Toyota Mr2, Part 2 :) on your mark get set....flame!

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lol the guy is a compulsive liar

the posts on here saying the car is his

then the guy posts that the car is joint between him and his dad

then he posts on the MR2Owners club stating that HE is his dad and asking questions about a car for his son

he also posted that he's 17

he's also posted that he has a daughter, which in fact he doesnt, he meant his mum

honestly now, no flaming or anything. Im asking an honest question. Why do you feel the need to lie on the internet ?

even if the car is yours, we can blatently see you lieing on the MR2 owners club posing as your dad instead of yourself. We can also see you lieing, posting on here its a complete write off, then posting on there that its minor cosmetic damage. Who'se to say what else you've lied about ?

oh and you've prooved nothing yet. A nice family photo of the pair of you next to your Dad's MR2 would sort things nicely :)
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MrLOL said:
oh and you've prooved nothing yet. A nice family photo of the pair of you next to your Dad's MR2 would sort things nicely :)

With bread! there could be hundreds of photos of familys standing next to MR2's with bald tyres floating around the net :p (this may or may not be the case)

But, bread is required.
wonder_lander said:
The wanderer returns!

/Subscribes to thread, looking forward to seeing these pictures, with bread!

did anyone see the news yesterday, some guy had his capri nicked, the car was very unique, it had a frame attacted to the roof so that the guy could go fly his kite attacted to the car so he could catch souls, what a nutter, is he a relative?
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Not being a regular I came to this thread just. Cant beat these muppets that need to lie online. Also if your going to tell different stories on different forums use a different name lol..... :D
Oh Man, this guy again, did he not learn anything from the last time.

Don't mess with the OCUK detective massive!!!

Oh well, we are quiet at work this evening so I shall kick back and enjoy this thread.:D
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