This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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So the forums say the police officer should walk back slowly and hope for the best or whack her with a baton - ok great lol..

The key issue with this old lady seems to be the injuries caused by falling rather than the actual tazing - at least the UK police waited until the kid was standing on grass.

End of the day its not realistic to expect an officer to get stabbed or slashed regardless of the circumstances so does put them in a difficult situation.
They have batons, training and experience. If she's 5"2 and that old she'll have no range, strength or quickness. Smash her knife hand and turn her.

Alternative is clear the room and then de-escalate. Risk of self-harm is an issue with this.

If you can't get a knife off a 92 year old, seven stone woman without a taser, you'll have real problems dealing with a grown man who is non-compliant.

Police recruitment does not take into account if you can disarm / restrain anyone of any level of difficulty, you just need to run for 5-10 minutes.

So if you think the issue is how will they restrain a fully grown non-compliant man, then, its a big problem.
Do you think it was the right decision to taze a 95yo woman on a walking frame?

An 11 year old with a knife could easily kill someone. I know some 11 year olds that would pose a problem 1 on 1 with most of the forum members posting here, never mind if they had a knife or not.

A 95 year old who has to use a walking frame and has dementia!? I think getting physical with her in anyway is daft. Let her wear herself out, which she will. I’d need to watch the bodycam footage but I just can’t see it being necessary. Give her space to use her energy up, and eventually she will come back down to earth, or at least be so tired she will want to go to bed.
I think a general problem in British society, and is becoming reflective in the way we think about crime, is from a clash of cultures between our European roots and the increasing dominance in the last 20 years of American influence on our society.
I have no idea what this even means. Could you expand a bit?
Because we had a period of trying different ways to fight crime. But these days the government is drifting more and more right wing, and when it comes to crime the "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality that the American system has is hardening the position in this country through the Tory government.

Pre-2000 America was just that big country across the pond. Now they are influencing this country more each year. It's like we've lost our identity.

I'm not coming from an anti American position either. They do their thing and we should have our own thing going on.
I think there's uniquely local cultural identities that will exist to some extent for long time, but anything less well defined is just getting absorbed by digital Americana which was inevitable really but the fact that people are transposing a feeling of insecurity through digesting news that is only relevant to Americans is a disturbing artefact.
I think there's uniquely local cultural identities that will exist to some extent for long time, but anything less well defined is just getting absorbed by digital Americana which was inevitable really but the fact that people are transposing a feeling of insecurity through digesting news that is only relevant to Americans is a disturbing artefact.

Quite. How many citizens they kill through their outdated illogical gun rules is not really our problem and for them to solve. Why they elect octogenarians of varying degrees of uselessness ditto. We can do nothing about it and it is for them to solve.

I was exercised in my teens with Nixon and Johnson, then later with Bush Junior. There was nothing I could do about any of them so it was a waste of my time and energy. Concentrate on things that you can change nearer to home.

@BowdonUK the UK and the USA have always had strong cultural links, throughout my lifetime anyway. They gave us soul and blues, we gave back our interpretations. However we are different just as not all Europeans are the same either.
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Some very good solutions to freeing up police to tackle actual crime that hurts people.

A step in the right direction, but we must do more than ending all drugs and pre crime policing, as these are just symptomatic of the larger problem. We must create a constitution that bans all victimless crimes, any crime where actual harm/risk of harm cannot be established beyond reasonable doubt should be removed from the statute books. And we should move to an evidence based rational legislative system.
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Because we had a period of trying different ways to fight crime. But these days the government is drifting more and more right wing, and when it comes to crime the "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality that the American system has is hardening the position in this country through the Tory government.

Pre-2000 America was just that big country across the pond. Now they are influencing this country more each year. It's like we've lost our identity.

I'm not coming from an anti American position either. They do their thing and we should have our own thing going on.
Sounds awful in mainland Europe - they dont mess around and just use taser to kill the mentally ill and kids.. much rather be

@BowdonUK the UK and the USA have always had strong cultural links, throughout my lifetime anyway. They gave us soul and blues, we gave back our interpretations. However we are different just as not all Europeans are the same either.
There will always be links because of the history of the US with Britain.

I'm not saying the US has pushed itself on us, more our governments have pulled them on to us.

Maintaining our own culture as been demoted to being a lackey of America, or their poodle as was once said in the media.

The US is a more puritanical version of the UK. But now it's like we're moving closer to them, when they should be moving to us.

This was seen recently in that American inspired political conference the Tories went to (and strangely started attacking themselves for not being strict enough).
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