revenue, and none of which you will ever witness as someone who doesn’t get out, or hopefully ever need yourself.
First you have no idea what I have seen, I can assure you I have seen things that you would not believe, I have seen how the police treat certain groups of people.

And yes they are tax collectors. I have seen police watch a guy get kicked to the ground and the police turned around, I have seen a officer slam a car door on someone's hand.

I witnessed a fight where a person was attacked by two men, the police being present turned away and walked off. They continued the beating this guy. The tables turned when the victim fought back and successfully beat the craps out of both. When the police returned , one attacker was unconscious on the floor eyes rolling back , and the other was being repeatedly punched while on their knees. Instead of acknowledging the self-defense, the police attempted to arrest him for GBH.
There were many witnesses at the police station to confirm (including two off duty firefighters, doormen from the clubs ) victim was only protecting themselves.
They were not interested in what the witness said but eventually had to drop the case.
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But but they are supposed to attend all burglaries as per the rulesssss?!?!?!?

Somewhat undermines your previous post... I mean that's a pretty significant crime for a lot of people but if they get fobbed off with just an incident number to send to their insurance company then... I dunno, perhaps you're the one living in a basement as most home owners wouldn't be too impressed with that.
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Somewhat undermines your previous post... I mean that's a pretty significant crime for a lot of people but if they get fobbed off with just an incident number to send to their insurance company then... I dunno, perhaps you're the one living in a basement as most home owners wouldn't be too impressed with that.

They might not be impressed with it, but, its happening, as per the evidence I posted.
No one was doubting that it is happening!

And it’s happening because there is very very little point going to a low level, non vulnerable, non violent, burglary.

There’s far more productive things for officers, who are having to make decisions on what they can go to, to go to. We need to double the police force if we want to expect the kind of police we had 20 years ago.
Sending 6 police officers to remove them is comically over the top even when you take into account them having been warned multiple times over a period of months or years.

That said they are clearly racist chodes so my ability to giveth a ..... is very limited.
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just an update the crime i reported for crime in progress of a motor vehicle on last page, They actually succeed in taking the cat converter 72 hours later no follow up from police for left equipment for prints, the victim hasnt even been told!, we told him..
even though the police has had the victims reg number & company number , they don't know the owner? i found it online if 30 seconds chatted with him next day by using said number.
police are useless, might as well prevent crime ourselves.

my mother in-law assaulted 2 years in her shop, has had back trouble & shoulders issues since, as she was stopping a thief. the "disabled" women had 2 crutches & used them in the attack. customers had videos of assault & photos and police were rung during, no police attended. All videos were submitted & customers were asked to testify
on the approach of the due date customers were not told to attend police said they could not be got hold of, even though they had numbers of everyone.
the day of the court case, my mother in laws council lawyer only got the case 1 hour before proceedings. turned out all videos/photos were not submitted into court as my mother in law was the one submitted them, police told her too.
the women got away with assault because police failed to do paperwork & added incorrect dates on the report. & said women was not in the country. Even though videos clearly showed her doing said attack.
2 weeks later she assaulted another worker & got away with it again on crutches. turns out she only uses them for theifing.
shes still at large & still doing it. police know her address & what she done but no evidence can be submitted.

so yeh police are crap, to many of them have no idea how to do their job, and most of them are just young fetus's now days, the ones that do are all paper pushers. whilst the real criminals need some brute force police are scared to go near anyone due to knives/guns & being told your in the wrong
for crime to go down

we need

  • better response times / more police
  • more brutal force (willing to get stuck in)
  • law to be on police side more
  • less paperwork
  • youths to respect everyone not just police
  • better pay, so that people go into policing
  • a we need an essence of fear of police
    when you have criminals going yeh call the police then & not care in the slightest & stand around for 5 minutes then leaving you know police are not feared & not a threat

my view is if your a criminal, caught in the act, all rights are removed until your apprehended. got to the point where yes i will to do whatever to you until police arrive.
if you go to steal a car & I break your legs in stopping you that's your fault for being a bad citizen.
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Law to be on the police side more? We already have a form of precrime with them going after protesters before they even do anything, they don't need more power.
Law to be on the police side more? We already have a form of precrime with them going after protesters before they even do anything, they don't need more power.
you will never get those few being unresponsible. out of the police force
my point was around catching criminals.

police are scared to

  1. chase motorbikes as their not allowed to hit them if they have no helmet on (id say hit them their fault for crime & no helmet)
  2. scared of using force to detain a criminal with a knife/gun
  3. cant chase criminals due to to many civilians on the road ( this is certainly debatable)

police officers are rightly scared of being sued,

now most people forces have cameras on i say if they see a criminal & have evidence on video, they shouldn't need to be scared of doing the right thing of stopping a criminal. if that means stopping a criminal means in a struggle they break their arm or get injured. tough don't do something wrong in the first place

yes i understand the police could say X which Y didn't do but if they have their footage of said person doing said criminal act, criminal rights are lost imho.

I think that's the only way police will get respect of the public & fear of the criminals

from my experience no point calling the police in our area 4 major incidents 0 response, we had 300 crimes reported in our area in january only 1 suspect..
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And it’s happening because there is very very little point going to a low level, non vulnerable, non violent, burglary.

There’s far more productive things for officers, who are having to make decisions on what they can go to, to go to. We need to double the police force if we want to expect the kind of police we had 20 years ago.

Like telephoning someone for an interview and visiting their workplace to "check their thinking" re: a social media post/joke?

You made this point earlier:

You can tell who the basement dwellers on here are from how little the know of the real world or how much they experience.[...]

None of which raise revenue, and none of which you will ever witness as someone who doesn’t get out, or hopefully ever need yourself.

But in reality, that's 95% of the population, we don't all regularly associate with scumbags as you might. The police spend most of their time dealing with a small % of the public, the vast majority of the public don't have regular interactions with them.

The thread is "this is why people are losing respect for the police" and having your phone snatched or having your house burgled can be traumatic, especially for say a female such as the one in the article and she's basically been fobbed off by them, even after she's tracked her phone to an address.

At least attend burglary victims and attempt to gather some evidence if possible (like ring camera footage), do they still even bother dusting for fingerprints?

Clearly, they've realised that just giving out a crime number after a burglary isn't acceptable and so have committed to attend now.
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And it’s happening because there is very very little point going to a low level, non vulnerable, non violent, burglary.

There’s far more productive things for officers, who are having to make decisions on what they can go to, to go to. We need to double the police force if we want to expect the kind of police we had 20 years ago.

I disagree that attending a burglary is not important- it's going to be important for the person who was burgled. In the long run, that lack of service does undermine faith in the police.

Having said that, you're right that Police resources mean they have to prioritise. If people want better services, they need to pay for it.

We're getting the services we pay for, and that's a result of consistent voting for a low tax, low service government.
Clearly, they've realised that just giving out a crime number after a burglary isn't acceptable and so have committed to attend now.

Only, they don’t attend, as we’ve discussed. (Despite their talk)

And no, they don’t “dust for fingerprints”, it’s not the 70’s anymore, that’s super rare.

You can have a brick, thrown through a window of a car, and finger prints on the car.

Any also tells the suspect “no comment” through the interview, then in court claim you were walking past, and saw the car, so checked to see if there was anyone hurt inside, which is why your fingerprints are there. Perfectly reasonable. The fingerprints therefore don’t prove anything. Complete waste of time.
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