Tower block fire - london

I think you are nieve to think she wouldn't have been just subjected to a bunch of random abuse.

As mentioned before even the new Mayor was abused.

That's what the lefties wanted - some video to link ad nauseum on Facebook - now they are having to make do with commentary that will be forgotten in a few days.
Leveson, Lockerbie, Hillsborough, Iraq, Saville? How long did they all take that most forgot about?

I think that's more to do with the complexity of the issues and not wanting to be ignorant and blame people that have done nothing wrong.
Especially at times of crisis...

She needs advisers fast....But she sacked the previous ones for advising her campaign to be all about her. :p

She is just a normal person - people that put politicians on pedestals are always going to be disappointed in the end.
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