This is why people are losing respect for the police...

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Councils in the UK used to have early intervention programmes, working with problem families to get them help and stop them going down this path before it was too late but, thanks to Cameron and Clegg, almost all of this work was shut down.

What a great way to save money.
Have a read of this:

Then you can correct your mis-information once you realise this has been happening for 50+yrs under successive governments.

You seem confused about what is being discussed if you think this is a relevant paper.

Then you can correct your mis-information once you realise this has been happening for 50+yrs under successive governments.

I know, direct from the horse's mouth, what happened in multiple councils because I know people who worked for them and were involved in running these programmes and then being forced to dismantle them by Cameron and Clegg's witless and failed austerity.
I watch a lot of the podcasts with former prison officers on. Most say that the habitual offenders that commit most crime need mental health help, as most come from abusive homes when young.

I'm sure if new idea's were allowed to operate we'd have a more efficient system from arrest to prison and/or treatment. Ultimately we need to find the best to stop crimes being committed.
Can attest to this, former Prison Officer here - the lack of MH support inside is shocking.

It might have changed but I had a 15min "lesson" on how to help someone with their MH, woefully lacking. At one stage I had 35/180 prisoners on self harm/suicide watch.
Great, lets nick the guy trying to get to work and earn a living and just let the pee stained unemployed crusties cause chaos.
I dont think we should be encouraging people to assault others tbh. Yes the protesters are annoying but id rather peps didnt resort to violence over it.
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The 95 year old Australian woman, who uses a walking frame to move around, tazered by the police is now on end of life care with a bleed on the brain and a fractured skull.

What sort of an idiot decides it's a good idea to taze a woman that old and immobile with 50,000 volts rather than control restrain her!?
Can’t get my head round that one. It’s just beyond insane. Even the staff should be able to deal with that.
My issue with protesting is when it massively ***** over people who are going about their lives and trying to provide for their families. You aren't going to win over anyone by making their hard lives even harder. Its not even a case of winning people over on this issue. I would love to stop using petroleum products but I don't really have a choice. Inconveniencing people won't achieve that. Change in modern society needs to come top down.

I recycle religiously (whether there is much of a point is up for debate) but the number of items I buy that aren't recyclable because the manufacturer doesn't give a **** is shocking. The number of items which say "tray recyclable, film not" and then weld the two together is shocking. We live in a throwaway society but our entire economy is build on conspicuous consumption. We want cars to be used less but don't encourage bikes or public transport.

Go and petition the government, don't **** off the general public and wonder why people get stressed out and explode on you.
just had ely journalist jason mohammedx on r4 - who seemed to say police have not yet quelled all rumours about any involvement in crash, so thought there maybe more this evening.
he referenced riots they'd had in 1991 ->

amazing that police drew upon horses for last nights riots - do most places eg.Cambridge City. have horses for that kind of eventuality.
e: apparently none for us
My issue with protesting is when it massively ***** over people who are going about their lives and trying to provide for their families. You aren't going to win over anyone by making their hard lives even harder. Its not even a case of winning people over on this issue. I would love to stop using petroleum products but I don't really have a choice. Inconveniencing people won't achieve that. Change in modern society needs to come top down.

I recycle religiously (whether there is much of a point is up for debate) but the number of items I buy that aren't recyclable because the manufacturer doesn't give a **** is shocking. The number of items which say "tray recyclable, film not" and then weld the two together is shocking. We live in a throwaway society but our entire economy is build on conspicuous consumption. We want cars to be used less but don't encourage bikes or public transport.

Go and petition the government, don't **** off the general public and wonder why people get stressed out and explode on you.
The intention is not to win over people, it's a provocation to get the public to support more authoritarianism so it can be turned against them.
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He is saying they are a covert police/government group whos sole intention is to get the public to hate having a better planet for people to live on.

Which is utterly ridiculous because I reckon 90% of people know that climate change is happening and agree with most of what these groups say. They just aren't willing to completely change their lives for the worse in light of the tiny impact this country has on global emissions especially when the actual big ticket polluters get a pass on it.

I completely agree that we need to have a much stronger green agenda but this stupid idea that it all falls on the individual is just big business playing their usual games to distract from the fact they are the ones doing all the damage.

Christ, carbon footprint was a marketing idea from BP to transfer the blame from companies like themselves to you and I so that its our fault when the earth burns, not the huge multinational doing completely unnecessary and untold damage every day at the alter of profit.
Which is utterly ridiculous because I reckon 90% of people know that climate change is happening and agree with most of what these groups say.

I very much doubt Striker was saying what I posted.

He is saying they are a covert police/government group whos sole intention is to get the public to hate having a better planet for people to live on.
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