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** TITANX **

If you buy the card and feel ripped off, then that is your own fault. If you buy the card and don't feel ripped off, happy days. I never understand the mentality of those who insist that nvidia are ripping us off. It isn't a compulsory purchase and you have a choice.

Agree with this mostly apart from those who had already decided to buy before specs or price had even been announced. If the card came in for £1000 then those who had committed to buy at any cost are being ripped off because it's quite clear it's not worth that based on the dollar price.

The only way I'll be moving to a Titan X is if we have another long wait for crossfire profiles or the 390x is a poor show.
You know your sig makes you lose a lot of credibility when posting in a Nvidia topic.

Also I don't see the Titan X as a rip off because that's the price it is what I do object to is the mark up for the UK which could see £175 added to the RRP.
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I nearly caved in but pulled out at the last moment. I've only had the 980s for less than 6 weeks and they are powering the Swift brilliantly. Going to get a Soundblaster X7 instead, just to placate my throbbing credit card.

They do look awesome cards though, looking forward to user's comments. :)
You know your sig makes you lose a lot of credibility when posting in a Nvidia topic.

It was only 2 weeks ago I owned a 970 lol.

My sig is actually down to liking the design on the side of the 295x2 so I took a photo.

I have no attachment to either brand and would happily go back to the green team.

You could have tried commenting on the context of my actual post though instead of trying to start a fanboy war :)
One of their main competitors has them for near that that.

It's quite clear it's not the card for him anyway, he seems hell bent on sticking with nvidia.

I'd hardly say hell bent, I'm merely weighing my options.

If I choose to stick with a dual gpu card then sure, at present the 295x2 is one hell of a piece of kit, and if indeed it can be had on the cheap it's a viable alternative, I was purely going off prices seen on this site because I'm using this sites forums.

I've been bitten by having a dual gpu card before though, and still play many games where I can only use one gpu, which at 1440p isn't ideal without turning stuff down and that's something I hate having to do.

If I choose to move to single gpu, I wont have the hassle of chasing up profiles, and if I do so with the Titan X, games will just work as is at my chosen resolution, on max settings.

Either option will result in spending that I don't necessarily need to do.
The 295x2 can't really be considered as a true 2 slot card. You have to put the rad somewhere and in an itx build that may not be possible. Even then you are at the mercy of drivers and scaling.
I'd hardly say hell bent, I'm merely weighing my options.

If I choose to stick with a dual gpu card then sure, at present the 295x2 is one hell of a piece of kit, and if indeed it can be had on the cheap it's a viable alternative, I was purely going off prices seen on this site because I'm using this sites forums.

I've been bitten by having a dual gpu card before though, and still play many games where I can only use one gpu, which at 1440p isn't ideal without turning stuff down and that's something I hate having to do.

If I choose to move to single gpu, I wont have the hassle of chasing up profiles, and if I do so with the Titan X, games will just work as is at my chosen resolution, on max settings.

Either option will result in spending that I don't necessarily need to do.

In your situation I would probably go for the Titan X as well then.

Sorry about the assumption, it's just in your earlier posts you made it sound like there wasn't any real alternative you were willing to try.
Agree with this mostly apart from those who had already decided to buy before specs or price had even been announced. If the card came in for £1000 then those who had committed to buy at any cost are being ripped off because it's quite clear it's not worth that based on the dollar price.

The only way I'll be moving to a Titan X is if we have another long wait for crossfire profiles or the 390x is a poor show.

I can understand why some would do that but I wouldn't. They can hardly complain about being ripped off if the product turns out not as expected.
In your situation I would probably go for the Titan X as well then.

Sorry about the assumption, it's just in your earlier posts you made it sound like there wasn't any real alternative you were willing to try.

I can see how it came across that way, frankly I was unaware the 295x2 was a dual slot to start with, so many high end single gpu enthusiast cards these days are tri-slot so just figured that one would be as well and never looked into it at release.
Actually I'm with you on that, I'm still more in favour of CPU rendering generally because of memory limitations & the fact that CPU renderers are just better featured & more mature.
But some peeps who do mostly product vis or motion graphics, GPU rendering can be a good solution.

GPU rendering most interests me for preview purposes - I want to be able to use the same materials for final render with cpu as I have been previewing with GPU. In that respect, VRay RT interests me the most.

Agree that for non-rendering compute tasks the new titan-X is no good but if you'll be doing GPU rendering with them, that 12GB of VRAM is literally double any previous CUDA card outside Quaddro range. It'll be a game changer for a certain subset of CG artists.

Problem is; DP is completely nutered :( this isn't a prosumer card anymore
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