Might like to be more specific.
Makes me laugh - when the xbone has a slightly more stable frame rate but lower res than the PS4 then the xbox fanboys claim frame rate is most important now we have a game with apparently nice graphics but crap frame rate and image is more important!
So now this is THE best game of this gen? Come off it. If this was multi plat the circle jerk wouldn't be happening.
How about:
For me, that's trolling.
Consider this a warning.
so what about all the blatant bait posts / childish inanity that you have allowed from others? Makes a mockery of the other days announcement.
The figurine is amazingly detailed, I actually went "wow"
When I opened it.
Going to install it now.
At least you got a good one and not one like some of the recent statues .
This game really does look great! Playing it in full 5.1 surround sound too, very cinematic experience!